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A country in a trap: not only the fighting in Gaza has reached a dead end - voila! news


Highlights: Israel is in a trap: not only the fighting in Gaza has reached a dead end - voila! news. Netanyahu consciously imprisoned himself in a paralyzing trap and Gantz and Eisenkot are also by his side, who avoid action. The IDF is faltering because no tools have been put in front of it that would allow it to deal with the situation. If it had been allowed to use all its power, to continue crushing from the air, to move the civilian population at will and more - it could have found the tools to decide the campaign.

Netanyahu consciously imprisoned himself in a paralyzing trap and Gantz and Eisenkot are also by his side, who avoid action. What is the problem? As we learned on October 7: when the head is paralyzed, the body may abduct

Eisenkot, Gantz and Netanyahu.

Paralyzed Government, Paralyzed Army, Paralyzed State/Image Processing, Haim Goldberg, Miriam Elster, Olivia Pitosi, Yonatan Zindel/Flash 90

Every day that passes, the achievements that the IDF achieved with the blood of our children dissolve. The military reporters, a kind of small branches of the IDF spokesman, will surely ask to stone me for this sentence, but then I remember that these are exactly the same people who talked the senior command of the Israel Defense Forces into Israel to October 7 (quote: "The IDF is ready for any scenario") and calm down, at least on a personal-professional level.

Don't get me wrong: the IDF is still fighting, still eliminating terrorists (and it's a good thing!) still clearing tunnels where, until a few days ago, the killers of Hamas were, perhaps even the most senior of them, but in one-on-one conversations commanders in the field also admit that sometimes the pursuit of Sinwar ( as a code name for the pursuit of all senior Hamas officials) likened to the journey of a man who decided to go to the USA, left his house on foot and turned west on First Street - he also shortened the distance, but it will be years before he reaches his destination, if at all.

For some reason criticism of the IDF is perceived "L - and from him upwards, up to the managers of the campaign, as a kind of support for the cessation of hostilities - and not her.

I have already written here in the past that in Gaza there are very few innocent adults - and even the few who now go out into the destroyed streets and curse Hamas and its leadership, handed out candy when the results of the October 7th massacre were known, when their homes were still in ruins.

Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi. The IDF does not enjoy a free hand to decide or at least implement what it has already been able to achieve/IDF Spokesman

The IDF's shuffling

The IDF is faltering because no tools have been put in front of it that would allow it to deal with the situation. If it had been allowed to use all its power, to continue crushing from the air, to move the civilian population at will and more - it is possible that it would have found the tools to decide the campaign. This is not the case: the Israeli government has decided to play by the international rules, and these unfortunately also include the grim spectacle of supply trucks pouring into the Strip and being handed over (perhaps not directly, but in practice) to Hamas men. On the other side

of the same coin is the well-worn phrase "the day after" - lo Had there been some political-military factor to whom the keys to the city of Gaza and its daughters could have been transferred in an orderly manner, it is possible that Hamas would have collapsed among its people: if there is anything equivalent to the elimination of Sinwar, it would only be if he had emerged from his tunnels to see that only a few dozen terrorists surrounded him Secrets in spite of him. Unfortunately, Israel is far from making a decision on this issue either.

Thus the IDF is stuck, forced to evacuate areas in which it has gained control, to act with caution in the areas that it seeks to clear of terrorists - and the only thing that might be a little comforting in what sports broadcasters would surely call - A sideways bullet, is that the casualty column is significantly smaller.

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Blessed, I am limited.

Netanyahu between Smotrich and Ben Gabir, his hands seemingly tied, the way he likes/photo processing, Yonatan Zindel/Flash 90, Tomer Appelbaum

Netanyahu's favorite limitations

From the IDF to Jerusalem, or more precisely - to the axis between the Kiriya in Tel Aviv and the Kiriya of the government in Jerusalem. Netanyahu's trap is seemingly clear:

in order to secure the majority of the 64 members of the Knesset, one that will allow him not to go to the elections in the next three years, he is a prisoner in the political arena In the hands of Smotrich and Ben Gvir - and in the economic arena in the hands of the ultra-Orthodox. So why apparently?

Because pay attention to Netanyahu's political career, he likes to be portrayed as a captive of forces that prevent him from doing what is requested: once it was Bennett and Lapid, once it was Benny Gantz and his men Blue and White, now these are the chosen ones of "religious Zionism" (how important are the quotation marks with which you can distinguish between a public with unique values ​​and the sleazy politicians who have smeared the name) on the right, or the "defeatists" in the form of his new partners in the unity government, on the left. Sometimes it seems that Netanyahu does not even hesitate to use In his immediate family as a human shield: some of the whims that are completely his, he is comfortable throwing on his wife or son.

This is how Netanyahu can market the "total victory" theory, when the next step will be "I wanted to, but they didn't let me complete the job." His hope is that we forget how All the keys to total victory were placed in his pocket, it is he who dissolves the momentum.

Gantz and Eisenkot with the head of the Mossad, Dedi Barnea.

Paralyzed as much as Netanyahu/official website, without

The opposition within the government

The trap of the two prominent candidates to replace Netanyahu, Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, is more difficult to identify, but that does not mean that it does not exist.

On the one hand, when they continue to sit in the government, they give a hand to all its injustices - from the Minister of National Security who roars with a smile: "Yes, voluntary immigration" in the face of the calls for transfer that arise from the Kahanist audience, to a state budget that does not even spare people with disabilities - and only fuels the ultra-Orthodox and preserves the their support.

Against this stands the air of the summits that comes from the direction of the polls, but it is also a smokescreen for a real problem: their retirement from the government will be received in the first moment with applause by a large part of their potential voters, will reduce Lapid (perhaps) to a single-digit number of mandates, steal another mandate or two from Netanyahu, Only that all of this will be good only for that day, or more precisely - until the evening of next Shabbat, when hundreds of thousands will stand where only tens of thousands stood before: the

protest will escalate, so will the confrontations with the police that the officer-inside will escalate and on the fringes of the demonstrations will always find them a few Dozens of idiots enjoying the day of the enemy: those who waved signs against the occupation and Palestinian flags.

These will make it easier for Netanyahu to say "it's either me or them", an approach that will bring home many of his former supporters.

enough of them?

Not sure, but the doubt is there.

A burnt house in Kibbutz Bari.

When you don't take the initiative, you get ripped off in a big way.

Are we on our way back to October 7?/Abi Rokhah

Back to the morning of October 7th

The only move they could make to get out of this blunder would be to replace Gantz with Eisenkot.

Ostensibly it's about screaming, in fact it's about a move that could be a winner: a former chief of staff from the period that can be called "pre-conception", of eastern origin (despite the misleading name) and the status of a bereaved father (and to remove any doubt, I'm sure Eisenkot was ready to throw away all politics Hell, as long as that title is deleted from his resume, but it's there) - go face such a set, which no candidate for prime minister has had before.

This possibility, of an opposition led by Gadi Eisenkot, scares not only Gantz, who in his imagination already sees the chair waiting for him, but also Netanyahu. There is a "half-conspiracy" theory that holds that the ugly battle that is now being waged around him against the families of the abductees, is aimed at training the hearts that everything is permissible, so that when the time comes it will be possible to strike at a bereaved father as well. Disturbed and absurd - or that we have already reached a stage where everything is really possible To be?

In any case, for the benefit of Netanyahu and Gantz, each for his own reasons, the combination of personal and personal circumstances (there seems no need to go into detail about the personality, about the personality - Eisenkot would like to receive the blessing of the road from Gantz, so as not to undermine him) that exists with Eisenkot, alienates him according to An hour of open confrontation.

Either way, this strange party that also includes Gideon Sa'ar's amorphous faction, which is trying (unsuccessfully) to wing to the right, has good reasons to stay in the government for the time being, even beyond what they like to present as getting under the stretcher of the Veterans Party.

So what did we have?

A faltering army, a prime minister who is running a "total victory" campaign but is doing the opposite and an opposition that is enjoying its rise as long as it is in the government, but is afraid of what will happen to it the day after.

What all three heads have in common is that they are stuck, don't initiate - and when they don't initiate, in the end the one who initiates is the other party.

In the best case, the Americans will be the initiators, in the worst case - well, we have already learned: that was the case on the morning of October 7th.

It's amazing to see how all the huge maneuvering we've done since then, brought us to the exact same point:

a country paralyzed by choice at the mercy of others.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Benny Gantz

  • Gadi Eisenkot

  • IDF

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-07

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