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Chinese New Year 2024 and Feng shui: everything you need to know to welcome the Wood Dragon into your home


Highlights: The year of the Wooden Dragon will begin on Saturday, February 10, 2024 and will end on January 28, 2025. The Dragon of the wood element has not ruled for 60 years, the last time was in 1964. The energy of the Wood Dragon “will be a great promoter of personal development if we can channel it positively in our lives,” said Patricia Traversa, director of the Professional Feng Shui Center. The Chinese New Year provides a new opportunity to put order in the environment we inhabit under ancient precepts.

How to take advantage of the energy of the Wood Dragon, and a good luck ritual. What are the ideal "activating" amulets to have at home and how to clean it energetically.

The Chinese Horoscope and Feng Shui are products of the cultural richness of Chinese cosmogony.

While one takes the myth of the twelve animals that approached Buddha and became zodiac signs, the other offers a detailed system to consciously live and inhabit a space.

This Chinese New Year provides a new opportunity to

put order in the environment

we inhabit under these ancient precepts.

Patricia Traversa

, director of the Professional Feng Shui Center, detailed to


how we can take advantage of the energy of the Wood Dragon in 2024, what are the ideal "activating" amulets to have at home and how to energetically cleanse it.

The expert recalled that when we ensure a good flow of Chi (or vital energy) we nourish our home and grant mental clarity to our purposes.

Chinese New Year 2024: when is it celebrated

The dates for celebrating the Chinese New Year range between the last days of January and the beginning of February.

They are not calculated through the Gregorian calendar, but through a lunisolar calendar, a system whose temporal reference is the phases of the sun and the moon.

That is why this time the year of the Wooden Dragon will begin on Saturday,

February 10, 2024

and will end on January 28, 2025.

But what does 2024 have in store for us guided by the mythical animal?

According to Traversa, the energy of the Wood Dragon “will be a great promoter of personal development if we can channel it positively in our lives,” as it represents “the

possibility of innovation and advancement


To do this, before welcoming the new cycle, the Feng Shui specialist recommended evaluating the previous year, which was ruled by the Water Rabbit, and the learnings it has left us.

Since 1964 there has not been a year ruled by the Dragon of the Wood element.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

“Dragon years always bring the challenge of change, they are

periods of significant transformations


The Wooden Dragon encourages us to make decisions that have clear objectives, aimed at prosperous growth and spiritual evolution,” Traversa said.

The importance of the Dragon: the sacred creature of Chinese culture

In China the dragon is so important that it was believed that the emperors were its descendants.


, one of the best-known dragons, was the god of rain and winds, the one who brought prosperity to crops.

Furthermore, according to mythology,

this creature amalgamates all of China

, a union that does not ignore the regional differences of its vast territory;

That is why it is represented with tiger claws, a pig's snout, a snake's body and skin, rooster feathers and fish scales.

Dragons are revered creatures in China and the dance that honors them is part of the Chinese New Year.

Photo: AFP/Eduardo Leal.

The Dragon of the wood element has not ruled for 60 years, the last time was in 1964. Now, this sign of the Chinese Horoscope will be

marked by Yang energy

, one of the two complementary principles of the universe according to Taoism, the one that corresponds to the masculine side, light and impetus.

Hence it is said, for example, that summer is Yang and winter is Yin.

According to Chinese astrology, the Dragon sign symbolizes wisdom, good luck, prosperity and awakenings.

Feng Shui: how to prepare the house to receive the Chinese New Year

“In China, the arrival of a dragon year inspires optimism and motivates them to set ambitious and creative goals, since the dragon is considered a bringer of luck and

opportunities for financial success

,” explained the director of the Professional Feng Shui Center.

As is tradition, on the eve of the Chinese New Year or a couple of days before, cleaning is carried out in all Chinese homes to attract good fortune.

In China the dragon brings opportunities for financial success.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On this side of the globe we can do the same.

Traversa pointed out that it is the ideal time to go through drawers, closets and rooms, remove what is no longer useful and donate what we no longer use.

“It's time to free up space, clean thoroughly,

fix leaks in faucets

and restore what doesn't work,” he said.

But why is an energy cleanse recommended before the Chinese New Year?

According to the Feng Shui expert, “this activity allows us to lay the solid foundations for expansion;

this year it is time to build foundations

and nourish roots, so that the tree (the wood of our projects) grows and branches.”

Fixing any leaks in faucets is crucial.

Water symbolizes money.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

From our home we can

enhance the areas that will strengthen us

, especially if we want to learn to grow under the influence of the Dragon this 2024. In fact, the living room is one of the key sectors to activate what we want.

According to Feng Shui, the arrangement of different objects according to the cardinal points favors these energies.

Northeast of the living room: active finances

“In this sector of the living room, plants cannot be missing because they are living beings that generate growth.

The best are those with round, fleshy leaves such as pandurata, diffenbachia or peperomia,” said the Feng Shui specialist.

Maybe you don't have much space at home;

Traversa clarified that this does not have to be an inconvenience: the size of the plant does not matter so much, we can place a pot on top of a shelf or piece of furniture.

The important thing, he said, “is to show at home that finances will grow.”

Houseplants like diffenbachia generate growth.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

In addition to the great allies of the plant kingdom, the expert suggested adding some objects in turquoise tones, paintings with aquatic or spring landscapes to the northeast of the living room, and relocating other artifacts.

“ Red colors

, candles and

metal objects

must be


from here

, as they wear down the energy of the area and, therefore, of growth.

We must eradicate from here the accumulation of things that block the Qi and the captured objects, as well as the paintings that emanate or represent emotions of sadness or apathy,” he stated.

East of the living room: health and family in harmony

If you don't know where to place the dragon symbol in 2024, Traversa pointed out that this is the ideal sector, because east is the cardinal orientation of this powerful creature.

The specialist added that it is placed there to

promote family harmony

and full, emotional and physical health.

Placing the dragon to the east of the living room promotes family harmony, according to Feng Shui.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

“The dragon here gives us his protection and wisdom,” Traversa explained.

The representation of him holds a pearl in one of the paws, in which resides his power and symbolizes abundance.

Also, if there is a table in the east of your room, you can place the dragon figure as the center.”

One last warning:

never place the dragon in the bathrooms


North of the living room: transcend with a good reputation

For Feng Shui, the north of the room represents the

area of ​​social recognition

and the state of our worth and self-esteem.

Therefore, we must lovingly care for the energy of this sector, maintaining its harmony.

The energy of the north of the living room symbolizes that which drives us to transcend obstacles and grow.

The specialist suggested making sure it is kept illuminated: "Do not leave it in the dark,

place a lamp here

(it can be salt), plants with round leaves, wooden furniture or paintings that have green or reddish tones."

The north of the living room speaks of overcoming obstacles.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Feng Shui maintains that clutter, the accumulation of objects and dirt emit an energy that prevents us from moving forward, which stagnates.

If we make sure there is space for good Qi to flow, we will receive the Wooden Dragon full of vitality.

The three Feng Shui amulets of abundance and protection for 2024

Our home is the main refuge we have.

That is why we carry out energy cleansing during the changes of season or we focus on leaving it balanced before going on vacation.

However, the house is not always free from receiving or

accumulating dense energies


With this in mind, Chinese culture thousands of years ago created amulets based on mythical creatures that, it is believed, protect space and promote wealth.

Fu Dogs: "seal" the entrance to the house

The main door is one of the most important sectors of the home: for Feng Shui it not only allows the entry of the inhabitants, but also exterior energies.

In that sense, Traversa advised “

reinforcing the protective energy

” by keeping the area illuminated, placing a welcome mat, and making sure the area is free of obstacles.

As for plants, the best thing to do would be to place some

Yang plants

such as sansevieria or succulents in the doorway, “the species whose leaves end in a point are always placed on the outside of the door,” the specialist said.

Fu Dogs prevent the passage of negative energies, which is why they go in pairs at the entrance of places.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

In addition to these precautions, the Feng Shui expert indicated that we can “seal the passage of negative energies with a pair of Fu dogs, one on each side and facing outward to ward off demons.”

In China, in addition to guarding palaces and temples, statuettes of these lions or guard dogs are also placed at the entrance to homes and premises.

It is believed that the male Fu dog defends against the external arrival of demons while the female ensures harmony inside the home.

That's why they are always arranged in pairs.

Pi Yao: the beast of fortune

Another of the most popular protective symbols of Feng Shui is the Pi Yao, also known as “the beast of fortune” or under the name of Pi Xiu.

Born to the youngest son of the Dragon King,

he symbolizes abundance

and protection and is described in legends as a creature with the head of a dragon and the body of a lion.

It is believed that this wealth amulet also wards off hostile energy.

For this reason, Traversa indicated that it can be located in the area of ​​finance, in the area of ​​recognition or in the area of ​​professional career (south of living).

“You have to make sure

not to confront him at the

front door of the house.

Treat him with respect, you can pet him as a sign that we appreciate his presence, but we must not touch his eyes when we clean him,” he explained.

The Pi Yao or Pi Xiu should not be placed in front of the door, according to Feng Shui.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration.

Due to its popularity, it is also not uncommon to see the Piyao symbol on personal protection bracelets.

A famous Feng Shui proverb states: "The left goes in, the right goes out" and, with this in mind, it is best to wear the amulet on the left wrist to receive the energy of wealth.

Traversa advised that, when putting on the bracelet, we make sure that Pi Yao's head is facing the direction of the little finger of our hand so that he can look for the treasures that he will attract into our lives.

Chi Lin: the dragon that ends trials

Finally, in 2024 we cannot forget the Chi Lin (or Qilin), a legendary creature from Chinese mythology represented with a dragon's head and a horse's body covered with carp fish scales.

The Feng Shui expert confirmed that this is the ideal year to add it to our house, not only because of its great protective capacity, but in order to "attract the cosmic breath of the dragon, the one that gives strength, health and wisdom to achieve achievements." ”.

In addition, it is believed to have the ability to promote the

successful resolution of lawsuits

and disputes.

An amulet bracelet is worn on the left wrist to bring prosperity.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

We can move it around depending on the purpose we assign to it.

“We can place it this year in the North, West, East or Southeast of the house, especially if the front door is in some of these orientations,” said Traversa.

In the East of the living room it is used to help in family matters and promote health, in fact, we can leave it in that sector every year, since it is also its cardinal direction."

Traditional Chinese New Year ritual

The New Year celebration in China is the most important annual event in the region.

Among their best-known customs is the delivery of



a red envelope

in which the elders give money to the children of the family.

“Tradition indicates that parents, grandparents, uncles, give these envelopes of money to the youngest people who do not yet have their own income,” Traversa said.

The gift of


is also interpreted as the wish for a prosperous life, full of abundance and good health.

For Chinese culture, red is the

color of good luck

, the one that wards off evils and brings joy, which is why it predominates during holidays and in amulets.

The giving of Hongbao on Chinese New Year symbolizes the wish for a prosperous life.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

The director of the Professional Feng Shui Center especially highlighted the deep symbolism of this simple ritual: passing on good omens to new generations, and indicated that we can all adapt this purpose this Chinese New Year.

Identify a red envelope with your full name.

Then place a bill inside the envelope and keep it on your nightstand or under your mattress to attract financial prosperity until the next new year.

On the other hand, the specialist advised that on February 10 we welcome the Wooden Dragon without discussions or complaints.

“As we begin the year, we will continue,” he warned. “Focus your mind positively, soften your relationships, invoke health, love and abundance in your words as a sign that good things will enter your life and will not leave.” .


do not bar the first day


Are you ready to receive the Wooden Dragon?

May your home resonate with the determination to move forward positively and the desire that everyone around you do the same!

Patricia Traversa, director of the Official Professional Feng Shui Center and author of the book “Change your life with Feng Shui,” advised.

On Instagram: @patriciatraversafengshui.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-07

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