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Blue light ticker for the Fürstenfeldbruck region: Porsche burns out completely - traffic jam on the federal highway


Highlights: Blue light ticker for the Fürstenfeldbruck region: Porsche burns out completely - traffic jam on the federal highway. As of: February 8, 2024, 12:05 p.m CommentsPressSplit The Porsche burned out completely. © FFW Geiselbullach You can find older reports in the ticker until the beginning of January February 8th Car burned out: The Porsche of a 53-year-old from Marzling (Freising district) burned outcompletely on the B471 near Olching.

As of: February 8, 2024, 12:05 p.m

By: Lisa Fischer, Thomas Steinhardt




The Porsche burned out completely.

© FFW Geiselbullach

The police and fire brigade in the Fürstenfeldbruck district are operational around the clock.

You can find out where they are going and why in the blue light ticker.

  • The reports come from the Fürstenfeldbruck, Germering and Olching police stations, from the Fürstenfeldbruck traffic police (responsible for the A8, A99 and A96) and the Upper Bavaria North police headquarters or are based on inquiries.

  • There are 52 local fire departments in the Fürstenfeldbruck district.

  • You can find older reports in the ticker until the beginning of January

February 8th

Car burned out:

The Porsche of a 53-year-old from Marzling (Freising district) burned out completely on the B471 near Olching on Wednesday evening at 6 p.m.

According to police, the man had been filling up the tank shortly beforehand.

The cause of the fire, which broke out during the journey, is considered unclear.

The 53-year-old was able to stop in time and was uninjured.

When the Geiselbullach fire department arrived on site, the car was already fully engulfed in flames.

There was a significant amount of smoke.

The B471 had to be completely closed in some places and there were significant disruptions.

The material damage is estimated at around 55,000 euros.

According to the police, there is also damage to the asphalt surface.

After around two hours, the B471 was open to traffic again.

Woman sexually harassed:

A woman from Germering was sexually harassed at Munich Central Station on Tuesday afternoon.

And she is probably not the only victim of the alleged perpetrator.

As the federal police report, the 35-year-old tried to inappropriately touch several women - including the woman from Germering.

When police officers brought the man to the station, he resisted.

He had around 2.8 per mille.

The police are asking witnesses and other women to call (089) 5 15 55 00.

Drunk in the car:

A 32-year-old got behind the wheel of his car early on Wednesday morning with an alcohol level of almost one per mille.

The police stopped him on the FFB 11 district road near Puchheim.

The waiter was not allowed to continue.

Instead, the sober passenger got behind the wheel.

The man now has to answer for a traffic violation.

A fine and points await him in Flensburg.

February 4th

Ex-girlfriend besieged in front of her apartment:

Because he didn't want to accept the separation from his girlfriend (19), a 19-year-old besieged her on Saturday around 9 p.m. in front of her apartment on Adalbert-Stifter-Ring in Fürstenfeldbruck.

While the police were being alerted, the young man also climbed onto the balcony.

The police took him away and also found a small amount of marijuana in his apartment during a check.

Truck driver stolen:

A brazen thief stole a truck driver's cell phone and a sports bag in Olching.

The man was loading and unloading his truck on Main Street between 1:40 and 1:50 a.m. last Saturday.

When he returned to the front of the cab, he noticed that the driver's door was open.

There was no trace of the valuables or the perpetrator.

The Olching police are asking witnesses who observed something to come forward.

Telephone: (0 81 42) 29 30.

Drunk and without a driver's license:

Because he was driving somewhat unsafely along the street near the sports field (Emmering), a driver was stopped by a police patrol at around 4:40 a.m. on Sunday.

Shortly before the officers could speak to him, the 33-year-old from Fürstenfeldbruck reversed his Renault into a traffic sign.

According to the police, the man smelled of alcohol and stated that he had previously been at a boozy birthday party.

He couldn't show a driver's license.

The 33-year-old had to give it up in December 2023.

The Fürstenfeldbruck resident is expected to face proceedings for drunk driving and driving without a license.

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Car hit and fled:

An unknown driver hit and damaged a gray BMW parked on Buchhoferstrasse with his vehicle.

According to police, the whole thing happened between last Thursday at 5 p.m. and Friday at 7:30 a.m.

Property damage: around 300 euros.

Witnesses are asked to call the police.

(0 81 42) 29 30.

Bus hits a small car:

A bus and a car collided on Gartenstrasse in Germering on Saturday.

The 60-year-old Mini driver from Gilching came towards the bus around 7 p.m.

While she wanted to back out of the bottleneck a bit, the bus driver still tried to get past the Mini.

Property damage: around 3000 euros.

Parked Opel hit:

The Opel of a Maisacher was hit and damaged last Wednesday between 2:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m.

The man had parked his car on Bahnhofstrasse (Maisach) opposite the stationery store.

When he got back to his car, he noticed the scratches on the left side of the vehicle.

The person who caused the accident fled undetected.

The police estimate the property damage at around 3,000 euros.

Witnesses who have observed something are asked to contact the Olching police on (0 81 42) 29 30.

Accident escape at Geltendorf train station:

An unknown person hit a gray Opel Meriva in the south train station parking lot and then fled without reporting it to the police.

The crime occurred on Friday between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.

According to police, the rear of the car was damaged on the left side.

Witnesses who have observed something are asked to contact the Landsberg police on (0 81 91) 93 20.

February 2nd

Driver freed from car after accident:

A small car left the road on the A 8 on Tuesday evening and ended up on its side.

The driver was unable to free himself.

Together with colleagues from Feldgeding, the rescuers from the Geiselbullach fire department got the man out of his vehicle with a ladder.

He was handed over to the emergency services for further care.

After an hour and a half, the firefighters were able to leave again.

Child runs into the street in front of the car:

Big shock for a 62-year-old driver last Wednesday evening.

As he was driving along Theodor-Heuss-Straße around 5:45 p.m., a child (6) suddenly appeared between the parked cars and ran straight onto the road.

According to the police, the driver tried to brake but was unable to prevent a collision.

The child was taken to hospital with minor injuries.

Cyclist injured in accident:

A cyclist was injured in an accident on Wednesday on Moorenweiser Straße near Türkenfeld shortly before the Klotzau exit.

The man was found by road users around 11:35 a.m., but the 64-year-old was unable to provide any information about the accident at the scene.

After he was taken to hospital with injuries, he said he was overtaken by a vehicle so close that he had to swerve to the right onto the grass verge.

He obviously fell.

No further details are currently known about the overtaking vehicle.

Witnesses are asked to contact the responsible police station in Fürstenfeldbruck on telephone (0 81 41) 61 20.

January 29th

B2: Crashed into front when it rained:

The heavy rain early on Friday evening was fatal for a young woman from Olching.

She and a Mammendorfer were injured in an accident on the B2.

The 24-year-old was traveling from Puchheim towards Fürstenfeldbruck with three passengers and a rental vehicle.

Shortly after entering the B2 near Puchheim, according to the police report, she was blinded by an oncoming vehicle.

As a result, she overlooked the car of a 33-year-old from Mammendorf who was driving in front of her.

The woman from Olching tried to brake, but it was too late and her car crashed into the rear of the Mammendorfer.

Both vehicles then crashed into the guardrail.

The Mammendorfer felt pain in his back after the accident.

The woman from Olching suffered a shock and felt nauseated.

Both vehicles were no longer drivable and had to be towed away.

The B2 had to be closed for a short time during the operation.

The accident site was secured by the Puchheim fire department.

Drama in Tyrol:

A 28-year-old who came from Fürstenfeldbruck and lived in Innsbruck was caught in masses of snow and killed in front of her companions.

The young woman was traveling with her 26-year-old partner and a 32-year-old friend near the Kühtai ski area.

During the preparations for the descent on skis, a disastrous chain reaction occurred.

Any help came too late for the young woman.

Vandalism in the community center:

Someone went wild in the women's toilet of the community center in Gröbenzell: the door and the sink were damaged between Friday and Saturday.

The repair costs amount to around 2000 euros.

Information on telephone (0 81 42) 29 30.

Mail fished out of the mailbox:

A woman from Emmeringen observed a man fishing mail out of a mailbox on the main street on Saturday.

He already had several letters in his hand when the woman asked him to give them to her, which he did.

He then fled.

According to the police, there is a suspicion that the unknown man, aged around 40, is mentally disabled.

He wore flashy beige shoes, sweatpants and a dark hooded jacket.

And apparently it wasn't the first time.

Information on telephone (0 81 41) 61 20.

Locker cracked in the GEP:

A 42-year-old from Germering had his shopping bag stolen, which he had kept in a locker on the upper floor of the Germeringer shopping arcade (GEP).

The compartment is secured with a code.

The thief struck on Saturday between 4:15 and 4:45 p.m.

Information on telephone (089) 8 94 15 70.

Fisticuffs at a carnival party

: A carnival party in Geltendorf ended quite violently.

Two groups of teenagers got into a fight.

Someone threw a cup and injured a young man in the head.

Apparently because he was attacked himself, as he told the police.

This is now being determined.

January 26th

Accident on the B2 on Friday evening:

On Friday evening, a 24-year-old from Olching and three passengers drove the B2 from Puchheim in the direction of Fürstenfeldbruck in a rental vehicle.

Shortly after the Puchheim driveway, the driver was blinded by an oncoming vehicle in heavy rain and overlooked the vehicle of a 33-year-old Mammendorfer driving in front of her.

Despite braking, the woman from Olching was no longer able to prevent the accident and crashed into the rear of the car in front of her. Both vehicles then crashed into the guardrail.

The man from Mammendorf felt pain in his back after the accident, while the woman from Olching suffered shock and felt nauseated.

Both vehicles were no longer drivable and had to be towed away.

The B2 had to be closed for a short time while the towing service was deployed.

The accident site was secured by the Puchheim fire department. 

Serious accident on the motorway:

Two cars and a truck collided on the A 8 near Geiselbullach on Wednesday evening.

Two people were injured.

They were taken to the hospital.

Two lanes and the hard shoulder were contaminated with debris and leaking fuel.

The Geiselbullach fire department secured the accident site and ensured that nothing got into the ground.

There were significant traffic disruptions in the direction of Stuttgart for around three hours.

Rioters in the bank:

A 26-year-old rioted in the lobby of a bank branch on Brucker Hauptstrasse on Wednesday morning.

According to the police, the Puchheimer had removed the tire from his car and thrown it into the vestibule.

The police arrived and expelled the man.

The drunken 26-year-old then attacked the officers.

An officer was slightly injured.

Senior citizen hit:

A 71-year-old was hit by a car in Maisach on Wednesday evening.

According to the police, the woman crossed the main street with her walker towards the train station.

She was overlooked by a 40-year-old driver.

The elderly woman was hit by the vehicle's exterior mirror and fell.

She sustained a laceration to her head.

The woman also complained of pain in her knee.

She was taken to a hospital.

Overall, there was damage of around 5,000 euros.

Drivers caught twice:

A man from Gröbenzell was checked on Wednesday around 11.30 p.m. because of his unsafe driving style.

He had to stop on Geiselbullacher Strasse in Olching.

According to the police report, the breath alcohol test showed 0.52 per mille.

When the driver's license was checked, it was discovered that it was fake.

The Gröbenzeller does not actually have a driving license.

He now has to answer for drunken driving, driving without a license and forging documents.

Awesome accident escape:

Unfortunately, drivers hitting other people's vehicles in parking lots without paying attention to the damage is more common.

In Puchheim there was probably a particularly bold case of an accidental escape.

An unknown person rammed a Ford Focus in the Park & ​​Ride parking lot on the north side of the train station so hard that it was pushed into a Ford Transit parked next to it.

When the driver of the Focus returned to his car at 6 a.m. on Thursday, January 25th, he saw the surprise: the rear and right rear side of the Focus were scratched.

The damage amounts to around 4,000 euros.

The left rear of the Transit was scratched.

Damage around 1000 euros.

The Germering police station responsible is now looking for witnesses.

The crime period is from Wednesday, 7 p.m. to Thursday morning.

Information on telephone (089) 8 94 15 70.

Shock after a rear-end collision:

As if the rail strike and the resulting heavier rush hour traffic weren't enough.

On Wednesday morning, commuters on the B2 needed a lot of patience because of an accident.

At 7 a.m., a woman from Allingen (43) drove towards Puchheim.

The woman had to brake due to traffic.

Then he rushed a Fürstenfeldbrucker (48) on the back.


The woman from Allingen suffered shock.

Both cars had to be towed.

The police estimate the damage at a total of 40,000 euros.

January 24th

Lightning ice - Smart rolls over:

The road conditions must have been pretty treacherous: a Smart left the state road near Aich due to lightning ice at around 5.45 a.m. on Tuesday morning and rolled over.

The vehicle ended up lying on its side.

Rescuers from the fire departments from Aich, Puch and Fürstenfeldbruck rushed to the scene of the accident.

According to police, they had to free the driver from his car.

He was slightly injured and was cared for by emergency services.

The fire brigades secured the scene of the accident.

The road was completely closed during the operation.

According to the fire department, there were major disruptions in rush hour traffic.

Bus hits bicycle shed:

A 58-year-old man hit a shed for storing bicycles in Puchheim on Monday morning with his bus.

According to police, the man took a left turn too narrow at the station forecourt, causing his vehicle to crash into the structure.

As a result, a steel beam of the house was bent.

The damage amounts to around 5,000 euros.

Several accidents in freezing wet conditions:

rain and wind the evening before - very few people expected the roads to be slippery on Tuesday morning.

Grafrath showed that this was a mistake.

In the early morning, several cars started sliding there.

At 6:15 a.m. a driver was hit on Graf-Rasso-Straße.

According to police, his car left the road and crashed into a street sign.

The man remained unhurt.

Just about five minutes later, another driver slipped off the road nearby on the B 471.

His BMW overturned and ended up on its roof.

The driver was injured and his car was towed.

At around 6.40 a.m. there was another crash on Graf-Rasso-Straße.

A woman slid her car head-on into an oncoming car.

Another driver tried to avoid the scene of the accident and hit a sign.

The person who caused the accident was slightly injured.

The total damage is around 16,000 euros.

Crashed into a truck with 120 things:

A 29-year-old from Fürstenfeldbruck had more luck than sense in an accident near Eiting (Erding district) on Monday evening.

According to the police, the woman crashed her BMW into a stationary tractor-trailer at the Erding exit.

The speedometer needle stopped at 120 kilometers per hour.

The incredible thing: the driver was only slightly injured.

The police describe how unreasonable the 29-year-old was.

Accordingly, the woman stated that she realized too late that she had to pull out at the exit.

She was distracted by her cell phone.

But that probably wasn't the only reason.

When the accident occurred, officers discovered that the driver smelled of alcohol.

But she refused a test.

Therefore, a blood sample was ordered.

A witness explained that the BMW had overtaken him at around 200 kilometers per hour.

The police estimate the damage to the car and truck at around 56,000 euros.

You can find even more current news from the Fürstenfeldbruck district atürstenfeldbruck.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-08

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