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I wish, I wish, I wish


Highlights: This year, the world faces serious problems to which solutions are often proposed that are not very plausible. I wish that project of the Palestinian and the Israeli, which the international community proposes as a possible path, still seems somewhat implausible way out of the catastrophe. I hope that Americans reduce that emotional tension that is turning them into enemies and come to vote for a country project that is inclusive and that breaks that perverse dynamic that poisons coexistence. The bad thing is that all those I wish's don't fix things, and they don't help much.

This year, the world faces serious problems to which solutions are often proposed that are not very plausible.

At the beginning of this year, the committees of experts from different analysis centers already advanced their forecasts on the issues that will be most relevant over the coming months.

A survey carried out by the Council on Foreign Relations indicated, for example, that the issues with the greatest impact will have to do with the level of polarization with which American society goes to the polls next November, with the war waged by Hamas and Israel in Gaza, and with the criminal violence and corruption that surrounds those great and miserable masses of migrants who try to reach the United States from Mexico and Central America.

The war in Ukraine or China's pressure on Taiwan, which could end up destabilizing that region, are other scenarios that were pointed out as particularly serious.

It is enough to point them out again to become aware of their relevance and, at the same time, to become even more concerned.

It does not seem that, given its potential destructive dynamics, any exit possibilities have been projected, any type of solution that is truly viable and points towards a different horizon.

Netanyahu has just refused a new truce that would reduce the horror experienced in Gaza and open the door to a negotiated solution to the conflict.

Hamas is fighting to make Israel disappear, and Netanyahu and his circle do not want to give in until they completely liquidate Hamas: that is the logic of that ruthless war, a hatred entrenched for decades and the express project of each side to destroy definitive way to his enemy.

In this context, the often-touted project of the two States, the Palestinian and the Israeli, which would have to coexist in close proximity - half mixed, in reality - and which the international community proposes as a possible path, still seems somewhat implausible. way out of the catastrophe.

I wish that project could work.

I wish, I wish, I wish: that's the mantra.

It has to do with the impotence of addressing very serious crises that affect multiple actors and centers of power, with the course of history itself, with the complexity of the issues that have to be addressed and with the depth of the tears.

I hope that Americans reduce that emotional tension that is turning them into enemies and come to vote for a country project that is inclusive and that breaks that perverse dynamic that poisons coexistence.

I hope that migratory flows can be organized sensibly so that those hundreds of thousands of ragged, brown-skinned people, who give everything for the dream of living a little better in the United States, can achieve their goals.

The bad thing is that all those I wish's don't fix things, and they don't help much.

nothing more than a consolation.


If the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk is right in diagnosing what we who inhabit this decaying world are like, the outlook is painful.

“The last man is, rather, the man of no return,” he wrote to outline our profile years ago in

En el mismo barco


We are those individuals individualized to the extreme that we want “the experience that rewards itself.”

And period.

Bubbles that operate self-absorbed, pursuing immediate satisfaction first and foremost.

Without horizons, what's the point? If we are already the last, those who know that there is no return.

(Ugh! I hope not).

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Source: elparis

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