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Liberal doctors have difficulty digesting the appointment of Frédéric Valletoux as Minister of Health


Highlights: Liberal doctors have difficulty digesting the appointment of Frédéric Valletoux as Minister of Health. The Union of Liberal Doctors (SML) criticized the new minister in particular for wanting to “reestablish the obligation of care” for liberals in the law on access to care that Parliament adopted on his initiative. “I have been saying for a long time that if FréDéricValletoux was appointed to health, it would be the end of general medicine, this day has arrived,” posted Doctor Yann Schmitt.

The announcement of the arrival of this former journalist at Health caused a stir among caregivers. Particularly among liberal doctors who criticize the new minister for comments against their profession while he was president of the French Hospital Federation.

“Declaration of war”



: the appointment to the post of Minister for Health of Frédéric Valletoux has raised the hackles of many liberal doctors, who on Friday accused the former president of the federation of public hospitals of advocating coercion against them. regard.

For Franck Devulder, president of the moderate CSMF union, this appointment

“is a declaration of war”


“No one can in fact have forgotten the positions taken by Mr. Valletoux when he was president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), accusing liberal medicine of being the source of the hospital's ills

,” indicated in a Franck Devulder press release.

The Union of Liberal Doctors (SML) criticized Frédéric Valletoux in particular for wanting to

“reestablish the obligation of care”

for liberals in the law on access to care that Parliament has just adopted on his initiative.

The SML thus considers

“the appointment of Mr. Valletoux as a slap in the face to doctors”


Hospital doctors also cautious

Liberal doctors used to the social network X (formerly Twitter) had a field day.

“I have been saying for a long time that if Frédéric Valletoux was appointed to health, it would be the end of general medicine, this day has arrived,”

posted Doctor Yann Schmitt, an Alsatian practitioner, summarizing the state of mind of many of his colleagues.

Among hospital doctors, the welcome is not necessarily very warm either.

“During the 11 years of the new minister's presidency of the FHF, doctors continued to leave the public hospital (...) until the end of his mandate which saw the beginning of awareness”

declared Snphare, a union of hospital anesthetists-intensivists.

“Her determination, listening and pragmatism”

during the debate on her proposed law on access to care

“are already notable guarantees of confidence for the entire nursing profession

,” indicated in a press release from the Order of Nurses.

Among other health professionals, the discourse is different, Mr. Valletoux having firmly defended as a parliamentarian the expansion of the tasks entrusted to paramedics and the emergence of advanced practice nurses (APN).

“Frédéric Valletoux was able to listen to the demands of physiotherapists, notably defending several strong measures during the examination of the social security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2024,”

welcomed the French Federation of Physiotherapists.

The Federation of Private Hospitalization (FHP) wanted Mr. Valletoux to

“immediately remedy (...) discrimination”

in the financing of private clinics.

As for the FHF, now chaired by Arnaud Robinet (also Horizons), it did not fail to remind its former president

“that the deficit of public hospitals for the year 2023 could reach 2 or even 3 billion euros” “ We are still waiting for important arbitrations

, such as inflation compensation for the year 2023 of 1 billion euros, recalled the FHF.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-09

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