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"Córdoba never knelt": Martín Llaryora's harsh response to Javier Milei's fierce accusations


Highlights: "Córdoba never knelt": Martín Llaryora's harsh response to Javier Milei's fierce accusations. The governor announced measures on bus fares, after the Economy Department removed subsidies. He took the opportunity to respond to the President, who had accused him of "waste" and had spoken of "the filth of politics" The governor put together the Twitter thread to announce the continuity of some social benefits for bus users, despite the withdrawal of the Interior Compensation Fund.

The governor announced measures on bus fares, after the Economy Department removed subsidies. He took the opportunity to respond to the President, who had accused him of "waste" and had spoken of "the filth of politics."

Hours after Javier Milei criticized him in harsh terms, the governor of Córdoba came out to respond to the President.

This Saturday, Martín Llaryora made announcements about the bus ticket, after the reduction of subsidies that the Government anticipated on Thursday.

And although he tried to avoid "grievances" and "insults", he answered Milei:

"Córdoba never knelt, and he won't do it now either."

Llaryora and Córdoba Peronism were left between Milei's eyebrows due to the shipwreck of the Omnibus Law in Deputies.

On Thursday, the Ministry of Economy announced the withdrawal of subsidies to the bus system for the country's interior, in a measure that was read as a response to objections to the megaproject.

On Friday, the national leader expelled from Rome Flavia Royón (Minería) and Osvaldo Giordano (Anses), linked to the governors of Salta and Córdoba, respectively.

This Saturday, meanwhile,

he disqualified some provincial leaders by name and surname.

"The governor of Córdoba is

crying for 20 billion pesos

, to stop paying a fee of 26 billion to overstuffed journalists; to stop giving recitals, the same thing happens to the governor of Santa Fe (Maximiliano Pullaro).

We are going to stop "the waste they make is clear

. We came to change this corrupt country," Milei said in an interview with Miter.


The President targeted Martín Llaryora and Maximiliano Pullaro after the failure of the omnibus law.

In that appearance, the head of the Executive extended his accusations to the deputies and was merciless with a global definition:

"They are the filth of politics."

In the afternoon, Llaryora made a series of announcements, in what was read as a response to the removal of subsidies, on the one hand, and the harsh presidential disqualifications, on the other.

"It is not time to respond to grievances or insults, it is time for dialogue and consensus," he started his Twitter thread.

She then reeled off the battery of announcements: the continuity of a series of social benefits for users of the public transportation system.

Later, despite the initial warning, she replied to Milei.


Córdoba never knelt, and it will not do so now

, because it is the legacy that its people gave with the vote, also to this Governor," she wrote on Twitter, now known as X. And she concluded with a call for "measurement and Sanity".

"The greatness of our country

requires the restraint and sanity of its leaders

. You will always find me willing to engage in dialogue for the construction of a democratic, federal and productive Argentina," he concluded.

#Córdoba never knelt, and it will not do so now, because it is the legacy that its people gave with their vote, also to this Governor.

— Martín Llaryora (@MartinLlaryora) February 10, 2024

Llaryora's announcements about the bus ticket in Córdoba

The governor put together the Twitter thread to announce the

continuity of some social benefits

for bus users, despite the withdrawal of the Interior Compensation Fund, which in December alone rose to $11.5 billion.

"I ratify my commitment to the people of Córdoba, that is why I want to announce that we are going to continue with the benefit of the

Free Educational Ticket (BEG),

intended for students, teachers and professors," Llaryora began, emphasizing its importance in "difficult times such as this deep economic crisis that we Argentines are going through".

It will also reinforce budget items to maintain the

Social Worker Ticket (BOS), the Senior Adult Ticket (BAM

, intended for women over 60 and men over 65) and the

Cordoban Social Ticket (BSC).

"Cordobes and Cordobans, I want you to know that this is an

enormous economic effort

, but it is our commitment, conviction and decision to accompany the citizens in the face of the arbitrary measure that the national government has taken in recent days," said Llaryora.

In addition, he joined the claim that mayors and governors had already raised who warned that, without the funds sent by the Nation, the bus ticket could go above 1,000 pesos in some cities in the Interior.

Near the end he redoubled his claims

against the Omnibus Law


"We will be the Córdoba of progress. That is why we also reject the increases in export duties and withholdings applied to the productive sectors," he said about two points that he rejected in the project that Milei sent to Congress.

And he also made reference to another source of conflict: the suspension of the sending of funds for the payment of teacher salaries in the provinces.

"We also ask the President to reflect on the elimination of the teacher incentive payment," added Llaryora.

Source: clarin

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