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He dies when mauled by three rotweillers while jogging near Rome - News


Highlights: He dies when mauled by three rotweillers while jogging near Rome. The alarm went off around 8.30am. When help arrived there was nothing left that could be done for the runner. On his body and face there were deep lesions caused by dog ​​bites. All access points were immediately closed and the forest was combed through. After a couple of hours the three Rottweilers were captured and sedated. The owners, shocked by the incident, were also tracked down.

Near a forest in Manziana. The dogs captured, perhaps having escaped from a house (ANSA)

Mauled by three angry rottweilers while jogging


Horror this morning in Manziana, on the outskirts of Rome, where 39-year-old Paolo Pasqualini was found lifeless in the city woods


The alarm went off around 8.30am.

When help arrived there was nothing left that could be done for the runner.

The man, dressed in running gear, was sprawled on the ground.

On his body and face there were deep lesions caused by dog ​​bites.

The 39-year-old would have tried in vain to defend himself as demonstrated by the numerous wounds to his arms.

As soon as what had happened was realised, the hunt began for the rottweilers who, after killing the man, were free in the green area usually frequented by both athletes and families with children, particularly on holidays.

The Manziana carabinieri and foresters, park rangers and veterinarians are involved in the search.

All access points were immediately closed and the forest was combed through.

After a couple of hours the three Rottweilers were captured and sedated.

According to what was reconstructed by the police investigating the incident, they escaped from a house located not far from the point where the 39-year-old was attacked to death.

The owners, shocked by the incident, were also tracked down


It remains to be clarified how they managed to leave the house where, this morning, it seems only the wife was there who would not have noticed the dogs' escape.

To establish the exact dynamics and possible responsibilities, the couple could risk a charge of failure to custody or manslaughter.

An initial information will be sent to the Prosecutor's Office in the next few days.

Investigators are also currently listening to some witnesses who were present in the park at the time.

In particular, a farmer, who was in the area with his livestock, heard shouts for help and intervened.

He tried to push those Rottweilers away first by shouting and then with a stick, risking being attacked himself.

Luckily he managed to take refuge in a vehicle from where he called for help.

In the woods there was also a woman who apparently witnessed the scene from afar and a man walking with her dog.

"We heard screaming and asking for help" they told the rescuers.

Among the first to arrive at the site of the tragedy was the mayor of Manziana Alessio Telloni.

"A profound tragedy strikes our town - wrote the Municipality on its Facebook profile - The Administration joins in the dismay over what happened, together with all citizens".

Shock in the town on the outskirts of the capital where many knew the 39-year-old, an employee of a commercial business in the area, who usually went jogging in the woods a few hundred meters from home.

"We are speechless, it is a huge tragedy" we read in one of the many posts on social media by inhabitants of Manziana.

And someone points out: "You need a license for dogs."

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Source: ansa

All news articles on 2024-02-11

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