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Moran Israel in the Walla studio: "The public in Holon is fed up with the current mayor, after the elections there will be a different leadership" - Walla! native


Highlights: Moran Israel is a candidate for mayor of Holon in the local Walla! arena. "The public in Holon is fed up with the current mayor, after the elections there will be a different leadership," he says. "We can't get stuck in place and we absolutely must not let anyone take us back. We must move forward," he adds. "Let's start with protecting all the educational institutions and installing real-time security cameras in the city," says the candidate.

Moran Israel, the candidate for mayor of Holon in the local Walla! arena, on the problem of the city's unpreparedness in an emergency, the solutions to the traffic jam problem and his plans for the next decade

Moran Israel is a candidate for mayor of Holon in the studio Walla!/Walla!

How do you re-motivate an election campaign in wartime?

"We are in very complex times as a society, and I, too, personally, as soon as the war started, I was drafted into the reserves as an officer in the medical corps as the commander of the 2nd Army, who is responsible for treating wounded soldiers, kidnapped soldiers who were released from Hamas captivity and their families.

To this complexity we will add that I am also the father of two small children and my wife and I juggled between home, work, reserves, studies, children and my role in the city council.

The current elections are critical to Holon's character in the future.

All the polls show in Holon that the public is fed up with the current mayor, after the elections there will be a different leadership in Holon.

Therefore, it is important for me in the current campaign to emphasize how much Holon must progress.

We can't get stuck in place and we absolutely must not let anyone take us back.

We must move forward.

Since October 7th, Israeli society has mobilized as a whole, what are the things you have done?

At the same time as my service as an officer in the medical corps, together with my friends in the Youth Plus faction, I led the establishment of the "Holon emergency" municipal aid center, which you also covered here in Vala. Unfortunately, the mayor failed here as well and we gave the immediate response to the changing reality. The center under my leadership Within a few hours, he established dozens of groups and recruited hundreds of volunteers in the city who helped in various fields - starting with preparing packages for the soldiers, helping the evacuees, clearing shelters in the city - something that the city did not bother to do, cooking hot meals and buying groceries for the elderly, respite activities and helping the families of the reservists who were called to Order 8. In addition, we fought together with the parents of the city on every issue of protection and security of the neglected educational institutions.

Bottom line, the Youth Plus faction led by me gave an answer to the residents of Holon in places where the city did not.

Moran Yisrael is a candidate for mayor of Holon/Walla! system, Walla!

How do you think the municipality functions during an emergency?

"A complete failure. The current mayor was complacent and neglected the issue of personal safety. The municipal auditor's report from 2017 warned that the safety of children in educational institutions is neglected and that they must be protected, but the mayor ignored and did nothing even though the writing was on the wall.

4 months before the outbreak of the war we warned the mayor about the deficiencies and the need to fix them immediately, the mayor chose to ignore so that at the moment of truth we found ourselves in complete chaos.

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in collaboration with "Gabra"

'The local scene' with Moran Israel/Walla! system, Walla!

What are the three most important issues for immediate attention in the city in the near future?

Before the war, the burning issue for the residents of Holon was the intolerable traffic jams that were not handled properly by the municipality, and this is of course one of the first issues I will address when I am elected mayor. At the same time, the war also overwhelmed the residents' great concern regarding personal security. There is a great deal to be done on this issue which has not been done so far. The other issue is of course one of the pillars - education.

Let's start with personal security:

protecting all the educational institutions and the public in the city, installing an effective wide network of security cameras in the city that will give real-time warnings. Recruiting manpower for the Civil Guard and increasing the presence of the municipal police in the streets of Matan Immediate response, adding extensive street lighting all over the city.

Regarding traffic jams:

As I also mentioned here, there was a management failure by the mayor who is stuck in the 80s and refuses to integrate advanced technology that can ease congestion. True, there are traffic jams everywhere, but with proper attention and integration With appropriate technologies it will be possible to ease the congestion on the roads, control the traffic in the city, be in communication with the residents and inform them where it is busy and where it is blocked by, among other things, intelligent traffic light control and diverse solutions that exist and I intend to assimilate and implement them.

On the subject of education:

Holon was the city of children, it has long been No, and her education was severely damaged.

We will promote a municipal standard for kindergartens that will examine the integrity of the structure and regulate standards according to which all kindergartens will be obliged to operate.

Implementation of the "A class for every child" program that I initiated that will allow to take part in informal educational activities at no cost and will provide added values ​​to our children.

Implementation of the program "Focusing on the adult and his values" extra hours for the development of emotional, communication and social skills and the implementation of a boycott prevention program that will prepare our children for real life.

This is a generation that was also affected by the corona and now also by the war, beyond the grades that are important it is necessary to give them additional tools and soft skills.

Other equally important issues that require significant attention in the city are the inspection and treatment of after-school programs in the city, which are known to have failed and not managed properly for years, the special education that is not handled properly and many issues that we have on the agenda.

Benny Gantz supports Moran Israel in the race in Holon/official website, photo: Elad Malka

I thank Benny Gantz for supporting me

"The current period has proven that we need new leadership at the municipal level as well, recently Benny Gantz, the chairman of the state camp, announced his support for me for mayor of Holon. The cooperation between the faction led by me and Benny Gantz's party is a natural cooperation based on values ​​and which will ensure that I am mayor I will be able to promote and develop Holon in the coming years.

In addition, the Meno Geva survey conducted on 1/30, less than a month before the elections, states: The Youth Plus faction led by me ousts the incumbent mayor's faction and becomes the largest faction in the city council, which will allow me as mayor to act without extortion and implement all the critical work plans that must be implemented

in the field of education - where is the city located, and what do you intend to do?

All the indicators show that education in Holon is not at the top of the municipality's priorities. Holon is not in the 20 outstanding high schools for 2022, nor in the 20 high schools Those who excel in 5 units of English, nor in the 20 high schools that excel in 5 units of mathematics. Holon simply does not excel in education.

As evidenced, the entire educational elite in the city has left and administrators simply do not want to come to work in Holon. As someone who came from the field of education, I will invest first in teaching teams so that the teachers And the best managers will come to town.

And as I said, there are quite a few plans regarding education that we would like to implement - a class for every child, a municipal standard for kindergartens and more.

How can Holon become a prosperous and successful city with the help of property tax payments?

In the current situation, when everyone is financially harmed, it is impossible to continue to treat the residents as the mayor's wallet.

He got used to raising the property tax automatically, every year, even if there is no real need for it.

I will make sure to stop the automatic increase, and yes - also to lower the property tax.

It is possible, and there is no reason for the municipality to continue taking residents' money unnecessarily.

In the first phase I intend to lower the property tax for businesses, this will encourage new businesses to come to the city and not flee to other cities as is happening these days.

When a city wants to attract businesses to it, it needs to work at it, be competitive and offer them a good value proposition that will attract them to the city and thus develop the employment area in the city, and as a result we will also create jobs for the residents, which over time will also lead to lower property taxes for the residents.

Real estate is one of the hot topics in the country, what are your plans for promoting real estate and housing programs for young couples?

I mention again the children's city that no longer exists.

To make it remain the children's city, first of all young families need to stay in the city.

We want to keep the young people in the city, close to home, yes also close to their parents, that's why we have to move forward and offer a variety of solutions such as price projects for the resident and an apartment at a discount with priority for the residents of the city, and the establishment of long-term rental projects.

This joins the things I have already done, such as the decision I led to a mix of apartments of all sizes, and not just huge and luxurious apartments as the mayor wanted, so that housing in the city would be accessible to more residents.

Even the student dormitories in the city were established after a long struggle that I initiated and led in the city council so that our students could stay in the city.

What are your plans to strengthen the security of the residents?

Here the key is determination, intelligence and humanity, as mentioned the current mayor did not prepare for an emergency, he fell asleep standing up.

The issue of the civil guard was brought to the council table by Shahar Haas, the chairman of the security committee from our faction Zavidin Plus and has been texted by the mayor time and time again.

My faction and I will work to protect the educational institutions and the public in the city, we will install a wide and effective network of security cameras in the city that will provide Real-time warning, we will recruit manpower for the civil guard and increase the presence of the municipal police in the streets to provide an immediate response and no less important, we will establish a contact system with the residents to deal with specific problems and deal with them immediately, and not a municipal hotline that, unfortunately, the mayor does not manage properly.

How do you see the city in ten years?

I see Holon as a better city. A prosperous city with strong local businesses that provide a livelihood for the residents of Holon. A city that when you enter it you feel good. You don't get stuck in traffic jams at the entrance or get stuck in excavation pits. that today is lacking in it and we will work to develop it.

A city that is a city for everyone, with a diverse population and manages to produce solutions and solutions for everyone. Holon will be a city for everyone - whether it is for the religious, the secular, the Lathabis and any population that lives here and needs a solution - I am the only candidate who knew how to produce the solution this for all populations and to create a better community here.

Holon is a city in the center with potential both in terms of convenient transportation, also in terms of business development in the city, development of regeneration and real estate, and of course education and enrichment. I am going to realize this potential that has been neglected for years. Now is the time, Holon must move forward.

What sets you apart from the other candidates And why are you the most suitable for the position of mayor of Holon?

There are three leading candidates for mayor in Holon, only one of them is raising his children here, and that is me.

Holon needs to advance to a young and unestablished mayor, but very experienced in both the public and business world, a mayor who is both traditional but also liberal, one who goes to synagogue but thinks that public transportation should be operated on the weekend. One who manages to see all the residents, from all backgrounds, in order to create a strong community in the city.

Towards the end, what is your message to the residents of the city?

I wish everyone a quiet time As much as possible, may the abductees return soon and our soldiers and all the security forces return safely. It is important to go out and exercise your right to vote at the end of the month. On 27.2 the elections for the local authorities will be held, go out and vote, we must move forward.


Local, in collaboration with Youth Plus

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  • Holon

  • local elections

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-11

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