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Weekly horoscope: February 11-17, 2024 - voila! Spirit and horoscope


Highlights: This is definitely going to be the most tense week we've had in recent memory. The conjunction between Mars and Pluto may certainly bring with it events of a more significant magnitude. Emotions run high this week and it's important to maintain proportions and not lose your head when things start to get out of control. Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, and basically all of us to one degree or another. Try to calm the spirits.

It looks like we're going to have one of the most tense weeks of recent times - if not the most tense. For the full forecast >>

More details about what awaits us in 2024/Yair Tribalsky

A weekly horoscope for each sign awaits you later in the forecast.

do not miss!

This is definitely going to be the most tense week we've had in recent memory.

Conjunctions of both Mars, the planet of action, and of the emotional Venus with the instinctive Pluto, which takes its first steps in Aquarius - along with a precise angle of action between Mercury, the planet of communication, and the frantic Uranus - result in almost maximum emotional involvement in any dramatic event or misplaced word, an element that may to ensure a particularly charged week and here and there even violent.

Maybe that's why this week it's important to be especially careful of any violent event that could easily escalate.

One must also be careful of misinterpretations by others and at the same time it is important not to get carried away and lose the north in arguments and conflicts.

The conjunction between Mars and Pluto may certainly bring with it events of a more significant magnitude.

Yes, prepare yourselves also for the worst.

The significant positions this week on the sky map:

1. The planet Mars moves into the sign of Aquarius and clings to the fiery planet Pluto.

2. Venus moves into Aquarius and attaches to the instinctive planet Pluto.

3. Mercury, the planet of communication, forms an exact action angle with frenetic Uranus.

The difficult conjunction of the week

is the conjunction between Mars, the planet of action, which moves into Aquarius, and the instinctive and powerful Pluto.

This conjunction is considered one of the violent angles in astrology, as these two stars tend to escalate any kind of dialogue with other stars and react with verbal and even physical violence in power and ego struggles.

A particularly large amount of patience and long-suffering is required, as this conjunction brings with it an extremely short fuse to an extremely explosive week, when any quarrel - even the smallest - may suffer from rapid extremism and extreme reactions.

Who is most likely to suffer from this attachment?

Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, and basically all of us to one degree or another.

It's going to be a very tense week for all of us.

Try to calm the spirits/ShutterStock

Let's talk about feelings

The conjunction that occurs with the transit of Venus to Aquarius and its attachment to the instinctive and powerful Pluto, may bring with it a host of storms and dramas, especially with regard to the couple's dialogue related to relationships, partnerships and collaborations in general.

Emotions run high this week and it's important to maintain proportions and not lose your head when things start to get out of control - and above all try not to destroy proper relationships because of ego-related fights.

It is especially important this week to know when to give up and not to insist on the last word.

Who will be mostly affected by this juxtaposition?

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and Aries and indirectly - we are all affected by this conjunction.

The media this week -

Mercury, our star of communication, creates a difficult action angle with frenetic Uranus.

Broadly speaking, this indicates communication that is fraught with brevity, misunderstandings, anger and frustration, disconnections, extreme and impulsive decisions and an imbalance between the need to make logical and practical decisions and the need to react from the gut to every stimulus and lose proportions.

This week we are going to see many people who cannot bear the pressure and weight that is placed on all of us and they react angrily both on social networks and in the communication between a person and his friend, an element that may cause rash decisions, disconnections, slamming doors and doing exactly the kind where we break the mirror and do not deal with what that you see in her.

This week we are required to show maximum restraint in our communication and this is not easy, because the need to immediately express what we feel very strongly under this angle, even if the price of these words is extremely high.

Who will be mostly affected by this angle?

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and Taurus and indirectly - our communication.

In conclusion, this is going to be an especially charged week with a high potential for verbal and physical violence.

It is important that we try not to take the extreme things to an extreme anyway.

The combination of the two conjunctions and the angle of Mercury with Uranus has a complex, very frantic and even deadly effect - and things can easily get out of proportion.

We are all required to do everything so that things remain an explosive potential and do not actually happen.

The secret?

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In collaboration with TI SWIM

Sports may help relieve stress/ShutterStock

The weekly forecast according to zodiac signs:


Mars your zodiac ruler moves into social Aquarius but clings to instinctive Pluto.

Angers, dramas and storms may appear now, and Aries who is a known warrior of justice may find himself at the head of the fighters for extreme causes.

Show patchwork restraint, and a lot of patience.


, the transit of Venus to Aquarius and its attachment to the fiery planet Pluto also brings with it quite a potential for storms and dramas of various kinds, where this is a potential that can also be personal and in our relationships.

Show restraint, and try to talk about everything.


The angle of action between Mercury, the ruler of your luck, and the frenetic planet Uranus can bring with it nervous and restless communication, with zero patience and tolerance towards people who have trouble understanding your ideas.

In any case, don't cut ties.


from the star cluster growing in Aquarius may bring with it poor judgment, and here and there also taking unnecessary risks, both on the roads and in the bank account, Cancerians.

It is important to keep your money, and above all - to neutralize unnecessary fights and conflicts now, including on the roads.


the Sun ruling your sign, continues to move through Aquarius, which occupies your house of relationships, but hardly forms any angles with other stars.

It is important this week to rely mainly on yourself and not on others, make independent decisions, and avoid unnecessary risks.


The professional field now requires a focus on what is really important, and it is important to see the whole picture before making decisions.

This is a good time to put out fires, think a few steps ahead, but not yet precisely define your goals for the coming period.


Venus your control of luck moves to the house of romance and creativity and there you meet the instinctive planet Pluto, which may exaggerate your actions and feelings, and push in the direction of extreme decisions.

It is important to avoid such decisions now, and postpone them if possible until next week.


Both Mars and Venus meet with your lucky ruler Pluto at the beginning of Aquarius, an element that may turn the week into a mix of storms and tensions of various kinds, and Scorpio is known to react quickly to pressure... Restraint and self-control are especially important to you, Scorpios, this week.


Jupiter, the ruler of your sign, is still in Taurus and is trying to ground you, and give you stable ground to step on.

However, the angle of action between him and the media Mercury may bring with it a need to talk, share and share feelings and fears - let them come out and words come.


, both Mars and Venus move from your sign to Aquarius this week, and actually connect to influence material and financial matters in your life.

This is a significant week in terms of the need to make such decisions, and it is important to be careful not to take unnecessary risks of any kind, Capricorns.


Both action star Mars and emotional Venus move into your sign this week, and you meet a week full of action from different directions.

The time has come for changes, but not very big changes yet, but only in perception and understanding first of all.

Beware of too big storms that develop from small decisions..


, the number of stars moving into Aquarius is increasing, and with them the need to clean up emotional sediments and fears that accumulate for you increases.

The rigid planet Saturn continues to move forward in your fortune, helping you to focus on ideas and entrepreneurial plans that have accompanied you so far, and now is the time to realize them.

  • More on the same topic:

  • horoscope

  • astrology

  • Fortunes

  • Status of the stars of the week

  • daily horoscope

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-11

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