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Elections in the PRO: Mauricio Macri met with Soledad Acuña and wants the historic ones back in the game


Highlights: Mauricio Macri met with Soledad Acuña and wants the historic ones back in the game. The former Buenos Aires Minister of Education is distant from Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and wants to work within the party. The idea that Macri become president of the party he founded is gaining strength due to the presentation of a single list. Patricia Bullrich already warned at the end of the year that she will not seek a new mandate, but for the moment no one rules out that she present her own list.

The former Buenos Aires Minister of Education is distant from Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and wants to work within the party. The former president received her in the Cumelén country, where she spends her Patagonian vacations.

Identity and reaffirmation.

The former Buenos Aires Minister of Education,

Soledad Acuña

, used these two concepts to explain the meeting she held last Saturday with

Mauricio Macri

in Patagonia, where she traveled to visit her parents and where the former president spends his vacation.

It was the way to communicate that now

the former official of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta prefers the company of the founder of the PRO

and to work for him to preside over the party.


We met

@mauriciomacri in the south. Together we are

working on a renewal of the PRO

that reaffirms the identity and imprint of the party that we founded in 2001


" Acuña published on his X account along with a photo of both. The message was broadcast

this Monday

, but the meeting had taken place last Saturday in the Cumelén country, Macri's refuge and political bunker in Villa La Angostura.

Acuña retired from public duties in December.

In addition to being Minister of Education of the City of Buenos Aires, she had competed to win the candidacy for head of the Buenos Aires Government leveraged by Rodríguez Larreta himself.

Today reality finds her

much closer to Macri

, with whom she started in politics, than to her former boss.

The former minister was in the south to visit her parents who live in Bariloche.

Her husband

Diego Kravetz

took over in December as the city's Secretary of Security - and also chief of the Buenos Aires Police - forced her to suspend family vacations.

While she was in Patagonia,

the former president called her


She wanted to talk to Acuña about the renewal of the PRO and, perhaps,

a position in the structure of the party

that will renew authorities in March.

Soledad Acuña and Mauricio Macri in a meeting they had months ago.

Macri is heading

to preside over the PRO.

Patricia Bullrich already warned at the end of the year that she will not seek a new mandate, but for the moment no one rules out that she present her own list with a candidate from her kidney.

The deadline to submit lists expires

on March 19

and the end is open for now.

In any case, the idea that

Macri become president of the party he founded

is gaining strength due to the presentation of a single list.

As Clarín


, this working hypothesis includes Bullrich as head of one of the vice presidencies in exchange for him declining his aspirations.

In any case, the most purist wing of the

PRO questions

that the current

Minister of Security

seeks a place in the party structure

while she is the protagonist of Milei's cabinet


Beyond this, Macri is determined to play again within the PRO.

He has the support of the majority of the party's provincial presidents and is preparing for a summit and photo

with PRO governors

such as Ignacio “Nacho” Torres (from Chubut) and Rogelio Frigerio (from Entre Ríos) in the coming days.

We met @mauriciomacri in the south.

Together we are working on a renewal of the PRO that reaffirms the identity and imprint of the party that we founded in 2001.

— María Soledad Acuña (@Soledad_Acunia) February 12, 2024

Acuña has already warned that he has no


of joining Javier Milei's government when the alliance between the PRO and La Libertad Avanza is sealed to have a stronger presence in decision-making and some positions in the Government.

But he did warn that

he wants to work internally in the party.

“Macri wants

the PRO not to lose the essence or direction

of what it was created for at the time,” said sources familiar with the meeting.

Along these lines is the reappearance of Acuña who, despite having supported Rodríguez Larreta's presidential candidacy, was

accepted again under the wing

of Macri, already distanced from the former Buenos Aires mayor.

In that sense, no one rules out

that Acuña could accompany the formula

that Macri would lead to preside over the PRO.

“It could be,”

respond the spokespersons and leave a question raised.

Mixed binomials have been a classic in the genesis of the party.

For now there were no offers, but Macri let it be known that

he wants the historical ones committed to the new stage

, although he does not rule out new faces.

As Clarín


, Macri's idea is to reorganize the PRO, keep the largest number of leaders inside and call for a generational renewal in a space that, with the appearance of Milei,

lost almost all of its possible young voters

and that today is fighting for maintaining their identity in the face of a speech that repeats something similar to what Macri always demanded but turned towards the extreme.


Source: clarin

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