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Is your dog unhappy at home? Five signs reveal it


Highlights: Is your dog unhappy at home? Five signs reveal it. If your dog becomes increasingly restless, it could be that he is not happy with you. Dogs communicate largely through body language, but dog owners shouldn't ignore spoken language either. If you don't know the cause, you should consult a dog trainer or veterinarian. Also read which three mistakes you should avoid when dealing with dogs and how to avoid them in the first place. The new WhatsApp channel from is here! Animal tips and touching news can be found on our WhatsApp channel.

As of: February 12, 2024, 7:30 a.m

By: Sophie Kluß




A wagging tail and a long stretch – most people know the signals of a happy dog.

But do you also recognize when your dog is unhappy?

Here are the most important signs of this.

Dog owners only want the best for their four-legged friends.

The top priority in dog ownership is that the dog feels comfortable at home.

What is crucial is mastering the dog language.

You can tell whether your dog is unhappy in your four walls by the following five signs:

1. Sleeping position reveals whether your dog is unhappy

Unhappy dogs often have trouble sleeping.

If the four-legged friends don't feel safe, they find it difficult to relax.

Her sleep is correspondingly light.

The best way to evaluate your sleep behavior is to observe it.

If he wakes up at every noise or is immediately responsive, he is probably not sleeping deeply enough.

But the sleeping position also reveals a lot about whether a dog feels comfortable.

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You should be particularly careful with the “fox”: If a dog chooses this curled up sleeping position, it could be that he does not feel safe or is afraid and therefore adopts this protective position.

It gives him well-being and security.

How you can recognize a fearful dog and how you can support him.

2. A restless dog is often unhappy

If your dog is anxious and keeps his distance, you should strengthen your bond with him.

(Symbolic image) © Zoonar/Imago

If your dog becomes increasingly restless, it could be that he is not happy with you.

You can recognize restlessness and stress, for example, by endless marches through the apartment, constant licking of the paws, increased irritability and signs of anxiety such as raised ears and wide-open eyes.

His posture also provides information about his emotional state: If the dog appears tense or tense, you should get to the bottom of it.

If he doesn't respond to your approach, this is most likely an indication that something is bothering him.

You can find even more exciting animal topics in the free newsletter from, which you can subscribe to right here.

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3. Eating behavior of an unhappy dog

But it can also be that the stress is getting on your dog's stomach.

If he leaves his dog food behind, you should be vigilant.

If he doesn't look at his food bowl, the environment may be too loud or he may feel uncomfortable because his place of retreat is not being respected.

Along with eating behavior, you should also keep an eye on dog feces.

For example, diarrhea can also indicate that your dog is unhappy and stressed.

4. Dog barks and whines: Is he unhappy?

Dogs communicate largely through body language.

But dog owners shouldn't ignore spoken language either, especially if you're worried that your dog might be unhappy with you.

Dissatisfied dogs in particular often communicate their frustration with their voice.

For example, if they are left alone for too long.

If a dog barks or whines in this situation, he wants to express that he feels uncomfortable.

So if he uses spoken language while you are there, you should listen to him and react accordingly.

It could not just be that your four-legged friend is dissatisfied.

Even bored dogs like to pass the time by barking.

5. Touching unwanted – dog doesn’t feel comfortable

If your dog actually likes to cuddle and has noticeably distanced himself from you lately, this could be an indication that he is unhappy with you or does not feel comfortable.

If your dog doesn't want to be touched, he'll seek distance to let you know that he's missing something to feel good around you.

In this case, suitable training to strengthen the bond would be highly advisable.

If your dog shows any of the signs mentioned and you don't know the cause, you should consult a dog trainer or veterinarian.

This is the only way you can ensure that your dog is happy with you and gets the home he deserves.

Also read which three mistakes you should avoid when dealing with dogs.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-12

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