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After flirting with Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin now says he prefers Joe Biden as US president.


Highlights: After flirting with Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin now says he prefers Joe Biden as US president. The Russian president stated in an interview that the Democratic leader has "more experience" and is more "predictable" The former Republican president immediately responded: "It's a compliment" Putin made these comments after granting an interview last week to American journalist Tucker Carlson, considered a standard bearer of the "Trumpist" cause. The head of the Kremlin linked the criticism to the fact that "in the United States the internal political campaign, the electoral campaign, is gaining strength"

The Russian president stated in an interview that the Democratic leader has "more experience" and is more "predictable." The former Republican president immediately responded: "It's a compliment."

The president of Russia,

Vladimir Putin

, assured in an interview with public television that he prefers the current head of the White House, Joe Biden, than Donald Trump as president of the United States.

"Biden. He is a person with more experience, predictable, an old-school politician," the Kremlin head responded to the question of Pavel Zarubin, a well-known Russian television presenter.

Putin made these comments after granting an interview last week to American journalist Tucker Carlson, considered a standard bearer of the "Trumpist" cause.

"But we are going to work with any American leader in whom the American people place their trust," he stressed.

Putin defended Biden in the face of speculation about his state of health and recalled that when they met for the last time in June 2021 in Geneva "they already said that he was incapable" to carry out his duties.

"I didn't see any of that. Well, yes, he looked at his paper and, to be honest, I looked at mine. And the fact that one time when he got out of the helicopter he hit his head, what's wrong, we don't "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone," Putin said.

Vladimir Putin now says he prefers Joe Biden as US president instead of Donald Trump.

Photo: EFE

The head of the Kremlin linked the criticism to the fact that "in the United States the internal political campaign, the electoral campaign, is gaining strength," ahead of the November presidential elections, in which Biden will seek re-election and Trump tries to return to office. White House.

"This is taking on increasingly acute forms. In my opinion it is not correct that we interfere in that process," said Putin, who

a few weeks ago accused Biden of winning the 2020 elections fraudulently

through the manipulation of the vote by mail. .

The Russian leader stressed that Moscow should focus not on the health of its American counterpart, but on the "political stance" of his Administration, which he considered "pernicious and erroneous."

The compliment to Trump

Alluding to fears that Trump will return to the White House, Putin stressed that the former US president "was always considered a politician outside the system."

"He has his own point of view on how the United States should develop relations with its allies," he said.

He recalled that Trump renounced the Kyoto Protocol in an attempt to make Europeans understand that they must increase defense spending in exchange for the US "atomic umbrella."

"Surely, from their point of view, there is some kind of logic," he said, asserting that NATO is "an instrument of US foreign policy."

Trump was quick to react

and, contrary to what might have been expected, considered the fact that Putin prefers Biden as "a good thing."

"In fact,

Putin just paid me a great compliment

. He said that he prefers Biden to be president. It's a compliment," he said during an electoral event in South Carolina, according to the ABC channel.

And he warned that the Russian president wants Biden to remain in the White House, since that will allow him to keep Ukraine, a war that, he argued, would never have started with him in power.

He regrets not having started the war sooner

In response to Western criticism of the Carlson interview, he replied that he never said the military campaign in Ukraine was a response "to the threat of a NATO attack on Russia."

"The only thing we can regret is that we had not started military actions sooner, thinking that we were dealing with decent people," he said.

In addition to remembering that the responsibility falls on kyiv for failing to comply with the peace agreements and for the uninterrupted attacks for eight years against the pro-Russian territories, he stressed that Russia did not start the war and only wants to end it.

"In the first stage we tried to do it by peaceful means, with the help of the Minsk Agreements," he said.

Source: EFE

Source: clarin

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