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Lent is a detox for body and soul - this is how you endure the renunciation


Highlights: Lent is a detox for body and soul - this is how you endure the renunciation.. As of: February 15, 2024, 6:30 a.m By: Felicitas Bogner CommentsPressSplit Whether chocolate, alcohol or nicotine: During Lent, many people try to avoid stimulants. Nutrition expert Petra Kuchar explains what needs to be taken into account when fasting. She gives tips on what you should keep in mind when fasting and how to keep going.

As of: February 15, 2024, 6:30 a.m

By: Felicitas Bogner




Whether chocolate, alcohol or nicotine: During Lent, many people try to avoid stimulants.

© dpa

Nutrition expert Petra Kuchar explains what needs to be taken into account when fasting and how to keep going for the next six weeks.

Bad Tölz –

Lent began on Ash Wednesday.

After carnival donuts, prosecco and the like, this is a popular date for many people - regardless of their religious affiliation - to give up one or two luxury foods.

Petra Kuchar is a naturopath and nutritionist.

She runs her practice “VitaBalance” in Bad Tölz and gives tips on what you should keep in mind when fasting and which method can be easily implemented for everyone, even at short notice.

Ms. Kuchar, there are now countless fasting trends and diet methods.

Many people who want to do something for their health during Lent will certainly find it difficult to find the right option...

That's correct.

There are so many trends.

However, after many experiments, I have come to the conclusion that the healthiest nutritional method is to eat healthy, predominantly alkaline foods three times a day.

Trend: Intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone

What do you think about intermittent fasting?

This is not an easy question to answer across the board.

This is a possible method for men or young, overweight women to lose weight.

I advise women over 40 years old not to do this.

Because if women don't eat for a long time, this leads to an increased release of the stress hormone cortisol.

At the same time, fewer sex hormones are released.

Intermittent fasting can demonstrably lead to a hormonal imbalance.

Basically, I'm not a big fan of fasting methods where you don't eat anything for too long.

This just means stress for the body.

So no pure zero fasting or tea fasting?

There may be one or two people who benefit from this.

I'm not a fan of it and think that such an extreme form of fasting should, if at all, only be done in a very healthy general condition and under medical supervision.

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Petra Kuchar is a nutrition expert from Bad Tölz.

© arp

And if you decide to fast until Easter: what do you recommend?

Anyone who wants to fast in terms of their diet is doing good for their body.

But of course this is something individual and also depends on the respective state of health.

Anyone who wants to fast should do some soul searching.

Most people know what their vices are or what bothers them.

And then you could do without this one luxury food or product.

For most people the choice is sugar, meat or alcohol.

If you leave that out for a while, you can really achieve a lot.

A good method is also alkaline fasting, i.e. changing your diet to purely alkaline products.

The detoxification organ liver can regenerate quickly

What effects does giving up alcohol or sugar for six weeks have on the body?

These are both products that are bad for the liver.

If you avoid alcohol and/or sugar for six weeks, you give your liver the opportunity to regenerate itself.

This means the body can detoxify much better.

This happens relatively quickly.

In addition, the complexion improves and you feel fitter.

The energy level goes up.

Weight loss is another positive side effect.

Sleep also improves.

What happens besides the physical effects?

By doing without, you can focus more attention inward.

Fasting is always a good opportunity to reflect.

You will notice that you become significantly more focused and concentrated.

What can you do specifically to become more introspective?

Many people meditate, for example, or go out into nature.

During this time, I like to treat myself to relaxing massages or go to the sauna.

There are different possibilities.

How do you personally celebrate Lent?

I fast twice a year.

Now six weeks and another two weeks in November.

I think it's a great way to get a mental and physical restart.

This time I'm avoiding alcohol, sugar, gluten and dairy products.

Do you have any tips for keeping time well?

It is important that you enjoy it and start the time with positive feelings and thoughts.

In order to keep going, you shouldn't take on too much.

If you have never fasted before, it is better to leave out just one product at first.

Otherwise you will quickly become frustrated and your motivation will be gone.

And what if the cravings get strong?


Get out into the fresh air and think about something else.

And if you do sin, don't throw everything away straight away.

But accept it as it was and move on.

Cheat day or would you rather be strict every day of the week?

What do you think of a cheat day?

So a day on which one is allowed to sin.

It depends.

If you manage to treat yourself to one meal in a day and enjoy it, there's really nothing wrong with it.

It is important not to overdo it that day and to continue with discipline the next day.

If this is too difficult for you, you should avoid the cheat day.

Are there general points that one should keep in mind when fasting?

Drink a lot.

Good, still water from glass bottles and detox teas are suitable for this.

Otherwise, especially if you avoid meat, you should make sure that your protein needs are still covered - with legumes or nuts, for example.

You can also support the detoxification process with herbal tinctures.

Is Lent also a good time to consciously lose weight?

To lose a few kilos, yes.

However, if you want to lose a little more weight in the long term, you should be aware that the brain needs around three months to adjust to new eating habits.

A long-term change in diet is then necessary.

However, Lent is a good starting point, you just have to keep going and not fall into old patterns after Easter.

Success during Lent can be a good motivation to keep going.

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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-15

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