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The detainee for the triple crime of Morata de Tajuña kills his cellmate in the Estremera prison


Highlights: Dilawar Hussain Choudhary, 42, was admitted to the Estremera prison on January 24. He turned himself in after confessing to beating three elderly people to death. The bodies of Amelia, Ángeles and Pepe Gutiérrez Ayuso were found in their home. Choud hary killed the three elders as “revenge” for money that he had lent to the brothers and that they did not return. After his entry into prison, the confessed murderer was transferred to module 12 of the prison.

Dilawar Choudhary notified the officials at dawn that he had ended the life of the other prisoner. He had been in jail since January 24 after confessing that he had beaten three elderly people to death.

The confessed murderer of the triple crime in Morata de Tajuña (Madrid) has allegedly beaten his cellmate to death with a blunt object at two-thirty in the morning, as confirmed by EL PAÍS in police and prison sources.

Dilawar Hussain Choudhary, 42, was admitted to the Estremera prison on January 24, after turning himself in at the Civil Guard and confessing to having been the one who ended the lives of Amelia, Ángeles and Pepe Gutiérrez Ayuso in their home. in mid December.

The bodies had been found six days earlier after neighbors warned that the victims had not been seen leaving the house for a long time.

According to the investigation, Choudhary killed the three elders as “revenge” for money that he had lent to the brothers and that they did not return.

After his entry into prison, the confessed murderer was transferred to module 12 of the prison, where some of the conflictive preventive inmates [pending trial] are located, taking into account that he presented what in prison jargon is called a “profile.” “tough criminology” for the crime committed: three homicides.

During the first days, in which he was interviewed by the doctor, the social worker, the lawyer and the psychologist of the center to make an initial assessment, he remained alone in a cell, but shortly after he was assigned as a companion for those nine square meters to another preventive inmate.

It was AAV, born in Bulgaria in 1983, and who was a repeat offender after having entered prison for the first time in 2012. According to prison sources, until now there was no evidence that there had been any quarrels between the two in the weeks.

Nor did it seem that there were any problems between the two inmates on Wednesday night, when at half past nine the cells were closed and the officials made the remembrance.

“Normality was total,” prison sources highlight.

However, around two-thirty in the morning Choudhary contacted the guard on duty through the cell intercom and told him that he had killed his partner.

When the official went to the cell he discovered the body of AAV and, next to him, the murderer of Morata de Tajuña.

The prison's medical services responded immediately, but could do nothing to save the victim's life.

Prison sources indicate that everything indicates that the victim had been dead for some time.

After the crime, Choudhary has been transferred to isolation, the sources consulted add.

Predictably, the prison management will apply to the alleged murderer article 10.2 of the general penitentiary law, which allows for the application of security measures to a preventive prisoner, such as Choudhary, similar to those of inmates classified in the first degree of penitentiary (with the regime of more restrictive prison life).

This will imply his permanent transfer to the isolation module of the prison, where he will occupy an individual cell that he will only leave under strict surveillance to go out to the patio when there are no other inmates.

Choudhary had already been in that prison before, in 2023 after attacking those who would later become his fatal victims.

In January and February of that year, the man savagely hit Amelia, the youngest of the sisters, twice - once with a hammer - for which he was arrested and placed in provisional prison.

These antecedents made him from the first moment the main and only suspect in that triple crime.

After seven months in provisional prison, the victims and the detainee reached a sentencing agreement that allowed him to return to the streets after accepting a two-year prison sentence.

During his first stay in prison, his prison record was clean as he did not cause any incidents.

According to the order that sent him to prison this January, the man ended the lives of the three by beating him with a bar on December 17.

After killing them, he tried unsuccessfully to burn the bodies, which he piled up at the entrance to the house.

When they were found a month later, the bodies of the three brothers were in an advanced state of decomposition and semi-calcined.

The hypothesis that the homicide investigators of the Civil Guard considered from the first moment was that of a settling of accounts for the debts that the sisters had accumulated for years.

Everything indicates that Amelia and Ángeles had been victims of what is known as a love scam.

Scam professionals, often abroad, manage to deceive vulnerable people through social networks and obtain large amounts of money from them.

In the case of the sisters, they had told many of their acquaintances in the town that they had two American military boyfriends who needed money to collect an inheritance in their country and be able to come to Spain.

After years of deception, the sisters had transferred thousands of euros to the accounts of these supposed couples and had even sold an apartment they had in Madrid.

The testimony of numerous neighbors indicates that they had begun to ask those around them for money.

According to Choudhary's own statement, who had run a parlor in Arganda del Rey, he had lent a significant amount to the elderly women and had been demanding that they return it for months.

The man even settled in a room in the Gutiérrez Ayuso house, as many of the neighbors remember.

After his arrest, the judge sent Choudhary to prison considering that there was a risk of flight because "the person under investigation has sufficient means to buy a plane ticket or rent a vehicle or simply use his own legs."

The magistrate also highlighted in that judicial resolution that the entire family of the confessed murderer resided in Pakistan, where he was originally from, “a country without a judicial cooperation agreement” with Spain.

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Source: elparis

All news articles on 2024-02-15

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