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They investigate the death of a 38-year-old man who died of "asphyxiation" in a patrol car


Highlights: Ariel Alejandro Goyeneche was arrested while walking on roofs in Paraná, Entre Ríos. The 38-year-old man was put into a patrol car and died. The autopsy determined that the cause of death was “asphyxia” Justice is investigating whether Ariel AlejandroGoyenEChe was murdered. The family suspects that the police climbed on top of him, squeezed his chest and left him gasping for air, in a case similar to that of George Floyd.

The victim was identified as Ariel Alejandro Goyeneche, who was arrested while walking on the roofs in Paraná, Entre Ríos. It is not clear if he suffered a health problem or was killed in a case similar to that of George Floyd.

A 38-year-old man was arrested when he was walking on the roofs of a house and

died when he was being transported in an Entre Ríos Police patrol car


The case occurred on Monday and the autopsy determined that the cause of death was “asphyxia.”

Now Justice is investigating whether

Ariel Alejandro Goyeneche

was murdered.

The family suspects that the police climbed on top of him, squeezed his chest and left him gasping for air, in a case similar to that of

George Floyd

, murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis, United States.

According to the site

Digital Analysis

, the incident occurred around 5 in the morning when a neighbor on Piedrabuena Street, in Paraná, called the Police because he saw someone walking on the roof.

Agents from the 2nd Police Station of the Entre Ríos capital went to the scene and found the suspect, who is a relative of the former deputy prosecutor of that province, Cecilia Goyeneche.

According to reports, the man told the neighbor that

“he didn't want to rob him” and that he was there because “they were looking for him to kill him.”

The Police tried to identify the man, but he was very excited and nervous, according to local media.

And they explained to him that they had to take him to the police station.

Then Goyeneche was put into the patrol car and when they were about to reach the section, at the Gualeguaychú and Belgrano traffic lights, the man

began to scream and kick

, saying that they were chasing him and broke a cell phone window.

According to police information, the agents tried to reduce him and it was at that moment that he became unbalanced and began to release liquid from his mouth, according to information from

Digital Analysis


Goyeneche ended up on the floor.

The agents reported the situation to the prosecutor's office and took the suspect to the San Martín Hospital, where they found that he had died.

The Gendarmerie was in charge of the investigations.

Now prosecutor Laureano Dato is trying to determine how Goyeneche's death occurred, whether it was accidental, due to a health condition, or if it was provoked.

At the same time, whether or not there was responsibility on the part of the police in any of those circumstances.


if he received the correct care or should have been treated by an ambulance.

The preliminary result of the autopsy carried out by the Oro Verde Judicial Morgue showed that the cause of death was asphyxiation.

Now prosecutor Dato is waiting for the results of complementary studies to know if she was traumatic or not.

Until now strangulation has been ruled out and it is known that Goyeneche was asthmatic.

However, it is being investigated whether during the maneuvers to restrain him there was compression in the neck.

According to the information provided by those close to Goyeneche to the media, the man was addicted to drugs and would have admitted to the police that he had consumed substances that morning.

"If they had acted correctly, it could have been avoided"

“Ariel's death could have been avoided if the Police acted correctly because there is a protocol,”

Goyeneche's sister told

Elonce .

“Ariel was a very good person, a very special being and anyone who knew him knows the light he had;

"He loved his daughter, he had friends and a disease that is addiction," Analía indicated and explained that his brother

"did many treatments to be able to overcome that, she had periods in which she was fine and relapses."

Ariel Goyeneche's sister says she has evidence that her brother was killed

For the woman, what happened on Monday “was a relapse.”

"But if the Police had acted correctly, applying the corresponding protocols, this issue (Goyeneche's death) could have been avoided because they themselves state that from the moment they saw Ariel on Piedrabuena Street, he was in a state of consumption and felt persecuted,” he said.

Then, he reported that the police went up to his chest and squeezed it.

"I have many videos in which 30 minutes pass and he is on the floor, with handcuffs, holding his feet and with his head against the floor.

Two people climb on his chest and legs. They were torturing him and he just "He asked for help.

They had to take him to the hospital, which was 300 meters away. They left my brother to die, they didn't give him help," he said.

For her part, Ayelén Militello, Ariel's friend, reaffirmed the complaint of institutional violence.

"Beyond the videos, there are people who saw what happened. There was dehumanized treatment. They squeezed his chest, they left him gasping for air."

If so, the case would bear some similarity to that of George Floyd, who died on May 25, 2020 when four officers tried to arrest him for having used a counterfeit bill to pay in a store.

Officer Derek Chauvin pinned him to the ground by pressing his knee against his neck until he died.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-15

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