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They renovate the Anne Frank Center in Argentina: "Reality harasses us"


Highlights: Ana Frank Argentina Center announces its renovation project on the occasion of its 15th anniversary. The renovation plan will be financed by the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam (Netherlands and private capital) The reopening of the house-museum is scheduled for June 12, the date on which the birth ofAnne Frank (1929-1945) and Adolescents' Day (Law No. 26,809) are celebrated. "We feel an enormous responsibility because October 7, 2023 was also a milestone in the history of the Jewish people," says director of the museum.

Space adds technology, objects and information. They will expose everything from documents to Nazi soldiers used to indoctrinate children. "Something broke" on October 7, in the attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel, they indicate.



, with a more modern structure, which also includes the

redesign of content

and the incorporation of

new museological


to attract new audiences and provide greater reflection on the Holocaust.

Under these premises, the

Ana Frank Argentina Center (CAFA) announced its



planned for this year, on the occasion of its

15th anniversary.

The renovation plan will be financed by the

Anne Frank House

in Amsterdam (Netherlands and private capital).

The reopening of the house-museum, located at

Superí 2641

, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of


, is scheduled for

June 12

, the date on which the birth of

Anne Frank (1929-1945) and Adolescents' Day (Law No. 26,809).

Little Nazi soldiers.

Toys to indoctrinate.

Courtesy Anne Frank Center

According to Héctor Shalom, director of the Ana Frank Argentina Center, the

advance of



and the

extreme right

in Europe,


and, above all, the

massacre perpetrated by the terrorist group Hamas

on October 7, 2023 in the south of Israel , were some of the reasons that led to the decision regarding the renovation of the museum and review of contents.

“We feel that the demands on us are growing, and

our responsibility as educators is growing


That is why we are here as if we were pushed, challenged by reality, to do more, to do better, and to be willing to take on the challenges that the new reality imposes on us,” Shalom said at a press conference.

“We feel an enormous responsibility because October 7, 2023 was also a milestone in the history of the Jewish people.

It is possible to say that

on October 7 something broke

, something that we thought was not possible to live again was lived again.

“It is as intense in its cruelty as the Holocaust but as present in its modality as the pogroms of Tsarist Russia,” he highlighted.

New pieces.

Documents on Nazism.

Courtesy Anne Frank Center

“This reality is not foreign to us in Latin America nor in South America.

It is not foreign to us in Argentina.

They force us to do new things: we cannot continue doing and saying the same thing when

the reality in these 15 years that we have been in the museum forces us, challenges us, harasses us

,” she concluded.

The changes, one by one

“Museums need to be renewed: in 15 years, will we be the same?

Yes Do we dress the same?

No. Because we acquire new concepts and new perspectives,” explained Gabriel Miremont, museologist in charge of the project.

Among the main renovations the following stand out:

• The garden will have a new design, it will have a


of Anne Frank, more technology and will be more modern to allow greater fluidity in entering and exiting the museum.


Replica of Ana and her family's hiding place.

Courtesy Anne Frank Center

• The hall will be reequipped and will become a


to buy books, merchandise and other objects.

In addition, it will have a column that supports the continuity of the museum where the

versions of Anne Frank's diary

will be exhibited , organized by country and different themes.

• The idea of ​​the timeline

will be maintained

in the first rooms of the center, with the incorporation of sound and moving objects and images, and more messages to the

curatorial script


• The Anne Frank Center will have a

three-dimensional model

in one of its rooms: turning it around will allow you to see the house on three sides and understand how its structure works.


Anne Frank Center.

Photo: archive

• There will be

two classrooms

to generate multiple activities: one for educational activities and another small auditorium equipped with technology to exchange ideas.

“The incorporation of wood and new lights will help generate


and containment in that space,” said Miramont.

• On the stairs there will be a phrase from Anne Frank as a


that can be read when going up to the first floor.

More phrases and voices of the young woman will be present on the walls of the museum rooms.

• The


will also be renovated: “The fence opens like a canopy to contain the entrance.

The sidewalk flooring changes at both entrances, both in the theater and in the living room,” said Miramont.

• In addition, the theater will have a

“smart screen”

to announce the play, with additional information about the house: schedules, types of visits and general information, among other things.

This digital billboard is activated as you pass the front of the house.

• The recreation of the hiding place where Anne Frank was with her family in Amsterdam will also be renewed.

The most intimate space is the


and the


where her thoughts arise.

“The idea is to evoke Ana with the voice and think that within this space there was a voice, a need to speak and also to write,” said the museology expert.


Ana's memory, exposed.

Photo: archive

• Modernization of the

guide room

: it will have a minibar, coat racks, backpack hangers and a folding table to expand or streamline the space and circulation in case of events.

This place will have a blackboard “to think about a more dynamic and younger space.”

New pieces arrive at the museum

The contribution of new museological objects will be essential to tell the story of the Holocaust through Anne Frank's diary, adding content without altering her story.

For this, Menno Metselaar, a member of the Anne Frank House team in Amsterdam, will be in charge of incorporating pieces and reviewing content.

“This new exhibition is a

work in progress


The search and selection of objects is also in process,” Mastellaar said.

However, it exhibited some new objects that will be part of the collection of the Anne Frank Argentina Center.

A photo album from the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games

stands out .

Several images show the

Nazi salute

that the public gave to Adolf Hitler, the


, before the start of the Second World War (1939-1945).

Also on display will be a

wallet with giant German marks and



of different denominations (1922 and 1923),

food ration coupons

used in the Netherlands (1944), metal triangles that were used in concentration camps to

mark to different groups of prisoners


hollow books with a clandestine radio

inside and

little Nazi soldiers with whom children

and the Hitler youth used to play.

Ana's memory

Anne Frank was a young Jewish woman of German origin.

She was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt.

Due to Nazi persecution, her family had to escape to Holland (now the Netherlands).


Documents and script from the Anne Frank Center.

Photo: archive

During the Second War, she lived almost two and a half years hidden from the Nazis until she was discovered with her family and four other members in a hiding place in Amsterdam.

From confinement, Anne recounted the horror of the Holocaust and left a record in her intimate diary, which later became known worldwide as the Diary of Anne Frank.

At the age of 15, Ana was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp on September 2, 1944, and then to Bergen-Belsen, where she died of typhus in February 1945, months before the extermination camp was liberated. by the allies.

His father, Otto Frank, was the only survivor of the family.

In 1947, once the war was over, he published her daughter's diary under the title

The House Behind



Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-15

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