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Collapse on a supermarket construction site in Florence, three workers dead, three injured and two missing - News


Highlights: Collapse on a supermarket construction site in Florence, three workers dead, three injured and two missing. In total, 1,041 reports of fatal accidents in the workplace in the last 12 months. There were over a thousand deaths at work in 2023, almost three per day. The Florence prosecutor's office has opened a case, currently without suspects, for negligent collapse and manslaughter. The construction site ended up under seizure. The ASL technicians are listening to construction site staff. The rescue operations, as explained by the Florence fire brigade command, continue unabated.

A collapse occurred this morning on a construction site in Florence, in via Mariti, on the outskirts of the city where the construction of a supermarket is underway: one of the main pylons apparently collapsed (ANSA)

A collapse occurred this morning on a construction site in Florence

, in via Mariti, on the outskirts of the city where the construction of a supermarket is underway.

The toll from the collapse is

"three dead, three non-life-threatening injuries and two missing"


This is what the regional councilor for civil protection Monia Monni reports, in front of the entrance to the construction site.

The second deceased person has not yet been removed from the rubble but her death has already been confirmed.

This is what is explained by the 118 maxi emergency. USAR teams are employed in the search for the workers: the technical unit is that of the Fire Brigade, the health unit is made up of 4 nurses and 2 doctors trained for rescue operations under the rubble.

He is a man born in 1964, from Collesalvetti (Livorno), one of the victims of the collapse on the construction site on the outskirts of Florence.


sixty-year-old who died, from what we learned, was originally from Teramo

and lived in the municipality of Collesalvetti, in the province of Livorno.

According to what has been learned,

the three injured people hospitalized in Careggi are all three from Romania

: they are 37, 48 and 51 years old.

❌ #Florence, collapse of the attic of a prefabricated building on a construction site in the North-West of the city: 3 workers were pulled alive from the rubble by the #USAR #firefighters.

Teams working since 9am for rescue operations [#16February 10.45am]

— Vigili del Fuoco (@vigilidelfuoco) February 16, 2024

There are 50 firefighters of various specializations engaged in the search for the missing workers.

The rescue operations, as explained by the Florence fire brigade command, continue unabated.

Dog units are also intervening.

"There were about fifty people on the construction site", explains the president of the Tuscany Region Giani.

In the street to the side, he adds, "there was a minibus that is still there and it was a miracle that the collapse did not spill out and involve the children as well. The minibus is still there and the children were all taken away Street".

The Florence prosecutor's office

has opened a case, currently without suspects,

for negligent collapse and manslaughter.

The construction site ended up under seizure.

The ASL technicians are listening to construction site staff.

 "I visited the three workers in hospital" involved in the collapse of the construction site in Florence, "their lives are not in danger. I spoke to one of them, he was also crying for the fate of his companions. He was in a lot of pain: he has broken ribs and a knee contusion. One worker is in semi-intensive care", the third "in intensive care but the doctors told me they can do it".

This is what the president of the Tuscany Region declared in connection with 'Diario del giorno' on Rete4. 

Video Florence construction site collapse, images taken from security cameras

 "In 2023 there were a thousand deaths at work and

these accidents are often produced by the subcontracting system

and the logic of lowest-cost procurement. However, I want to remind you that it was this Government that changed the procurement code and reintroduced cascade subcontracting" .

The leader of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini,

said this

when commenting on the workplace accident in Florence.

"There needs to be an immediate reaction and I also think that it is necessary to arrive at a general initiative next week, which I will also propose to the other unions, because it is no longer acceptable to continue dying at work."


The words of Maurizio Landini, who commented on the accident at work in Florence, also blaming the new procurement code, are disgusting: the secretary of the CGIL ignores that the new rules were desired by Europe, so much so that Italy was at


infringement, and that they have nothing to do with the tragedy. The ideological envy of the CGIL does not stop even in the face of tragedies".

Thus a note from the League


Video Florence, attic collapses on a supermarket construction site: there are victims

For further information Agenzia ANSA There were over a thousand deaths at work in 2023, almost three per day - News - In total, 1,041 reports of fatal accidents in the workplace were received by Inail in twelve months, in all of 2023 Almost three deaths a day although down compared to last year and previous years up to pre-Covid (ANSA)

For further information Agenzia ANSA From Thyssen to Brandizzo, an endless trail of white deaths - News - Today's accident in Florence is just the latest in an endless series of fatal workplace accidents which have occurred on construction sites.


Meloni, condolences for the victims

"On behalf of myself and the Government, I express my condolences for the victims of the collapse of a beam which occurred on a construction site in Florence. I am following the evolution of the situation with apprehension and I thank those who are taking part in the search for the missing and in the rescue operations for the injured. Our deepest condolences to the families affected by this terrible tragedy."

Thus the Prime Minister

Giorgia Meloni

on social media.

Nardella, Mattarella expressed his condolences

"I sincerely thank President Mattarella for expressing his closeness and condolences to me on the phone for the tragedy at the Florence construction site. I have proclaimed city mourning for tomorrow with the suspension of all events. I will return from the Holy Land on the first available flight early."

The mayor of Florence Dario Nardella wrote this on X regarding the tragedy in via Mariti in Florence.

The president of the Tuscany Region: 'Regional mourning proclaimed tomorrow'

"With deep sorrow, I express my condolences on behalf of all of Tuscany to the families of the victims of the accident on the construction site in Tuscany. I have proclaimed regional mourning for tomorrow to join us all in the pain of the families. Sincere thanks to the forces of order and to all the rescuers for their extraordinary commitment".

The president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, wrote it on social media. 

General strike CGIL-CISL-UIL Tuscany

Regional general strike in Tuscany today, in the last two hours of the shift: it was called by CGIL, CISL and UIL after the serious accident that occurred this morning in Florence on the construction site of a new supermarket.

"We appeal to institutions, the world of business and politics, control bodies, no more deaths at work!", say the unions in a joint note.

"Today in Tuscany we sent a first signal as the regional CGIL by proclaiming an immediate two-hour strike at the end of the shift in all workplaces and I know that there have already been spontaneous stoppages by the RSU in various factories".

The leader of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, said this today in Pisa, commenting on the serious workplace accident that occurred in Florence.

"We have another commitment in Lucca - he added - but based on the Florentine situation which is constantly evolving I will evaluate whether to go to Florence".

"In 2023 there were a thousand deaths at work and these accidents are often produced by the subcontracting system and the logic of lowest-cost procurement.

However, I want to remind you that it was this Government that changed the procurement code and reintroduced cascade subcontracting" Landini said.

"There needs to be an immediate reaction and I also think that it is necessary to arrive at a general initiative next week, which I will also propose to the other unions, because it is no longer acceptable to continue dying at work."

Anmil: 'The collapse of Florence is not a fatality'

"How much is the life of a worker worth and how much are we willing to accept that entire families cry and find themselves in serious difficulty due to the lack of safety in the workplace, which should be constitutionally guaranteed?"

This was stated by the president of Anmil, Zoello Forni, regarding the accident that occurred on a construction site in Florence where the collapse of a reinforced concrete beam caused a chain failure within the construction site of a new Esselunga supermarket.


Dying at work today is still unacceptable and shameful

- declares the vice president of the Anmil Foundation 'Support them immediately' Paola Batignani, widow of Alessandro Rosi, who died in 2019 in the shed of a steel mill in Cremona where a construction site had been set up for work of maintenance and was crushed by a beam - but above all what is serious is that we are not capable of respecting the rules and means of protection that could save the lives of hundreds of workers, instead leaving unscrupulous entrepreneurs to lose nothing and their responsibility ends with a plea bargain and no one really pays for these unjust and avoidable deaths."

"With our 250,000 members we will immediately launch an appeal to all Italians, so that these problems are not only talked about in a few short news stories or by telling repetitively about some individual cases, as if they were extraordinary events and not the numbers of a daily massacre which sees at least 4 deaths per day", concludes Forni. 

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Source: ansa

All news articles on 2024-02-16

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