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Telephone while driving, seat belt, priority for pedestrians… In Creil, new offenses are being recorded on video


Highlights: In Creil (Oise), new offenses are being recorded on video. Failure to wear a seat belt, use of the telephone while driving or failure to obey stop signs and lights are among the new fines. In Creil, it has already been almost three years since the first video verbalization installations began. The town's mayor (PS) Jean-Claude Villemain: “This is one of the most recurring offenses in Creil’s.” The fines also concern failure to respect the priority of pedestrians.

The town of Creil (Oise) recently strengthened its video reporting system. Since February 1, it's no longer just infrastructure

“There are people who allow themselves to park anywhere, and that often creates traffic jams,” Mohammed despairs.

This 35-year-old from Creillo struggles to take the car, especially during rush hours.

“It is a good thing that this surveillance system is strengthened,” he adds.

In Creil (Oise), it has already been almost three years since the first video verbalization installations began.

Initially, only illegal parking was fined but, since February 1, video fines also concern failure to wear a seat belt, use of the telephone while driving or even failure to obey stop signs and lights.

Added to this is the failure to respect the priority of pedestrians.

“This is one of the most recurring offenses in Creil,” explains the mayor (PS), Jean-Claude Villemain.


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Source: leparis

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