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Trump is already the elephant in the Siko room with Söder - Kamala Harris points to Putin's losses


Highlights: Trump is already the elephant in the Siko room with Söder - Kamala Harris points to Putin's losses. Europe is currently leading the ranking of aid provided to Ukraine - and Germany takes a top spot in absolute numbers. The Nordic countries and Germany are the most important providers of military aid within Europe, well ahead of the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy and France. In terms of gross domestic product, Estonia and Denmark provided the most decisive support. “If you don’t want us as Bavaria …”: SöDer threatens to leave the Federal Republic of Germany – and calls for compulsory military service.

As of: February 17, 2024, 4:58 a.m

By: Florian Naumann




Wars in Ukraine and Israel, NATO under Trump's fire - sensitive debates are taking place at the Munich Siko 2024.

News ticker.

  • Söder


    Munich Siko

    : With a warning of “shame” for the West and a swipe at Trump

  • Munich Siko

    is starting its 60th edition: core topics include the war in Ukraine and the war in Gaza.

  • Celebrities at the

    security conference

    in the

    Bayerischer Hof

    : Kamala Harris, Volodymyr Selenskyj and China's chief diplomat Wang Yi.

  • In this

    news ticker

    we accompany Siko 2024 for you with on-site correspondent reports and current information.

Update from February 16th, 4:45 p.m.:

Europe is currently leading the ranking of aid provided to Ukraine - and Germany takes a top spot in absolute numbers.

This emerges from a “Ukraine Tracker” from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), which was presented on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.

The basis is new data that takes into account not only actual deliveries, but also aid allocations for the near future.

When it comes to total aid "allocations", Europe - the EU states plus the UK, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland - has been ahead of the USA since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine, explained researcher Christoph Trebesch at a press conference.

The United States is still the most important donor of military aid.

In absolute numbers, the Nordic countries and Germany are the most important providers of military aid within Europe, well ahead of the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy and France.

In terms of gross domestic product, Estonia and Denmark provided the most decisive support.

Trebesch also warned of a decline in support.

The “dynamics” in 2023 were lower than in the previous year – in the autumn there was almost a “collapse” of aid.

After the end of the recording period in January, there was at least some movement again.

Trump as an elephant in the Siko room: Kamala Harris points to Putin's losses

Update from February 16th, 3:15 p.m.:

A first interim conclusion after the Siko opening speeches: Shortly before a possible renewed US presidential candidacy, Donald Trump is the elephant in the main hall of the conference in the Bayerischer Hof.

Markus Söder already indirectly mentioned Trump's statements about NATO in his welcome speech.

US Vice President Kamala Harris almost seemed to be giving a campaign speech.

Their tenor: Only a global leadership role for the USA can ensure peace and freedom in the world - a withdrawal by the United States, on the other hand, is a threat to security and prosperity at home and abroad.

In particular, a cuddly course with “dictators” is dangerous.

Even though Harris didn't say the name "Trump," the reference was clear.

During his time in office, Trump had repeatedly positioned himself as a possible partner for Vladimir Putin, counted NATO and indicated that the USA would withdraw from its global role.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres broadened the focus.

In addition to wars and “chaos” and lawlessness all over the world, he also named the climate catastrophe and the dangers of AI and disinformation as key dangers.

Guterres explicitly condemned both Hamas' terror and “collective punishment” in the Gaza Strip.

The top UN official came under fire for statements on the subject at the start of the war in Israel and Gaza.

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Meanwhile, numerous side events and panels are also running.

On the sidelines of an appointment, ex-CSU minister Andreas Scheuer defended

Söder's statements towards the Greens at the Political Ash Wednesday to .

Update from February 16, 2:50 p.m.:

Harris refers to her first security conference two years ago: At that time, everyone assumed that Kiev would fall to Russian attack within a few days.

“Today Kiev stands safe and strong,” she emphasizes.

“Make no mistake: Putin’s war is already a frightening mistake for Russia,” she explains.

Russia had lost two-thirds of its tanks;

Because of Putin's ruthlessness, the country lost 300,000 soldiers.

A key to Ukraine's success was aid from the USA and Europe.

Economic sanctions also caused problems for the Kremlin.

“I will make it clear: President Joe Biden and I will stand with Ukraine,” Harris said.

NATO is the largest military alliance the world has seen.

“An attack on one is an attack on all,” she emphasizes.

After September 11th, the partners supported the USA in accordance with NATO Article 5.

Nevertheless, before Biden's term in office, "some questioned the importance of NATO" and wanted to withdraw US troops from Europe, recalls Harris;

another swipe at Donald Trump.

NATO is now stronger than before, especially on its eastern flank.

However, no achievement is irreversible.

The fight for peace and freedom must continue.

“In the case of Putin, this means that the whole of Europe is in danger,” if one state does not clearly oppose an attack on a sovereign neighboring country.

Kamala Harris during her speech shortly after the start of the Munich Siko 2024. © Sven Hoppe/dpa/picture-alliance

Update from February 16, 2:39 p.m.:

The Siko podium now belongs to US Vice President Kamala Harris.

She also first commented on the alleged death of Alexei Navalny: If the reports are confirmed, it would be further evidence of Vladimir Putin's brutality, she warns.

It is in the interest of the American people to continue to confirm US global “leadership,” emphasizes Harris – probably in an unspoken reference to Donald Trump.

Among other things, democratic values ​​must be fought for, both in the world and internally.

Joe Biden's deputy almost seems to be giving a campaign speech: trying to "embrace" dictators is "dangerous, destabilizing and short-sighted."

“Our leadership keeps our people safe,” she emphasized.

The goal must be “stability from Europe to the Indo-Pacific”.

Guterres sets the tone for Siko 2024: Nuclear, climate and AI threats

Update from February 16, 1:54 p.m.:

“We absolutely need a sustainable and just peace for Ukraine,” emphasizes Guterres.

The global peace architecture must also be strengthened.

“Security Council reform will be necessary, as will a new commitment to eliminating nuclear weapons,” he added.

“The truth is being suppressed in a world of deepfakes and disinformation campaigns,” says Guterres.

Anti-Semitism is spreading, as is racial discrimination.

Tech companies should refrain from profiting from this kind of hate, he says.

The global economy must “serve everyone” and national contributions to reducing CO2 emissions must now be implemented, are Guterres’ other key demands.

Update from February 16th, 1:50 p.m.:

UN Secretary General António Guterres now has the floor.

The world order is more fragmented than at any time in the past 70 years, he warns - even during the Cold War the situation was less dangerous.

In addition to nuclear dangers, there is also the climate crisis and the uncertainties of artificial intelligence.

A multipolar world also offers opportunities - but the transition to a new order could also bring chaos.

“That is why we must do everything we can to restore the rule of law,” emphasizes the head of the United Nations.

Millions of civilians are currently paying a “terrible price” and there are record numbers of displaced people.

Nothing can justify the actions of Hamas, but nothing can justify the “collective punishment” in Gaza, says Guterres, referring to the war in Israel.

At the moment, Rafah is the centerpiece of international aid, where refugees are fighting for their survival.

At the same time, only the release of the Hamas hostages would pave the way to a solution.

Update from February 16th, 1:42 p.m.:

Heusgen lists the sources of conflict in the world - including, in addition to the war in Ukraine and the fighting and humanitarian suffering in Gaza, Haiti, Afghanistan and the situation of the Rohingya - but emphasizes an optimistic note: All These conflicts are man-made, so they can also be influenced by people;

the security conference is an opportunity for steps forward.

The solution can only lie in the rule of law and reconciliation, never in revenge.

Söder opens Munich Siko – with a warning of “shame” for the West and a swipe at Trump

Update from February 16th, 1:36 p.m.:

Markus Söder is the first politician to speak on the Siko main stage.

In 2024, the security conference, which started as a “military science conference,” will be “back to the roots,” says the Bavarian Prime Minister: it will once again be about freedom, security, defensiveness.

Söder refers to the disputes over aid to Ukraine: It would be a “shame” for the West and a “shabby thing” if Russia won the war of aggression because Ukraine did not receive enough ammunition.

At the same time, Söder emphasizes that NATO is “not a protection money community”;

a swipe at Donald Trump's recent statements.

The CSU leader also can’t resist a few classics: Berlin is beautiful, but Munich is “more beautiful,” he says.

There is also a “Star Wars” reference: you are on the “light side of the force,” emphasizes Söder: “May the force be with us.”

Markus Söder on Friday on the podium at the 60th Munich Security Conference.

© Sven Hoppe/dpa/picture-alliance

Update from February 16th, 1:35 p.m.:

Siko boss Christoph Heusgen begins his speech with words of mourning for the late Alexei Navalny.

According to Russian sources, the Putin critic who died was a “very special person,” says Heusgen.

Navalny's wife Julia actually wanted to take part in the conference - to talk about prospects for a better Russia.

Update from February 16th, 1:29 p.m.:

The 60th Munich Security Conference has been running since the morning with the first rounds of discussions - but the official starting signal will be given in a few minutes.

Then conference leader Christoph Heusgen and Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder will open the Siko.

Meanwhile, the first demonstrations are already taking place: on the edge of the conference area, on Munich's Odeonsplatz, the Iranian opposition protested against the regime in Tehran at midday.

Munich Siko: Head Heusgen wants to strengthen the “European NATO pillar” – and also talks about nuclear weapons

Update from February 16, 9:28 a.m.:

Immediately before the start of the 60th Munich Security Conference (MSK), conference leader Christoph Heusgen emphasized the importance of the “European pillar of NATO”.

“It is true that we in Europe are making a lot more effort to ensure our own security,” said Heusgen on Friday in the

ARD “Morgenmagazin”

when asked about former US President Donald Trump’s statement that NATO would default if he were re-elected. Not wanting to defend allies.

“Here we should definitely respond to the French President’s offer to talk about the French nuclear force” and at the same time “include the British,” who are also a nuclear power, said Heusgen.

The “European pillar of NATO” must exist “in addition to the alliance and American capabilities”.

Heusgen emphasized that all European members must adhere to the two percent target for defense.

“We have to stick together as NATO partners, we all have to make our contribution because in doing so we also support the European pillar of NATO,” he demanded.

Heusgen said in

the morning magazine

that there is currently an “unusual accumulation of crises”.

This is “one more reason to come together” to look for a way out.

Siko in Munich: It's about Ukraine, Gaza and Trump's NATO statements

Preliminary report:

Munich - Whatever you want to call it, MSC, Security Conference or “Siko” for short: The meeting of top and defense politicians, diplomats, NGOs and arms representatives is celebrating its anniversary in 2024.

We are meeting in Munich for the 60th time.

But happiness is not to be expected.

Russia's war in Ukraine, fighting and humanitarian distress in Gaza and now a moderate NATO crisis overshadow the date.

Wang Yi, Kamala Harris and Volodymyr Selenskyj (from left) will be on site at the Munich Siko 2024.

© Montage: Imago/dpa/picture-alliance/Imagebroker/Hannes P. Albert/Sven Hoppe/Peter Kneffel/fn

When it comes to the war in Israel, conference head Christoph Heusgen is hoping for discussions away from the podium: representatives from Israel, Palestine and the Arab world are there in Munich.

When it comes to Ukraine, the situation on the diplomatic front is even bleaker.

Volodymyr Selenskyj is traveling to the Siko.

But representatives of Russia – just like those of Iran – are not welcome.

According to Heusgen, there is currently no basis for constructive talks with both governments.

Siko starts in Munich: Zelensky is there – Biden sends Kamala Harris

So Russia will be the main topic of discussion.

But the selection of ministers, heads of state and government is large.

According to Heusgen, “more than 180 high-ranking government representatives” are taking part in the Siko.

UN chief António Guterres will give the opening speech.

The detailed list of participants remained secret for a long time.

However, reports are circulating about the arrival of political celebrities from many of the more powerful nations.

China surprised with a peace initiative for Ukraine in 2023.

  • USA:

    Vice President Kamala Harris

  • China:

    Foreign Minister Wang Yi

  • Germany:

    including Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius

  • Israel:

    President Yitzchak Herzog, Foreign Minister Israel Katz

  • Ukraine:

    Volodymyr Zelenskyj

Further fuel was provided by statements by possible US presidential candidate Donald Trump, who accused Russia of being a NATO partner who was lazy about spending on armaments.

NATO boss Jens Stoltenberg - a regular guest at Siko - will also be under pressure in Munich this weekend to dispel any doubts about the strength of the alliance.

In addition, US military aid to Ukraine is currently limping.

However, the crisis issues are not limited to the two most prominent sources, Ukraine and Israel.

In the annual security report, the Siko makers warn of a global “lose-lose situation” in view of the global risks of conflict.

Crises in Somalia, Sudan and Haiti are also on the agenda – and the topic of “climate security”.

Siko 2024 in the Ukraine and Israel wars: a state of emergency in world politics - and at the Bavarian Court

The Siko is a feat of strength for the security forces in Munich.

In view of a record number of participants and an enlarged security zone, the police are planning a major operation with more than 5,000 emergency services.

Police Vice President Michael Dibowski spoke of “increased abstract danger” due to the geopolitical situation.

However, there is no information about specific threats. 

A large number of demonstrations, protests and rallies are also planned.

The peace movement meets on Saturday at Stachus and plans to “encircle” the Bayerischer Hof.

On the same day, people from Ukraine also want to demonstrate at Odeonsplatz - an alliance with close ties to the lateral thinker scene is also taking to the streets again.

Last year, German-Russian flags could be seen there and tirades could be heard directed at the invaded Ukraine.




Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-17

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