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The sirens are raging: as far as Netanyahu is concerned, he is the victim of October 7 - voila! news


Highlights: As far as Netanyahu is concerned, he is the victim of October 7 - voila! news. For him, if there is anyone who needs to be replaced - it is us, the people. The paradox, Mr. Netanyahu, is that despite being the biggest faction in our history - you managed to unite huge publics to fight against you. This time the responsibility is on us to serve him. Expose him. His mindset. His worldview. The tyranny of his government. He is not replaceable. If There's a problem, we can be replaced. It's here to stay.

This man is not with us, he has no idea what we want from his life. elections? What a strange idea. For him, if there is anyone who needs to be replaced - it is us, the people. The paradox, Mr. Netanyahu, is that despite being the biggest faction in our history - you managed to unite huge publics to fight against you. This time the responsibility is on us

Netanyahu: "There is a date for the elections - a few more years"/Leam

As long as he reads his carefully worded lies from the teleprompter or from the paper, Benjamin Netanyahu has a firm hand over the messages he wants to convey.

He has a rare natural talent for lying with a determined forehead and he has a rare natural talent for kneading the minds of his listeners, instilling his overt and hidden messages into their minds and returning home safely.

The breakdowns occur when he deviates for a moment from the plan and improvises.

When he is asked a question that throws him off balance, startles him or hits him in a sensitive spot.

In such cases, very rarely, the truth slips from his lips and bursts into the air of the world.

She is blinded by the sunlight, blinks her eyes and disappears.

As mentioned, historians do not have much evidence of such cases that happened to him.

He and the truth are parallel lines that almost never meet.

Yesterday, during the regular weekly event for Kneading the Mind (also mistakenly called a press conference), it happened.

He was asked about the calls to advance the elections.

Outwardly, he seemed completely calm and continued the flow of his speech.

The storm raged inside.

Someone inside his mind suddenly released the emergency stop.

The sirens are raging.

The warning lights were flashing madly.

The blood pressure rose and the pulse went wild (the pacemaker immediately regulated it).

"The elections," he blurted out casually, "have a date, it's in a few years."

Period, full stop.

Then he quickly added, because he realized the magnitude of the mistake, that "I suggest not engaging in war, because it will immediately divide us. We need unity right now."

But what is said should not be answered.

And the elections are not to be mentioned.

Netanyahu at the press conference, yesterday/Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel

This man is not with us.

He has no idea what we want from his life.


Where did we get this strange idea of ​​elections?

Isn't this a sitting prime minister!

What about him and the elections?

What is his responsibility?

What about him and the cook listed in his name from October 7?

Unlike the Chief of Staff, the head of the Shin Bet, the head of the National Security Agency, and anyone who has held any position in the past two decades, he is not responsible. What is his responsibility? He was not elected to the position, it is the position that was chosen for him to fill it. He is not replaceable. If There's a problem, we can be replaced. It's here to stay. It's a piece of furniture we can't live without, in all of our living rooms. But unlike furniture, no one sits on it. It's he who sits on us.

This short sentence ("There is a date for the elections in a few years") Expose him. His mindset. His worldview. The tyranny of his government. This man who did not give the previous government a single moment of grace, who did not agree to call Naftali Bennett "Prime Minister", who severely damaged the very legitimacy of those who were elected to run the country in his place , now comes with claims. The man whose followers attacked the state from the first second, went out in wild dances after every attack and danced on every puddle of blood, who turned a military escort of a fighter who was killed on the fence in Gaza into a political demonstration, who turned a large public of the people of Israel into traitors ("traitorous leftists") , is now alarmed by the very idea that he can be required under certain circumstances to accept responsibility for something. How can it be that after all these years there are still those among the people of Israel who did not understand that he only accepts responsibility for achievements, victories and successes?

In his view, he is the victim of October 7.

In his view, it has nothing to do with the elections.

It is not that he was chosen to serve us.

That we were chosen to serve him.

In emergencies, it is not him who needs to be replaced, but us.

He is the one who does us a favor by agreeing to rule over us.


We are ungrateful for not having the intelligence to understand that we have won it.

The secret?

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He did not agree to call him prime minister.

Bennett/Walla system!, Walla system

But it doesn't end with the election.

Because later on, after no one, poor thing, asked him this question, he suddenly broke out in broken screams about the media not doing its job and not doing an "investigation" to find out who is financing the outdoor campaign against him.

where does the money come from

Really, where has the investigative media gone in this country?

This was the real reason for convening the "press conference" yesterday.

Launch the shift approach campaign.

Unknown forces are gathered from the Bolshevik and anti-Semitic amnesties and pour in dubious funds to overthrow a sitting prime minister!

As soon as he finished his words, the trumpet dance broke out with the polo-up.

I assume that by today at noon they will arrive at the fact that the money comes from Mahud Barak, the new fund, the Wexner fund, the Marciano fund and the Pels fund.

And no, it's not funny anymore.

It reminded me, for a brief moment, of the unforgettable video in which he sits next to Eliad Sharga from the Movement for the Quality of Government, knocks on the table and says that corruption in the country continues because the media does not do its job and does not conduct investigations and does not expose the corrupt, and so does the police.

He is still speaking, and the media grinded Ehud Olmert in a meat grinder, the police scanned his past every day, the State Comptroller published countless reports on him and the prosecutor's office opened a commercial amount of investigations against him.

Years later, when the media and the police did their work in this area against his corruption, he He simply went to war to destroy both of them, and with them also the country.

Demonstration against the government calling for elections, last week/official website, Esther Wiener Illuz

Let's get back to the money: I'm raising the gauntlet.

I did some research.

Well, Mr. Prime Minister, here are the findings.

Let's work by the method of elimination.

First of all, the money did not come from Qatar.

There is no Qatari emissary who comes every month to the meeting of the elderly "Kippur fighters", who lead the campaign "You are the head, you are guilty", with a suitcase of cash.

What else you will be happy to hear is that the money goes to demonstrations, not tunnels.

For banners and slogans, not for explosive drones and missiles.

For billboards, not rockets.

Second, this campaign is signed by real people.

flesh and blood.

Those who fought in that terrible war.

They are strange people.

Even though they are already in their eighth decade of life (like you), they once again recognize an existential danger to the Zionist enterprise.

This time, that existential danger, is you.

And it is true that the protest against you does not lack money.

Let me tell you something else.

Since you stormed Israeli democracy to destruction, in the crazy legal coup that contradicts your original worldview (all your life you defended the justice system until you became a defendant), a tremendous protest movement has arisen here, the likes of which have not been seen in the history of Israel.

In this protest movement there are dozens, I think even hundreds of rich people.

No, I'm not talking about the foreign billionaires who routinely finance you, Mr. Netanyahu.

I'm talking about our capitalists, the Israelis.

About the builders of this country.

On the giants of high-tech and industry, commerce and services.

We used to call them the tycoons.

You know this group very well.

As a staunch capitalist, you've spent most of your life guarding them.

Demonstration against Netanyahu on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, yesterday/official website, Amir Goldstein

Well, there are dozens, I think even hundreds of people there, who have sworn to do everything within the law to free the State of Israel from your clutches.

Yes, they also open the wallet.

They worked hard to become rich people and a good number of them are willing to give up everything to save the country from the disaster you are leading it to.

A disaster, part of which, unfortunately, has already happened.

But it's not just them.

Even ordinary Israelis, like us, who are not extremely rich, mobilized to protest against you.

They also contribute.

As much as you can, and beyond that.

You can contact the associations and organizations protesting against you and ask to see the lists.

Everything is transparent.

The people of Israel mobilize en masse, open their pockets and are ready to dedicate their lives to saving the country.

The paradox is, Mr. Netanyahu, that despite being the biggest and most terrible division in our history, you managed to unite huge publics from different sectors and opposing directions in the fight against you.

Millions of Israelis who understood that everything must be done, within the law, to get the country back on track.

To silence the engine of incitement and hatred.

To dismantle the poison machine.

Now close your eyes for a moment, Mr. Prime Minister, and imagine two scenarios: in the first, you are now the leader of the opposition.

Not the prime minister.

Those who sign the October 7 massacre are Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid.

Do you see burning streets?

Yair Lapid said yesterday that if this had happened on his shift, you would have sent someone to burn down his house.

I say you wouldn't be satisfied at home.

You would burn the country down.

how would I know?

Because that's what you've been doing since the public thought of electing someone else under you.

If this had happened on Lapid's watch, Netanyahu would have burned the country.

Chairman of the opposition/Ruben Castro

Come on, close your eyes for a moment to the second scenario: imagine that the next day, October 7, you would do what any sane leader should do.

What every Israeli patriot should do: acknowledge your supreme, total responsibility for the disaster.

It is announced that immediately after the war a state commission of inquiry will be established and an agreed date will be set for the elections during the year 2024. You understand that in such a situation there would be no demonstrations today.

They were not needed.

And here we return to the beginning of this column.

Those who expect you to accept responsibility, do not know you.

Your responsibility is only for the successes.

The responsibility of others is for the disasters.

Well, not anymore.

Not only Kippur fighters are now coming against you.

Every Israeli patriot who knows how to distinguish between good and bad and between truth and lies thinks like them.

Because this time, the responsibility is on us.

The task of freeing our beloved country from your stranglehold is ours.

And we'll end with that terrible war: at the end of the day, even though the State Commission of Inquiry did not receive a mandate to investigate the failure of her government, Golda Meir accepted responsibility and resigned.

The political echelon, which tried to blame the failure only on the military echelon, understood the situation and went home.

there were times.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Prime Minister

  • War of Iron Swords

  • Gaza war

Source: walla

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