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Weekly horoscope: February 18-24, 2024 - voila! Spirit and horoscope


Highlights: After an assertive and even aggressive week, a week full of emotions is upon us. Our decision-making system becomes very emotional and affects our practical and professional thinking and judgment. The conjunction between Mars and Venus may strengthen an emotional dialogue that is not easy in our relationships and restlessness in the marital sphere. It is especially important this week to stick to the facts and not allow the rapidly changing moods to determine our agenda and the order of our activities. A weekly horoscope for each sign awaits you later in the forecast. do not miss!

After an assertive and even aggressive week, a week full of emotions is upon us. Our decision-making system becomes very emotional and affects our practical and professional thinking and judgment

More details about what awaits us in 2024/Yair Tribalsky

A weekly horoscope for each sign awaits you later in the forecast.

do not miss!

The high emotional involvement that accompanies us this week once again strengthens the element of uncertainty in our lives in all areas - both in the personal area and in matters of policy, military and government, as well as in our dialogue with the world.

The conjunction between Mars and Venus may strengthen an emotional dialogue that is not easy in our relationships and restlessness in the marital sphere.

It is especially important this week to stick to the facts and not allow the rapidly changing moods to determine our agenda and the order of our activities.

The particularly significant element this week -

the need to establish facts on the ground, and not to text existing decisions or postpone decisions that must take place here and now.

It's time to set clear boundaries - both for our actions and for relationships.

The significant processes in the sky this week:

1. The sun moves into Pisces.

2. Venus joins the planet Mars in Aquarius.

3. Mercury, the star of communication, moves into Pisces.

The significant transition of the week -

this is the transition of the sun, our energetic focus, from the social sign of Aquarius to the emotional sign of Pisces.

The transit of the Sun into Pisces, which belongs to the emotional zodiac group and later also of Mercury, our star of communication, will make our lives emotionally charged in a higher dose when this emotional involvement brings with it rapid changes in our moods and feelings of instability, even in the way we perceive now the world and also in our way of communication.

The positive thing is that we are now becoming more creative and able to think more outside the box, but right now it seems that our box itself is not very stable - and there is also a possibility to replace it with something more dynamic and adaptable, which will allow for dynamic adaptability and less fear and anxiety from the apparent uncertainty.

Who will be mostly affected by this transition?

The changing zodiac signs: Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius.

This week we act on emotion, but don't let it influence your critical decisions/ShutterStock

How emotional!

Mercury, our star of communication, moves from social Aquarius to emotional Pisces, making our communication emotional, associative, fast-changing, and not conveying confidence or certainty.

The effect created by the transit of Mercury into Pisces is similar to the effect of the transit of the Sun, but it is also expressed in a communicative way, both in the communication with which we initiate and in the communication through which we broadcast.

This is a good time for spiritual and emotional workshops, for placing special emphasis on the therapeutic side of our nature, and on the other hand - it is also a good time to receive treatments for problems that we have neglected until now, physical and especially emotional and mental, to open things up in depth in our communication with other people, and especially to share feelings also to vent from the heart And also to get proportions and understand that what we are going through is not the end of the world, and is shared by many even if they themselves are reluctant to share it with others.

Who will be mostly affected by this transition?

Here too, mainly the group of changing zodiac signs - Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini.

The difficult angle of the week

is the juxtaposition between the emotional Venus and the aggressive Mars that occurs in Aquarius.

Venus and Mars together form a kind of subsystem that symbolizes our relationships, and the dialogue between our giving and receiving.

Venus is a planet that works harmoniously, and she also tries to bring this harmony to our relationships.

But the planet Mars is disharmonious by nature, and this conjunction does not do these two guys any good.

In such a situation, our relationships may suffer from a high dose of power and ego struggles, attempts to impose our way of thinking on our partners or a feeling that they are trying to do it to us, and at the same time the need for warmth and love or steam for their lack in our relationships also increases.

From a certain point of view it is good that this happens: it forces us to pour out our claims and anger and meet them with our partners, when it is impossible to be silent any longer, and thus it forces us to address the issue and reach decisions.

It works well when both partners are equally committed to the success of the relationship, and are not afraid to release pressures and anger from time to time that arise naturally and receive recognition.

However, in cases where the relationship itself is in an unstable period, this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and when there is no deep commitment to the relationship on the part of both partners, it may cause a problem, distance, taking time off, and even disconnection.

It is important to know where this attachment is holding us, and what is happening now in our relationships, but more important is the way in which we handle problems that come up, ones that require taking maximum responsibility and a real mobilization for the success of the relationship despite the difficulties: in such a situation, as I wrote, it can definitely be a phase Blessed and the difficulty that arises now, it is possible through conscious in-depth work and patience to enter a state of personal and marital growth.

Who will be mostly affected by this location?

Zodiac signs Aries Cancer Capricorn Libra Taurus Scorpio Aquarius and Leo.

More in Walla!

It's so delicious and simple: a recipe for caramelized bananas

In collaboration with the Galil company

At the same time, the need for warmth and love also increased/ShutterStock

The weekly forecast according to zodiac signs:


Mars, the ruler of your sign, moves away from the powerful Pluto, and the emotional Venus clings to him, softening him and you, and this is an interesting period in which you can definitely deepen relationships, and give more space to love...


from the constellation Aquarius, which inhabits your career house, activates you Strongly now.

This is a time to wake up and at the same time awaken your ambition, strengthen your drive, define goals precisely - go into action.

Gemini Mercury

, the ruler of your luck, is still affected by an interaction with the frenetic Uranus at the beginning of the week, so it is important to be very careful of door slams and disconnections.

Later in the process, communication will be more relaxed.

A good time to expand the social circle.


in the professional field now requires a renewed construction of priorities, and you should also beware of irritation and restlessness at work.

Health issues may also come up now.

A good time to return to investing in the physical body, eating right, and signing up for the gym.


, the sun ruling your luck moves to Pisces this week, and the world becomes emotional and romantic and sometimes dramatic.

This high emotional involvement makes our Leo emotional, nostalgic, and even very romantic.. How fun for a Leo (and vice versa..)


the sun and Mercury move into your house of relationships and relationships, and the emphasis in the coming weeks will be on investing in relationships and partnerships in your life.

A good time to upgrade marital communication, lower the level of cynicism, and emphasize honesty and sharing feelings.


Emotional Venus ruling your luck resides in your social house, and you seem to be meeting quite a few new people now.

The conjunction to the planet Mars can cause storms and dramas, and you should not lose proportions.

The need for contact becomes more important now.


Mars and Venus move away from creative Pluto, the ruler of your sign, which moves up in Aquarius.

Now is the time to start re-opening to the world, and especially to the social and friendly sides of it, and to expand your social circles.


Mars Venus and Mercury are in your house of communication, and this week may be full of media ventures and conversations from different people.

A good time to push forward new entrepreneurship on practical issues, and get to know practical collaborations that will advance you.


A cluster of four stars in your material and financial house indicates the need to reorganize financially, check different job options and investment goals, and redefine your financial goals, Capricorns.

Aquarius Pluto

Mars Mercury and Venus are now in your sign and help you generate movement and action, initiate interesting beginnings and promote what is really important to you.

This is going to be a special year for the Aquarius, and in a big way - it starts now....

Good luck

fish , minnows!

The sun moves into your sign, your personal charm is at its peak, and you are going to experience an interesting practical year that is not easy but... very fruitful, if you listen to Saturn which is in your sign, and forces you to change your priorities, and act wisely and precisely.

  • More on the same topic:

  • horoscope

  • astrology

  • Fortunes

  • Status of the stars of the week

  • daily horoscope

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-18

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