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Ben Gvir has stopped aid to women who have experienced violence: "They want to take the money into their pockets" - voila! news


Highlights: Ben Gvir has stopped aid to women who have experienced violence: "They want to take the money into their pockets" - voila! news. In the forum they commented: "We are sorry for trying to harm the important activity with idle claims" The minister responded to the accusations against him, after the publications according to which he decided to stop funding the Michal Sela Forum. "I didn't want to tell this but you are forcing me," he noted and described what happened in front of the forum.

The minister responded to the accusations against him, after the publications according to which he decided to stop funding the Michal Sela Forum. "In the beginning I said that the budget should be increased, suddenly it became clear to me that they want the money for the association's pocket," he said in an interview with 103FM. In the forum they commented: "We are sorry for trying to harm the important activity with idle claims"

On video: Ben Gabir at the scene of the attack: "The attack once again proves the concept that distributing weapons saves lives"/Photo: Avi Rokah

The Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, was interviewed today (Tuesday) by Arel Sgal and rival Oppenheimer on Radio 103FM, and referred to publications according to which his office decided to stop funding the Michal Sela Forum, which was established following the murder of Michal Sela by her partner, and is intended to help women in a relationship Violent.

"I didn't want to tell this but you are forcing me," he noted and described what happened in front of the forum: "I doubled their budget, and when they came to me a few months ago I said 'We need to increase the forum's budget.'

It suddenly dawned on me that they don't want the money to be distributed for violence against women but for the distribution of the association's pocket - sorry, not on my shift.

Money will go to women, to protect them, money will not go to private pockets or to finance employees of an association."

"Money will go to protect women, not to private pockets."

Ben Gvir/Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel

Ben Gvir was careful to point out that this was his decision: "With all due respect, I don't need to finance associations, it's not my job. The decision is unequivocally mine. At first I decided to double the budget, when they brought the plan I see that the money goes to the people of the association. What the hell, I want money for women, to prevent violence against women, not money for members of an association."

Yesterday, the "Shomerim" organization published an investigation according to which the Ministry of National Security decided not to renew the contract with the Michal Sela Forum, after about a year during which the defense program was launched as part of the cooperation with the ministry, jointly funded by the association and the ministry, and includes two projects: "Michal Cruiser", a project that provides an envelope of security measures for threatened women, and another innovative project in which threatened women receive a trained guard dog.

According to the publication, and also according to the words of Minister Ben Gabir, the amount the ministry invested in the forum was between half a million and a million shekels per year.

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Michal Sela/courtesy of the family

The response of the Michal Selah Forum: "The Michal Selah Forum worked in fruitful cooperation with the professional staff of the Ministry of Internal Security for a year. All those concerned, including all the government authorities directly involved in the protection programs and especially the threatened women receiving protection, expressed great satisfaction and interest in the continuation of the programs The lifesavers. These are Blue and White breakthrough developments, operated with dedication, professionalism, sensitivity and without profit. The Michal Selah Forum is the only body in Israel that developed and operates these programs and we regret the attempt to damage this important activity with idle claims.

"The Michal Selah Forum is conducted in a responsible and honest manner In every aspect and especially in financial matters.

As you can see, for a whole year the forum cooperated with the Ministry of National Security in a transparent and good manner.

The association meets all the strictest requirements of proper management and even recently the association was awarded a measure for effectiveness, this after external inspections and supervision of the association.

The project budget is intended solely for the benefit of the activity that has proven its success, and for the 276 threatened women who are already participating in it and their 900 children.

Especially in these days of war and the increase in violence in homes and a historic increase in the possession of weapons inside private homes, we call on the ministry not to cut the budget for the security of threatened and single-parent women inside their homes.

This is about saving lives."

"Hamas flags will not be raised on the Temple Mount"

In addition to this, Ben Gabir referred to the storm that is raging around the issue of going up to the Temple Mount during the month of Ramadan.

"There was no claim that there would be no entry, even I, who am the strictest in the story, talked about age 70 and over, there were attitudes of giving freely. I am happy that my principled position that there should be a restriction was accepted, and the police talked about a restriction of 40 and over. This is an important restriction My opinion was not accepted on one thing, and I will try to convince the cabinet, on the issue of waving Hamas flags and pictures of Sinwar. In my opinion, if waving - at any cost, enter, take it down."

"I do not accept that our daughters are being raped in Gaza and Israel will allow our enemies to wave Hamas or pro-Sinwar flags in the heart of Jerusalem. There are many normal people under the age of 40, but we also have a responsibility for all the residents of the State of Israel, and statistics show that the younger the age, the more Rioters. Therefore, if there is a doubt, there is no doubt," he clarified, adding: "There are many normative people under the age of 40, but we also have a responsibility for all the residents of the State of Israel, and statistics show that the younger the age, the more rioters there are. Therefore, if there is a doubt, there is no doubt."

He also claimed that "They have restricted the movement of Jews on the Temple Mount for decades, and the Temple Mount is the most important place for the people of Israel, why? Because they said security. I am for reasons of security, to protect our children. I can't limit the movement of Israeli Arabs? I can limit, And there will be a restriction, and this is the right way because something happened here. Everyone understands from the seventh of October that there was something here. It is enough to live with the concept that let's give complete freedom, we are not in Switzerland."

The Sgt asked to mention the warnings of the security forces and the recommendations for taking various actions on the Temple Mount, and Ben Gvir was indignant: "I appreciate the head of the Shin Bet, but these are the same organizations that kept telling me, 'We must allow the entry of workers from Gaza because otherwise it will heat up the area ', these are the same organizations that told me all last year that I said there should be targeted countermeasures and for every missile fifty missiles, 'No Ben Gvir, it will set the area on fire'. Enough with these illusions."

"October 7th proved that they don't need a reason to set the area on fire," he attacked.

"Before the holiday of Sukkot, a security official called me, told me, 'Don't go up to the Temple Mount, it will incite them,' I respected that official, and what happened? A security official. Reality slapped us in the face - enough with the notion that we won't upset them. Our fear is what causes For them to do what they do, that's the problem."

Oppenheimer refused to accept the minister's words, insisting: "Why are you endangering the security of the police officers?".

Ben Gabir replied: "The story that the Israeli Arabs did not start an intifada is, among other things, because the police changed their policy, because in the last year there has been a complete change. If once before my time someone called for the murder of female soldiers or the rape of Jewish women, they came to him after a year, today on my shift in the same Tonight they come to him, arrest him, photograph him behind a picture of the Israeli flag and send him away. Today in the prisons the policy is different, they stopped being all-inclusive camps."

"The police are much more effective, we also prevented demonstrations. Demonstrations that the police thought were going to be riots the police said 'will not happen and will not happen', and that is what kept the peace. I am not saying that all Israeli Arabs are our enemies, there are many loyalists among them, there are many among them who serve in the police , gives them all the respect and loves them very much, but here is the great grief, some of them are Daesh supporters, Raad Saleh supporters, and that is exactly the story.

This is why I want restrictions, why I changed policy, and as a result of these things there is silence, relative silence by the way but yes.

It is true that the police are working, and this is my policy," he emphasized.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Itamar Ben Gabir

  • Violence against women

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-20

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