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Eisenkot, instead of writing letters - give them a head or you will resign - voila! news


Highlights: Eisenkot, instead of writing letters - give them a head or you will resign - voila! news. The "warning letter" that was leaked from Eizenkot's environment to the media, shows more than anything about the golden cage in which he and Benny Gantz are imprisoned. Full of complaints against Netanyahu, but unable to break away from the public embrace of Eisenkot and Gantz. Do you blame Netanyahu for preferring the electoral interest to the good of the State of Israel? Well, how exactly are you different?

The "warning letter" that was leaked from Eizenkot's environment to the media, shows more than anything about the golden cage in which he and Benny Gantz are imprisoned. Full of complaints against Netanyahu, but unable to break away from the public embrace

Eisenkot, Netanyahu and Gantz.

Do you blame Netanyahu for preferring the electoral interest to the good of the State of Israel?

Well, how exactly are you different?/Photo processing, Yonatan Zindel, Oren Ben Hakon/Flash 90, Amir Goldstein

If it weren't for the video of the Biebs family, this would have been the main story of the most watched news edition: Gadi Eisenkot sent a letter to his friends in the War Cabinet in which he warned against a series of issues in which important applications are not accepted.

The letter (revealed by Yaron Avraham) is intended for the members of the limited cabinet, but among us - Eisenkot can say what's on his mind even in closed meetings, while looking at them with the whites of his eyes.

If things are put in writing, especially if the writing reaches a leading news reporter, then they are meant for the public eye.

For more than four months, Gadi Eisenkot and Benny Gantz have been full partners in the government.

In the eyes of the public, their sitting in the government is seen as an act of national responsibility - and rewarded in the polls, accordingly.

According to the polls, the two are close to forty mandates, while Netanyahu has been stuck for weeks on less than half of that.

This is an amazing result.

In a less disturbed place than the State of Israel, it would be possible to conclude the next election campaign, but here it is only "truth for the time being".

A government may only be changed at the ballot box, but in the meantime the polls are the ones that sustain it: for Netanyahu, going to early elections like this is political suicide, for Gantz and Eisenkot, it's about leaving the warm and embracing light of the consensus and re-exposing the famous poison machine, one of whose first actions was to "expose" the so-called Keep Benny Gantz's phone.

A matter that should perhaps be mentioned to these two, who stuck to Netanyahu (and he did, but when you establish a unity government with Netanyahu, you also establish it with Netanyahu's friend and with Netanyahu's friend's friend - and you know, maybe one of them is a kahanist?) and imprisoned themselves, Electorally, to a cage of gold.

Gadi Eisenkot.

In the eyes of many, he winks at the stuff leaders are made of.

Unfortunately, putting together a document that is ostensibly intended for his cabinet members and in fact for the media, is not an act of leadership/Reuven Castro

Eisenkot document

It is impossible to criticize Gadi Eisenkot, without the hand trembling on the keyboard: since time immemorial he has been in my eyes a man of values ​​and dignity - and since he also became a bereaved father he deserves to be treated with caution.

And yet, since he chose to stay on the political merry-go-round, the tune that accompanies his rotation must also be renewed.

Since this is the case, it is appropriate to ask Eisenkot what exactly he was thinking about when he composed the document he sent - supposedly to his members in the cabinet and in fact, over their heads, to the entire nation of Israel?

Forgive me Mr. Eisenkot, but an "open letter to cabinet members" can be sent by anyone.

You are singing?

Give them a heads up at the cabinet meeting, for my part hit them or resign, appear with your face and voice in front of the public - that's what is required of a leader, not letters that were intended to be leaked in advance.

And as for the public sentiment: the feeling is getting stronger that you and the other retired chief of staff will soon find out what exactly he is worth. Because day by day your specific weight in the cabinet is decreasing. How do you know? It is enough to look at the government's decisions to discover that Itamar Ben Gabir is more influential than the two of you: the return of the negotiating delegation From Cairo? A decision that was made above your heads and aimed at Smotrich and Ben Gvir.

Limiting the freedom of worship of the Israeli Arabs on the Temple Mount - contrary to the firm position of the security establishment (which you like to portray as meat from its meat)? It didn't count you either.

So where are you influencing? In avoiding a war in the North 11.10 (that there is still doubt as to whether it is a rescue or a cry for generations)? In mild and soft speech towards the families of the abductees (a matter that is blessed in itself, but not instead of actions)? How many more stories will you tell us about how important it is that both of your hands are on the steering wheel, rather than leaning completely in the direction of The extreme right?

Netanyahu looks at you and no nuance escapes his notice. He understands that you are judges of public opinion, that you know that as soon as you break away from him you will lose at least ten of the twenty mandates - the size of the gap you have opened over him. He knows that you have turned his fig tree into his best insurance policy - and also The day you step down from the government, it will be on his terms where he will be portrayed as abandoned in battle while you rekindled Kaplan.

You may be retired rabbi generals, but in the current government you are nothing but puppets.

Fact: If in the beginning it was still important for Netanyahu to respect you and present you, for reasons that serve him, as full partners in the management of the campaign, now he understands that he can wink freely at Ben Gavir and earn both the base and the safety net.

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Is it enough to keep Netanyahu, is it enough to be partners in Goldknopf's budget, but let Smotrich and Ben Gvir actually manage the policy?/Photo processing, Yonatan Zindel Flash 90

Cynics just like Netanyahu

It is customary to accuse Netanyahu of doing everything to preserve his rule, that he sticks to preserving the framework of 64 coalition members just to survive politically.

This may be true, but between us: what are Gantz and Eisenkot better?

Do they not see how the minister known as the "Minister of National Security" is forcefully trying to ignite a religious war in other sectors as well, when they are co-bearers in the responsibility?

By remaining in the government despite this fact, don't they prefer the virtual mandates of the polls (at least Netanyahu is trying to preserve real mandates!) over what is good for the State of Israel?

In the eyes of many, Gadi Eisenkot is considered to be the stuff prime ministers should be made of, both for the reasons inherent in his personality and because of the circumstances.

The letter that he sent to the public raises the suspicion that there is also anti-material, precisely because the points that the letter reviews are true, precisely because they reflect a series of issues on which a decision is required - that every day it is delayed, vital security and political interests of the State of Israel are being harmed.

Precisely because Eisenkot knows how to identify the failures very well, he is expected not to act as a commentator, but as a leader, that is, as someone who is able to do a much more binding and responsible act than writing a letter that was predestined to be leaked - and not just because Netanyahu could never do it better than him.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Gadi Eisenkot

  • Benny Gantz

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Gaza war

Source: walla

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