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Javier Milei said that Congress is "a rat's nest" and that the UCA's poverty figure is "a drawing"


Highlights: Javier Milei said that Congress is "a rat's nest" and that the UCA's poverty figure is 'a drawing' Milei was in Corrientes to celebrate the tenth anniversary of a libertarian club. He targeted radicals and Peronists, but some liberal economists such as Ricardo López Murphy were not spared either. Milei defended the work of Martín Menem in Congress despite the failure of the DNU and the ambitious project that ended up shipwrecked.

It was in Corrientes, where he traveled. The UCA Social Observatory estimated the poverty level at 57.4%.

In his first foray into the interior of the country as president,

Javier Milei

did not stop firing heavy ammunition against those who resist his initiatives.

From the City of Corrientes, where he landed to celebrate the tenth anniversary of a libertarian club, he chose Congress, which he called a

“rat's nest

,” and politicians as “shit that people despise.”

The President also maintained that the poverty estimate released by the Church's Social Observatory last week was

“a drawing.”

According to that Observatory, poverty in January reached 57.4% of the population.

Around 7:00 p.m., Milei arrived on an official plane with her sister Karina, the Minister of the Interior,

Guillermo Francos


and her spokesperson,

Manuel Adorni


The president was received by the

radical governor Gustavo Valdés


President Javier Milei in Corrientes Photo: Blas Martínez.

The few witnesses to the meeting said that the meeting was cordial,

but it was striking that they boarded different buses

to go to the auditorium full of liberals and a large part of the provincial cabinet.

From the first row of the auditorium, Valdés

endured the fierce criticism

that Milei was reeling off with unusual calm.

He targeted radicals and Peronists, but some liberal economists such as

Ricardo López Murphy

were not spared either .

After a review of his path in the world of economics, the president recalled how he landed in politics and with some creative ideas began to gain space in what were his first steps on the way to the Casa Rosada.

In the talk, which was followed by nearly 3,000 people, he said that “getting into this mud,” in relation to politics, “is not free.”

“I have received all kinds of insults, slander, they have said truly aberrant things about me, my sister, my family.

The system defends itself,” she analyzed.

"One of the things that I discovered is that the fight happens from within because if you want to win the game, the Argentine fans are very nice, very wonderful, but I put the ball in the middle, and no matter how nice they scream, the ball does not move.

The games are won by Messi, the players,” he exemplified.

In that sense, he concluded, "throwing stones at one's own people seems mediocre to me and, above all, cowardly."

And he defended the work of

Martín Menem

in Congress despite the failure of the DNU and the ambitious project that ended up shipwrecked.

Milei recalled to the audience how he became involved in politics during the pandemic.

"We decided to fight on a political level, we started with (José Luis) Espert and then we felt the need to present our own project," she said.

“They told us that we were nice to speak on television, but we didn't get votes, that we weren't going to be able to form a party and we formed one,” he added and gave way to criticism against economists with similar thinking to his.

“When we advanced strongly, Mr. (Horacio Rodríguez) Larreta created an alternative list headed by the


(Ricardo) López Murphy, who I imagine it hurts to hear, but he is a traitor of ideas,” he stated about Fernando's former Minister of Economy. De la Rúa and current deputy of We Make the Federal Coalition.

Paradoxically, both shared talks with the Club de la Libertad de Corrientes in its beginnings, a decade ago.

And he continued: “It is good that they know who are those who disguise themselves as liberals and are true trash who go against ideas.

Obviously that goes for those who came back on the list too." "Take it as you want," he became emboldened.


Milei then maintained that, in his opinion, “he who betrays once always betrays.”

“That's why I recently said that for traitors there is no tabula rasa,” she recalled about a question asked weeks ago by journalists who interviewed him about Carolina Píparo.

The former candidate for governor of her party had been appointed to head the ANSES and, just days after Milei assumed the presidency, she was removed from the Government.

And he continued with the darts against López Murphy.

“Now he wants to play nice, try to save Chapter 4 of the Base Law.

Don't believe him, he's trying to blow up my economic program so that he can beat me up,” he said.

He considered that the deputy “continues to be an employee of (Rodríguez) Larreta.”

“We went to the election, there was the supposedly liberal expression for the people, with López Murphy's Larreta anabolics, and we were there,” he recalled about the last presidential election.

“The truth is that if we beat them by one vote it was a phenomenal achievement and they got 11 and we got 14 points,” he said.

President Javier Milei in Corrientes.

Photo: Blas Martínez.

Shortly before the start of the conference, while Milei was meeting with the president of the Freedom Club, Valdés had a private meeting with Francos,

but it was not revealed what topics they addressed


The governor had announced in the morning that he was going to ask the Nation to complete the highway access to the city;

or that they authorized them to continue with the work with provincial resources.

In a nod to his voters, he said that 56% of Argentines, who voted for him in the second round, "woke up", but due to the "logic of the electoral system" La Libertad Avanza still does not have that representation in the chambers, which he described as a "rat's nest".

"Once you stopped being a lamb and became a lion, you will not be a lamb again. And 56% of Argentines saw that and woke up. And due to the logic of the electoral system (the Government) still does not have

that representation in that rat's nest that is the Chamber of Deputies or the National Congress

," said the President.

Milei was in Corrientes for less than two hours and took as gifts a medal, the provincial flag and a book by Alberdi that was published two years after his death and was treasured by the Leconte family.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-20

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