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"Shame" and "simply useless", the opposition raised criticism against Axel Kicillof for the crisis at IOMA


Highlights: Radical and PRO legislators charged against the Buenos Aires governor after the riots at social work headquarters run by camper Homero Giles. "Kicillof is more concerned about playing politics against Milei and protecting his privileges," said deputy Diego Santilli. "They continue to play with the health of neighbors and members who need real answers," said Alex Campbell. The opposition had been demanding that the official, a member of La Cámpora, appear at the venue and his appearance attempted to prevent him from being forced to give explanations via questioning.

Radical and PRO legislators charged against the Buenos Aires governor after the riots at social work headquarters run by camper Homero Giles. "Kicillof is more concerned about playing politics against Milei and protecting his privileges," said deputy Diego Santilli.

While the members of the

Medical Assistance Work Institute (IOMA)

await responses from the entity or the Buenos Aires governor,

Axel Kicillof

, the opposition took up the incidents this Wednesday at the La Plata medical headquarters and criticized the management of the provincial president and his bishop in social work,

Homero Giles, from La Cámpora


"Bullshitted and abandoned. This is how IOMA members feel.

Kicillof is more concerned about playing politics against Milei and protecting his privileges than about providing quality health to the people of Buenos Aires," wrote the PRO deputy and former candidate for Buenos Aires governor,

Diego Santilli


, in social networks.

Alex Campbell

also expressed himself along these lines

, saying that

Kicillof "doesn't care about the people of Buenos Aires

. "

"They continue to play with the health of neighbors and members who need real answers. They cannot be treated, they cannot do studies, they cut their treatments, they do not deliver medicines and

no one shows their face or gives answers. They are a shame,"

attacked the Buenos Aires senator from the macrista force.

Cristian Ritondo

, president of the PRO bloc in Deputies, chicane next to a video in which the Buenos Aires governor criticized the proposals of La Libertad Avanza, which were going to "leave people lifeless": "

Kici, what was it like to leave people without health?"


Martín Yeza

, a member of the bloc led by Ritondo, remarked on the governor as "simply useless."


That's how IOMA members feel.

Kicillof is more concerned with playing politics against Milei and protecting her privileges than with providing quality health to the people of Buenos Aires.

— Diego Santilli (@diegosantilli) February 21, 2024

"A few months ago Kicillof mounted a campaign threatening 'the right or the rights', true to his style, in the end we Buenos Aires residents have neither the right nor the rights. Simply useless," posted the former mayor of Pinamar.


It is in protest of the lack of service of the Buenos Aires social work.

Provincial deputy Fernando Rovello said that the IOMA is a "Social Project that

Kirchnerism defunded and destroyed

" and demanded that Kicillof and Homero Giles, president of the entity, take charge of the situation.

For his part, the radical deputy

Martín Tetaz

made an x-ray of the operation of the IOMA: "The doctors are not satisfied, who no longer want to work for the OOSS, nor are the members, who are mostly captives."


Release the members, make the numbers transparent and declare the emergency

," he asked.

What is happening at the IOMA: the escalation of the conflict in Buenos Aires health

The president of IOMA, Homero Giles, had acknowledged this Monday in a meeting in the Buenos Aires Legislature that

the social work of Buenos Aires public employees has “problems”

, but he preferred to blame Javier Milei for “the liberalization policies of the entire market” that he proposes.

The opposition had been demanding that the official, a member

of La Cámpora

, appear at the venue and his appearance attempted to prevent him from being forced to give explanations via questioning - which was requested by deputy Rovello and the ruling party rejected - or from declaring an emergency before the crisis in your body.

Although "the social work was growing, organizing its financial issues and expanding coverage," "

the huge increase in prices

" in the market between October and December made the situation difficult, Giles explained.

"The policies of liberalization of the entire market, of prices, proposed by Javier Milei,

mean that there are many victims

," ​​added Giles.

IOMA affiliates group together to demand MEDICAL CARE from @kicillofok and @homerogiles.

All Buenos Aires residents who contribute to a Social Project that Kirchnerism defunded and destroyed.

Take charge.

— Fernando Rovello (@FerRovello) February 21, 2024

He said little about the complaints about the

lack of medicines - including oncology - and the difficulties in accessing medical appointments

that have worsened significantly since last year at IOMA.

To the point that legislators from the Civic Coalition pointed

to the ombudsman Guido Lorenzino

to ask for explanations about what that oversight body did in response to the complaints against the social work.

The postcard of the protests in La Plata was repeated in Mar del Plata and Tandil.

Photo Daniel Olivero / Infocielo

The lack of responses generated another outbreak this Wednesday: a group of members tried to force their way into the headquarters located in La Plata with

pushing, shouting and fighting

between the protesters and the Buenos Aires Police who were guarding the building.


There are people who are dying because of these garbage

that are stealing money. All this is ours and they don't give us anything, people need it," was the testimony of Gladys G, as published by the


site .

A few months ago Kicillof mounted a campaign threatening “the right or the rights”, true to his style, in the end we Buenos Aires residents have neither the right nor the rights.

Simply useless.

— Martín Yeza (@martinyeza) February 21, 2024

In addition, there were protests at the Mar del Plata and Tandil headquarters.

And a judicial setback against an attempted covert increase against members of San Nicolás, which the Buenos Aires Supreme Court stopped.


Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-21

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