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A Marseille imam criticizes the Grand Mosque of Paris for having condemned the comments of Mahjoub Mahjoubi


Highlights: A Marseille imam criticizes the Grand Mosque of Paris for having condemned the comments of Mahjoub Mahjoubi. The imam of Bleuets, in the northern districts of Marseille, reacted strongly to the press release. According to him, the body “does not represent any Muslim in France” and is “a shame” This Wednesday, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin requested the withdrawal of Mah joubi's residence permit, after he notably described the tricolor as a “satanic flag”

The imam of Bleuets, in the northern districts of Marseille, reacted strongly to the press release from the Grand Mosque of Paris disavowing the comments of the imam of Bagnols-sur-Cèze. According to him, the body “does not represent any Muslim in France” and is “a shame”.

On the Paris, very critical of the words of the imam of Bagnols-sur-Cèze, in Gard.

In a tweet, the institution expressed

“its dismay”

at the words of Mahjoub Mahjoubi who

“recently made disrespectful statements against the French Republic as well as its sacred symbols”


“You only represent yourself,”

replies the Marseille imam


No Muslim in France takes you as a reference, even more to determine the start of the month of Ramadan.

Also read: Why the expulsion of the “anti-France” imam from Bagnols-sur-Cèze will be complicated

Threatened with expulsion

The imam of the northern districts describes the tweet from the great mosque of Paris as a

“real masquerade”


“A shame for Muslims, still under the syndrome of colonization.”

This Wednesday, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin requested the withdrawal of Mahjoub Mahjoubi's residence permit, after he notably described the tricolor as a

“satanic flag”

in a video relayed on social networks.

In the press release criticized by Marseille imam Ismaïl, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris

“strongly condemns”

the remarks of Mahjoub Mahjoubi, which

“go against the fundamental principles of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect”


“ values ​​advocated by Islam


Source: lefigaro

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