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Two Nantes transport agents injured in the middle of the night by a drunk man


Highlights: Two Nantes transport agents injured in the middle of the night by a drunk man. The nighttime attack required the intervention of the BAC. A complaint was filed by the public transport operator of the Nantes metropolis. According to police, the man had 2g of alcohol per liter of blood. The incident caused the interruption of a tram line in the city center. The insecurity of certain neighborhoods of Nantes is increasingly a problem for Semitan professionals. The two injured officers did not require hospital treatment.

The nighttime attack required the intervention of the BAC. A complaint was filed by the public transport operator of the Nantes metropolis.

Le Figaro Nantes

The incident caused the interruption of a tram line.

On February 20, around 12:30 a.m., a pedestrian stopped in the middle of the street, Quai de Versailles, along the Erdre, which crosses the north of Nantes.

At the end of the evening, he walks unsteadily, staggers, looks around him.

The man is 25 years old.

He is drunk.

Above all, it stops in the center of a lane dedicated to the second line of the metropolitan tramway, whose passage it prevents.

And the tone rises when four agents from Semitan - the city's public transport operator - end up approaching him.

Words flow – including death threats.

Fists follow.

The intoxicated man attacks the officers around him, and slightly injures two of them, before being restrained on the ground, report our colleagues from

Presse Océan


The muscular intervention was completed by the arrival of a BAC patrol, which took the individual and placed him in custody at the Nantes central police station, located near the quay.

Not without having scrupulously noted, in passing, the outrages uttered.

According to police, the man had 2g of alcohol per liter of blood.

Also read: Nantes: 2 young repeat offenders defy justice and are released

Drunkenness on public roads

Requested by

Le Figaro

, Semitan confirms having filed a complaint for obstruction of traffic and violence against a person responsible for a public service mission.

The two injured officers did not require hospital treatment.

“Any attack on a person carrying out a public service mission is serious, whatever the injury

,” adds the Nantes transport organizing authority.

The insecurity of certain neighborhoods of Nantes is increasingly a problem for Semitan professionals.

In January, four tram officers filed a complaint after being threatened with a knife by an individual who was drunk and in possession of drugs.

Same problem for bus drivers, who regularly highlight the dangerousness of certain sectors.

At the beginning of February, a homeless man who was intoxicated was crushed to death by a tram in the city center.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-21

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