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"Excited that our call was answered": Grateful patients for including the medicines for their rare diseases in the basket - voila! news


Highlights: The decision to add medicines to the health care basket in 2024 is one of the most important ones made by the government. The medicines that go into the basket receive a subsidy and a significant discount, so that almost anyone can purchase them. Walla! spoke with patients and their parents that the new drugs that entered the health basket give them hope and the financial possibility to finance the expensive treatments. "Excited that our call was answered": Grateful patients for including the medicines for their rare diseases in the basket - voila! news.

12-year-old Daniel Schlossman from Ashkelon suffers from hair loss that worsened following the war. 17-year-old Assaf suffers from chronic inflammation of the esophagus. Walla spoke with patients and their parents that the new drugs that entered the health basket give them hope and the financial possibility to finance the expensive treatments

The Drug Basket 2024/ShutterStock

The decision to add medicines to the health care basket in 2024 is one of the most important ones made by the government, because the medicines that go into the basket receive a subsidy and a significant discount, so that almost anyone can purchase them.

This is in contrast to medicines that remain outside the basket and which only those who can afford or have supplementary health insurance can purchase.


Talk to some of the people whose lives the new drugs are set to change.

Ayala Assaf reacted with happy shouts that the drug Dufiknest entered the basket.

Assaf is the mother of Sagi, almost 17 years old, who suffers from chronic inflammation of the esophagus.

"We are especially happy today for all the families who do not have private insurance, and could not receive the expensive medicine. We have been waiting for a long time for the medicine to enter the basket. Recently, Sagi started to receive Dupicnest through the private insurance, and in a short time there was a significant improvement."

Chronic inflammation of the esophagus is caused by the presence of inflammatory cells in the esophagus, where they are not normally found.

For this reason the disease is underdiagnosed.

It causes damage to the ability of the esophagus to contract and push the food into the stomach, so the patients suffer from a feeling of food getting stuck and an inability to swallow.

Many of the patients cut the food into small pieces, are picky about their food, chew for a long time, and drink a large amount of water in an attempt to overcome the swallowing difficulties.

They suffer a lot from chest pains and scarring and narrowing of the esophagus, and need invasive operations.

"Recently, Sagi started receiving the Dupicnest, and in a short time there was a significant improvement."

Ayala and Saghi Assaf/courtesy of the photographed

"He actually started to function normally," she says, "not long ago we did a test to diagnose the state of the inflammation and found out what we already knew, that the situation is very good. You get used to the good so quickly. And all the time I thought that there are families who are in an impossible situation, who know that there is a biological cure new and very effective, which they cannot give to their child. And from now on everyone will receive the medicine."

Shmarit Gilad, 36 years old, who was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, talked about the excitement following the decision to add Hadestris to the basket, which treats young patients with the disease. "I am especially excited because my 3-year-old son was diagnosed four months ago with sarcoma cancer .

Until now, I had to raise money to finance the treatment with Estris privately, and the inclusion of the drug is significant news for me, and allows me to save my life, so that I can continue to fight for my son's life," she says.

Sarah Perry, 67, who underwent a lung transplant about a year ago, blesses The decision to include the drug Marivir, for transplant recipients infected with the CMV virus. "It is exciting to know that transplant recipients in Israel will now be able to receive the medicine Marivir.

The CMV virus is a real danger for us, and we are happy that the basket committee recognized the sensitivity of the transplant population.

This treatment saves lives, but it costs tens of thousands of shekels, and there is almost no transplant recipient who can finance it privately."

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"Until now, I had to raise money to finance the treatment of Estris privately."

Shamrit Gilad/courtesy of those photographed

"One morning my whole pillow was full of hair."

Daniel Schlossman, 12 years old from Ashkelon/courtesy of those photographed

Daniel Schlossman, 12 years old, lives in Ashkelon.

Three years ago he developed a disease that causes him to lose his hair, and with every round of alarms following the war in Gaza, his condition is getting worse.

His mother, Anna Schlossman, says that as early as three years ago, when Daniel was only nine years old, patches of baldness began to appear on his scalp, and that the initial outbreak and the progression of the disease since then were closely related to his emotional state and the degree of stress his son was under.

"The whole subject of missiles and alarms affects him a lot and causes him stress," she says, "We tried to treat all kinds of steroid ointments that didn't help the situation too much. There are periods of relaxation when there is regrowth of hair, and again periods of stress when the shedding returns."

In May, following the "Shield and Arrow" operation, Daniel's illness broke out again seriously.

"One morning his whole pillow was full of hair, and within days all his hair fell out, and he has been bald ever since," she says, "today, against the background of the current fighting and the multiple attacks on the city of Ashkelon, the situation continues to deteriorate, and Daniel has also lost his eyebrow hair in the last month." .

In addition, his personal security was also damaged due to the pressure from the war and due to the teasing of his friends.

All the way I believed that the disease broke out because of the security situation, and that the state should help us and introduce the drug treatment that can help him, and we are very happy and excited that our call was answered and that the drug went into the basket.

The hope is that through the treatment the hair will regrow and the confidence will improve and he will go back to showing and being just a normal kid."

"I went through all types of medication, one of them seriously damaged the liver and I had to stop the treatment."

Farewell Sarah/Courtesy of those photographed

"Thank you for helping us get the medicine that can help us live our lives."

Racheli Gutman/courtesy of those photographed

Frida Sade, who was diagnosed with Cushing's disease, which causes an excess of the hormone cortisol, told Walla: "Today I am happy that many who share my condition have a chance to save their lives. I went through two long and difficult years until I received the diagnosis that it was Cushing's. I underwent surgery, but the disease returned and it is not possible to operate again , and therefore drug treatment was necessary. I went through all types of medication, one of which severely damaged the liver and I had to stop the treatment."

In the new medicine basket, she will be able to receive the drug Istorisa, which she says "was the last line for me and it saved me. My life changed from one end to the other: I was back to being me. This is a serious illness that also affects the soul, and thanks to Istorisa, I became balanced again."

Eliyahu Klarfeld recounted the hardships of his 11-year-old Abigail: "We are still traumatized by the surgeries she underwent, which began when she was a tender baby. To this day, she faces various health problems, especially difficulties due to her short stature, which affect even the most basic daily activities, such as reach the door handle or write on the blackboard in the classroom. The fact that a treatment that offers Abigail a significant improvement in height, that Abigail will be able to reach a functional height and be independent, is amazing. I thank the drug committee for being able to take moral and human responsibility for the condition of the short in Israel, similar to other countries others in the world".

Racheli Gutman, who is dealing with myasthenia gravis, which causes muscle weakness, said: "I appeal from here to all the decision makers - thank you for helping us get the medicine that can help us live our lives. You gave us hope. I felt like I was at the end of myself. What helped me in the past no longer It had an effect and I'm thrilled that Voigart was included in the health basket."

  • More on the same topic:

  • Medicines

  • medicine basket

  • patients

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-22

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