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An astrologer reveals: which of the zodiac signs is more likely to steal from you? - Walla! Spirit and horoscope


Highlights: An astrologer reveals: which of the zodiac signs is more likely to steal from you? - Walla! Spirit and horoscope. Astrologer Reda Weigel reveals which zodiac Signs won't hesitate to steal. Claims stealing occurs across the spectrum of the Zodiac, but the urge varies and some lean more in that direction than others. Aries are thrill seekers, tending to steal just to see if they can get away with it. Virgos steal to prove superiority. Pisceans steal only because they think they are allowed to take.

Astrologer Reda Weigel reveals which zodiac signs won't hesitate to steal from you - and why?

The 7 most dangerous zodiac signs/

We all had this thought in our heads.

However, while most of us, so we hope, refrained from realizing it - there are some who did not resist the temptation.

We are of course talking about theft.

It doesn't have to be theft of something very expensive, but even at the level of "Oops, I forgot to pay for it. Go back to the cash register? Well, it's not bad, they're thieves anyway."

Claims astrologer Reda Weigel told the nypost that stealing occurs across the spectrum of the zodiac, but the urge varies and some lean more in that direction than others.

Aries are thrill seekers, tending to steal just to see if they can get away with it.

Many of them have principles too strong to steal from a real person, so they would rather steal from a corporation that "deserves it".

Capricorns feel they have the right to steal because they work harder than anyone else and think they deserve a little extra for their efforts.

Librans steal because they have expensive taste and little work ethic.

Geminis steal because they forget to pay and because their planetary ruler is named after the god of thieves.

Leos do this because they believe they deserve everything and everything is a gift for their very existence.

The 3 most thieving zodiac signs: Who is more likely to steal than you?/ShutterStock

Virgos steal to prove superiority.

Pisceans steal only because they think they are allowed to take, Sagittarians to redistribute to the poor and Aquarians because they believe money is a social construct that should be abolished in favor of an exchange system that rewards the general public.

Astrologer Reda Weigel claims that there are 3 signs that tend to steal more than others: Taurus, who feel that if they don't have enough - they are entitled to a part of what you have.

They equate being rich with being worthy and this is what gives them the urge to steal without remorse or guilt.

Cancerians tend to steal and justify their actions based on their uncontrollable emotions.

They are sophisticated and know how to steal right under your nose and come out on top.

Scorpios also entered the list of astrological thieving signs that, according to her, tend to steal other people's information, spouses and savings.


They are very possessive and see everyone as competition.

Life for them is a game of chess and they tend to win and come out of any scandal innocent.

What do you say, is there something in her words?

  • More on the same topic:

  • Fortunes

  • astrology

Source: walla

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