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Dispute over lottery millions: couple hits the jackpot - and separates a short time later


Highlights: Dispute over lottery millions: couple hits the jackpot - and separates a short time later. Lotterie-Gesellschaft macht Ex-Freund wenig Hoffnung: Millionen gehen an ‘person, deren Name auf Rubbellos steht’ A US lottery winner's 33 million coup failed due to a simple mistake. A British couple didn't commit it, but their relationship didn't survive the lottery. Winning the lottery turned into a relationship killer for two Brits.

As of: February 23, 2024, 1:56 p.m

By: Kai Hartwig




Money can put a strain on friendships and couples.

Winning the lottery turned into a relationship killer for two Brits.

And arranged for an official investigation.

Spalding – Many people have probably had the dream of winning millions in the lottery.

It is fulfilled for at least one of them.

And in the case of a US lottery winner, the 33 million coup failed due to a simple mistake.

A British couple didn't commit it, but their relationship didn't survive the lottery.

As the saying goes, “Friendship ends when money comes to an end” – or even love.

The two Brits from Spalding (Lincolnshire county) in the east of England are engaged in a bitter battle for one million pounds (the equivalent of around 1.16 million euros).

This mega sum brought in a scratch card that hit the jackpot.

Dispute over lottery millions: British couple first hit the jackpot - and split up a little later

But who gets the big money now?

After all, Michael Cartlidge and Charlotte Cox are no longer lovers.

His ex-girlfriend broke up with him "out of nowhere" just weeks after winning the lottery, Cartlidge, 39, claimed in



She had informed him through a friend that he should “leave the house”.

Because it seemed “suspicious” to him, he quickly took the winning ticket with him.

This was given to the former couple in the local lottery shop when the win was registered.

A picture from happier times: Michael Cartlidge and Charlotte Cox were once a couple - now they are fighting bitterly over a lottery win.

© Screenshot/

Cartlidge insists that he is entitled to half of the lottery winnings - which in another case ended tragically.

“I’m shocked,” he told the tabloid.

“Morally it should be paid out 50:50,” he demanded.

Even if he is clear that “it was her bank account that

paid for it

(the scratch card; editor’s note) ”.

Especially since the once happy couple is said to have already made plans together on how they could invest the millions, according to the 39-year-old.

He said they were considering “buying a new house.”

His ex also wanted to get “a new car”.

According to him, Cox had initially agreed that the profits would be shared.

Cox wollte die Aussagen ihres ehemaligen Lebensgefährten so nicht stehen lassen. „Das ist alles Blödsinn, ich will damit nichts zu tun haben.“ Und bekräftigte: „Ich habe das Rubbellos gekauft.“ Auch dafür lieferte der Ex-Freund eine vermeintliche Erklärung: Er beim Kauf des Rubbelloses seiner damaligen Freundin versprochen, ihr den Betrag dafür per Überweisung zu erstatten. Sie an besagtem Tag eigentlich „kein Geld für Rubbellose“ übrig gehabt, er selbst aber seine „Bankkarte nicht dabei“. Cox widersprach auch dieser Behauptung deutlich: „Er hat mir kein Geld überwiesen.“

Lotto-Gesellschaft macht Ex-Freund wenig Hoffnung: Millionen gehen an „Person, deren Name auf Rubbellos steht“

Und auch die Lotteriegesellschaft macht dem vermeintlich um seinen Anteil am Millionengewinn gebrachten Briten wenig Hoffnung. Trotz eingehender Untersuchung des Falls – inklusive der Sichtung von Videomaterial aus dem Lotto-Shop, in dem das Los von dem Ex-Paar gekauft wurde. Camelot UK Lotteries teilte in einem Statement mit, dass Lottogewinner zwar rechtsgültige Vereinbarungen treffen können, einen Gewinn mit anderen Menschen zu teilen. Allerdings „müssen alle Streitigkeiten zwischen den Parteien untereinander gelöst werden“, sofern eine solche Vereinbarung nicht existiere – wie im Fall Cartlidge und Cox.

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Zudem bekräftigte die britische Lotteriegesellschaft: „Die Regeln der Nationallotterie für Rubbellose machen deutlich, dass nur eine Person der Besitzer eines Loses sein kann und dass nur die Person, deren Name und Adresse auf der Rückseite eines gewonnenen Rubbelloses steht, einen Gewinn beanspruchen kann.“ Daher kann nur Cox als Los-Inhaberin den Millionen-Jackpot beanspruchen. Unterdessen erfüllte sich ein Engländer einen großen Traum, nachdem er den Lotto-Jackpot geknackt hatte. (kh)

Source: merkur

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