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Messerattacke an Schule in Wuppertal: Bekennerschreiben aufgetaucht – Polizei hat mutmaßliches Tatmotiv


Highlights: Messerattacke an Schule in Wuppertal: Bekennerschreiben aufgetaucht – Polizei hat mutmaßliches Tatmotiv. 30 Psychologen sollen den Schülern helfen, die Geschehnisse des Vorfall zu zu bekommen. Eine elfjährige Schülerin der 5. Klasse nahm die Tat aus dem Klassenzimmer nebenan wahr.

Stand: 23.02.2024, 14:59 Uhr

Von: Kai Hartwig


An einer Schule in Wuppertal ist es zu einer Messerattacke gekommen. Die Polizei konnte einen Tatverdächtigen festnehmen. Und nannte weitere Details.

Update vom 23. Februar, 14.43 Uhr: Mittlerweile sind alle verletzten Schülerinnen und Schüler aus Wuppertal außer Lebensgefahr. Und jetzt hat die Polizei ein Bekennerschreiben am Tatort sichergestellt.

„Der Inhalt des Schreibens, in dem er sich zu der Tat bekennt, lässt vermuten, dass eine psychische Erkrankung vorliegt, bei dem 17-Jährigen“, sagt Staatsanwalt Patrich Penders bei einer Pressekonferenz. Er geht davon aus, dass das auch das Tatmotiv erklärt.

Schwerverletzte bei Messerattacke an Schule in Wuppertal: Polizei nennt neue Details

Update vom 23. Februar, 07.09 Uhr: Gegenüber der Bild-Zeitung äußerten sich einige Schüler, wie sie die Tat wahrgenommen hatten. Der zehnjährige Leonhard erzählt: „Wir hatten gerade Englischunterricht, da kam die Durchsage ,Sofort die Klasse abschließen, alle auf den Boden legen und nicht ans Fenster‘. Wir haben noch Tische vor die Tür gestellt. Irgendwann klopfte es und wir hatten große Angst, aber dann kam die Polizei und hat uns rausgeholt.“

Eine elfjährige Schülerin der 5. Klasse nahm die Messerattacke aus dem Klassenzimmer nebenan wahr. Zwischen ihrem und dem Zimmer nebenan wäre eine Glasscheibe, die ihre Lehrkraft mit einer Tafel verdeckte, damit der Täter nicht in den Raum blicken konnte. Sie beschreibt: „Plötzlich rüttelte einer an der Türklinke, dann gab es ein Geräusch. Das klang, als würde einer mit dem Messer über die Tür kratzen. Wir konnten aber nichts sehen. Ich wollte nur noch nach Hause.“

Psychologische Betreuung betroffener Schüler

Update vom 22. Februar, 19.10 Uhr: Am Freitag, dem Tag nach dem Vorfall, soll das Gymnasium nach Angaben der Bezirksregierung geöffnet sein. Für die unmittelbar Betroffenen würde aber kein Unterricht stattfinden. 30 Psychologen sollen den Schülern helfen, die Geschehnisse des Vortages zu verarbeiten. Die Ermittler gehen mittlerweile von einer Amok-Tat aus, so ein Polizeisprecher.

Update vom 22. Februar, 17.05 Uhr: Berichten der dpa zufolge erlitten mehrere Schüler Stichverletzungen. Die Düsseldorfer Polizei sprach von vier Betroffenen. Der 17-jährige Tatverdächtige selbst, sowie zwei Mitschüler befinden sich schwer verletzt auf der Intensivstation und werden medizinisch versorgt, so ein Sprecher der Wuppertaler Staatsanwaltschaft.

Update from February 22nd, 2:45 p.m.:

In Wuppertal-Elberfeld, a teenager seriously injured several students and himself with a stabbing weapon in a school on Thursday.

The suspect sustained life-threatening injuries and is in custody, a spokesman for the Düsseldorf police headquarters said.

Several students were seriously but not life-threateningly injured in the alleged attack, it said.

There is no longer any danger for students.

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Knife attack at school in Wuppertal: Suspect (17) is probably acutely mentally ill

According to the police spokesman, preliminary information suggests that around four to five students were injured.

The police assume that the perpetrator had a “connection to the school”.

In this context, the spokesman referred to a recent message from the school management to parents, according to which the alleged attacker was a 17-year-old high school student with an acute mental illness.

According to the police, the crime was committed with a stabbing weapon; further details about this and other details were not initially available.

A major operation was underway at the affected high school.

“The building has been evacuated - the students are safe and are being looked after,” said the emergency services.

Update from February 22nd, 2:16 p.m.:

After the knife attack in a Wuppertal high school, North Rhine-Westphalia's Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) gave details about the alleged perpetrator.

The attack is said to have been carried out by a 17-year-old student, Reul said on Thursday (February 22) in the Interior Committee of the Düsseldorf state parliament.

Nothing is yet known about his motive.

According to the North Rhine-Westphalian Interior Minister, it is currently assumed that the perpetrator was an individual. 

Update from February 22nd, 1:32 p.m.:

Further details about the attack at a school in Wuppertal-Elberfeld are leaking out.

Citing the police,


gave details about the alleged perpetrator.

It is said to be a high school student.

He was also injured in the attack.

When asked by


a spokeswoman for the Düsseldorf Police Headquarters “neither wanted to confirm nor deny this”.

The police are currently searching the entire school building.

It has now been evacuated and, according to police, “the students are safe”.

Attack at school in Wuppertal: Several students are injured - suspect arrested by police

Update from February 22nd, 12:15 p.m.:

According to the police, several students were injured in a suspected attack at a school in Wuppertal (Elberfeld district) on Thursday (February 22nd).

The police were on site with many emergency services.

According to officials, the school has now been evacuated.

“The students are safe and are being looked after,” it said.

Special forces are deployed at a school.

Several students were injured at a school in Wuppertal.

© Press photo Otte/dpa

A suspect was temporarily arrested and was in custody, a spokesman for the Düsseldorf police headquarters said.

No official information was initially given about the number of injured, the alleged murder weapon or the suspect.

WDR reported that there were five



In addition, according to the report, a teacher who was in the school building said that the alleged perpetrator used a folding knife and scissors in his attack.

This information has not yet been officially confirmed.

The motive for the crime remains unclear.

Knife attack at school in Wuppertal: Several injured – “One suspect is certain”

First report from February 22nd, 10:52 a.m.:

Wuppertal – A police operation is currently underway at a school in the Elberfeld district of Wuppertal.

There had apparently been a knife attack there.

This is

reported by several media outlets, including


Police cars and ambulances are parked at a school in Wuppertal.

Several students were injured there.

According to police, a suspect has been arrested.

© Christoph Petersen/dpa

According to the police, there are “injured students”.

It was also said that one person had been arrested in connection with this.

The Wuppertal police literally wrote on X (formerly Twitter): “A suspect is safe.” According to the police, a “contact point for parents” was also set up in a parking lot near the school.


claims to have learned that a young person attacked several classmates


According to the report, at least four students were injured in the attack.



stated, the affected school is the Wilhelm-Dörpfeld-Gymnasium in Wuppertal-Elberfeld.

Accordingly, some students are still holed up in the classrooms.

The police special operations team is on site.


In general, we do not report on suicides so that such cases do not encourage possible imitators.

Reporting only takes place if the circumstances receive particular public attention.

If you or someone you know is suffering from an existential life crisis or depression, please contact the telephone counseling service on 0800-1110111.

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In Wuppertal, a large-scale operation at the train station recently caused a stir.

The search was for an RAF terrorist.

(kh with afp/dpa)

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-23

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