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“Like a little dinosaur”: Hiker makes an exotic animal find that can be quite dangerous


Highlights: “Like a little dinosaur’: Hiker makes an exotic animal find that can be quite dangerous. “Fluffy” was found in Ulverston, England, an hour's drive north of Blackpool. Invasive alligator snapping turtles can pose a threat to humans and the environment. Veterinarians advise against getting an alligator turtle for your home. The animals have very demanding needs and could also be extremely dangerous for their owners. Bully XL breed of dogs are also classified as dangerous in England.

As of: February 24, 2024, 5:18 a.m

By: Julian Mayr




England is actually not known for exotic reptile species.

Now, however, a strange species of turtle has appeared in a British pond.

Ulverston/England – Dinosaurs have long been extinct.

Nevertheless, discoveries are still being made that testify to the terrestrial presence of giant lizards.

It was only in 2023 that a research team identified a place in the middle of the Sahara where particularly dangerous dinosaurs were said to have roamed millions of years ago.

There are still animals today that are definitely reminiscent of this long-gone era.

This includes a fearsome reptile that goes by the name “Fluffy” and was recently found in England.

Exotic find in England: Hiker discovers snapping turtle in pond

Anyone who hears the name “Fluffy” thinks of cute puppies or other animals with fluffy fur.

However, on February 5, a creature that was anything but fluffy was found in Ulverston, England, an hour's drive north of Blackpool.

“It looks like a small prehistoric dinosaur,” said local councilor Denise Chamberlain, describing the exotic find that a hiker made on a tour with his dog and then shared a photo on Facebook.

An alligator snapping turtle, which is actually native to southern waters in the USA, was recently found in England.

(Symbolic image) © Michelle Gilders/imago/imageBROKER/alimdi

Because she already kept turtles as pets and lived in Florida for some time, Chamberlain identified the animal with the spiny shell and distinctive mouth as an alligator snapping turtle.

Actually, this species is only native to the southern United States and Central America.

“These species are invasive, they are not native, and I knew they would upset the balanced ecology of the pond,” the


quoted the councilor as saying.

Invasive alligator snapping turtles can pose a threat to humans and the environment

"I'm sure if the animal had been left there it would have become invasive and eaten everything in the water," veterinarian Dominic Moule tells



But the snapping turtle, which is not called the alligator for nothing, is not only a danger to local ecosystems.

The creature's pointed mouth can cost unwary people a finger.

“At this size they could cause a nasty bite, but as they get bigger they can weigh up to 80 kilograms and cause some damage,” warns Moule.

Chamberlain quickly realized that the harmful turtle had to get out of the pond where the hiker had spotted it.

She took the hunt for the turtle into her own hands.

Given the potential danger, the local councilor was quite nervous.

Protected with three layers of construction worker gloves, she fished “Fluffy” out of the water using a shopping basket and took the animal to a veterinarian.

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Veterinarians advise against keeping this exotic turtle species

It is not entirely certain why “Fluffy” ended up in the unnatural habitat for this turtle species.

However, the owner of the veterinary clinic where the reptile was taken has a suspicion: the animal may have been kept as a pet.

The owners were probably no longer able to cope with the animal's special care requirements or simply didn't want to have it anymore, as Kate Hornby describes to the



In any case, keeping such turtles is not prohibited in the United Kingdom.

However, veterinarians advise against getting an alligator snapping turtle for your home.

Turtles are generally very demanding animals to keep at home.

The animals have very special needs and could also be extremely dangerous for their owners.

Dogs of the American Bully XL breed are also classified as dangerous in England.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-24

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