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Alberto Fernández returned to the country and the governors and Cristina Kirchner pressure to remove him from the Presidency of the PJ


Highlights: Alberto Fernández returned to Argentina in the early hours of this Friday. The former Argentine head of state returned to resolve some personal issues and to briefly resume his party life. He is the target of criticism within Peronism since he is the current head of the National Justicialist Party. Cristina Elisabet Kirchner is attentive to the partisan departure of her former chosen one. The objective is that Peronist members can vote in the last quarter of the year, which would mean a mobilization of the opposition.

The former President returned this morning from Spain. Kicillof, Quintela and Insfrán want a new leadership. Cristina, attentive to the partisan departure of her former chosen one.

Alberto Ángel Fernández returned to Argentina in the early hours of this Friday


Coming from Madrid, the former Argentine head of state returned to resolve some personal issues and to briefly resume his party life.

The former President is the target of criticism within Peronism since he is the current head of the National Justicialist Party and has spent most of this year in the Spanish capital, where he has been seen with his partner Fabiola Yañez and his son Francisco.

Today, the main actors of the force that governed Argentina for the longest years want Fernández to resign from the senior position of the national Justicialist force.

"I don't have bad vibes with Alberto. But

after what his government was like and with him going for a walk through Madrid, it doesn't matter that he continues to be in charge of the Party," says a Peronist governor

who is included in the party succession. .

Alberto Fernández with Fabiola Yañez, in Spain.

At the same time that Alberto boarded at the Barajas-Adolfo Suárez Airport, at the historic party headquarters of Peronism (de Matheu 130), the other party authorities got together to begin mobilizing the party.

In the midst of what the leadership of that sector describes as "Javier Milei's fierce adjustment", it is unprecedented that the PJ Nacional and the Buenos Aires do not meet or issue statements of opposition.

On this Thursday night, governors Axel Kicillof, Gildo Insfrán and Ricardo Quintela

approached the headquarters on Matheu Street


the former provincial leaders Juan Luis Manzur and Lucía Corpacci;

the national senator Wado de Pedro and the deputy Santiago Cafiero plus Evita's great-niece, Cristina Álvarez Rodríguez


That is, the vice presidents and secretaries of the Party and Insfrán, the head of the Party Congress.

All observed by

the restless lawyer Juan Manuel Olmos

, the party representative, today in charge of the General Auditor's Office of the Nation.

At that meeting there was talk of creating a "Political Action Commission", an idea that was recently approached to Cristina Elisabet Kirchner as a way to eclipse Alberto Fernández's partisan presidential position.

But the former president repeated what he already said to several: "OK, I resign from the national PJ but let Máximo do the same and he resign from the Buenos Aires PJ."

Fernández's challenge to Cristina's son will not happen because deputy Máximo Kirchner will not leave that role.

And he just brought the party in the Province out of lethargy with the call for a meeting this Saturday in Cañuelas, less than an hour from the center of the City of Buenos Aires.

A few hours after returning,

Alberto told those close to him that "I am not going to be an obstacle for the Party to mobilize."

And he will schedule an appointment with Insfrán, who must convene the party Congress

for the month of March.

After that, he will define whether he will resign from the party position, something he will do if a process of internal elections is guaranteed for his succession.


The former Argentine president returned to the country this morning.


the hardest with Alberto were the provincial leaders who are running to be heads of the Party at the national level: Insfrán from Formosa and Quintela from Rioja want the main seat of Peronism.

The latter appears to be the most confrontational with the Milei government, even announcing the issuance of "Chachos", that is, a quasi-currency inspired by Ángel Vicente Peñaloza, the Riojan leader and soldier who took up arms against the centralism of Buenos Aires.

Quintela settles in a hotel in the Northern District of Buenos Aires every fortnight and there he meets with Peronist leaders.

"Ricardo is very hard on the government because he has no room for anything else, if the Nation has only cut him and has nothing to do with him, what is he going to do..." says a leader who saw him this week.

What this Thursday's party meeting left behind (without Alberto) is that work will begin to call internal elections this year: the task for this call requires work such as updating registers.

The objective of several is that Peronist members can vote in the last quarter of the year, which would mean a mobilization of the Party in opposition to the national management of La Libertad Avanza.

Alberto Fernández in a Spanish bank with Fabiola Yañez where he went to open an account.

Soon, perhaps in two weeks, Alberto Fernández will return to Spain and it will be difficult for him to leave the country (again) holding the presidency of the national PJ.

Cristina Kirchner and several governors want the former president to no longer have a partisan role, by virtue of accusing him of all the current evils of Peronism.

Faking dementia is now a sport of the entire Justicialist arc.

Source: clarin

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