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Donald Trump praised Javier Milei at the conference of world conservative leaders: "He's a fabulous guy"


Highlights: Donald Trump is the keynote speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) The conference is convened every year in Washington, but this edition took on special relevance because the magnate is campaigning for the November 5 elections. Trump said that those present at the convention were “a group of good people with common sense” and the first person he named at the beginning of his message was the leader of Libertad Avanza. “Argentine President Javier Milei is here, who has had a lot of publicity. He is a great gentleman,” he said.

The former president of the United States said that the libertarian wants to "make Argentina great again."His fierce criticism of Joe Biden.

With a strong campaign speech against Joe Biden, former president and current presidential candidate

Donald Trump

made his conservative supporters delirious and also

had praise for Javier Milei

, who also speaks this Saturday in this forum.

“He's a fabulous guy,” he said.

"He Makes Argentina Great Again!" He added to the applause of his followers.

Trump took the stage as keynote speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which is convened every year in Washington, but this edition took on special relevance because the magnate is campaigning for the November 5 elections.

“USA, USA,” those present roared.

At the beginning of his speech, Trump said that those present at the convention were

“a group of good people with common sense”

and the first person he named at the beginning of his message was the leader of Libertad Avanza.

“Argentine President Javier Milei is here, who has had a lot of publicity.

He is a great gentleman.

You know: MAGA, Make Argentina Great Again

,” he said, evoking his own campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”

And he added: “He is

a fabulous guy

and one of the few who can really do it.”

At the time of the speech, the room was filled with standing people and hundreds of journalists waiting for the magnate with a diverse cocktail of music from Metallica, Abba, Sinead O'Connor, Guns N' Roses, Leonard Cohen and others.

In the chat on the CPAC live broadcast page, meanwhile, users from Argentina asked

to add “Panic Show” by La Renga

, Milei's anthem.

Donald Trump at the conservative world leaders conference.

AP Photo

The stage was crowned with the phrase “CPAC, where globalism is going to die,” because conservatives are against any multilateral organization and global action that limits the decision-making capacity of the United States.

In the midst of the election campaign, Trump

lashed out

at his Democratic rival from the stand.

“With four more years of Biden” the country “will collapse,”

he said.

And he criticized the entry of immigrants who will take away “millions of manufacturing jobs and that will end in more inflation.”

“The gangs will explode in the suburbs,” he bellowed.

“We are living in hell right now,” he said.

“People from Latin America and South America tell me that this happened in their countries 20 years ago,” he added.

Furthermore, he denounced that

“Biden is a threat to democracy”

and that with another Biden government, “China will dominate us, not only economically but militarily, which is what they want.”

He also presented a never verifiable statement: “With my government the attack on Israel and the war in Ukraine would never have happened.”

Donald Trump at the conservative world leaders conference.

AP Photo

Dressed in his classic red tie and with his ironies and chicanery intact, Trump also attacked the press and journalism in general, a classic in his speeches.

“We have the most corrupt press

,” said the magnate, who faces 91 criminal charges in court for various crimes and who had to pay $344 million for tax fraud in his companies.

The people applauded.

Trump and CPAC: the king of the Republican Party in his palace

Since its launch in 1973, CPAC has served as a space for right-wing sectors to participate in political debate and make themselves heard in Washington.

Candidates and leaders of the Republican party have visited this forum year after year to take the temperature of the base and test their position before the thousands of members who come from all over the country.

Trump moves freely in this area.

His relationship with CPAC began in 2011, when he was still a businessman and reality TV star who barely flirted with politics.

Like many Republican hopefuls before him, Trump then appeared at the annual meeting to convince the crowd of his conservative bona fides, and attendees fell at his feet.

It was the beginning of his path to the White House.

Donald Trump at the conservative world leaders conference.

AP Photo

Now, with Trump as a candidate for re-election and absolute king of the Republican Party, the guest speakers are a compendium of influential members of the

Trumpist MAGA movement

, right-wing media personalities who regularly praise the former president and former officials of the magnate's government.

“People ask me why are I competing again?

What are your plans for America?" Trump said. "My plan is very simple: Make America great again!" he repeated and the people applauded and stood up.

And he returned to what is his key campaign theme.

He said that what he will do first is “close the border, stop immigration.”

He pointed out that


“are millions of people who come from prisons, from mental health institutes” and

even compared them to Hannibal Lecter

, the fictional murderer starring Antony Hopkins.



Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-24

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