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Javier Milei has already arrived in Washington to speak at the Conservative Conference where Donald Trump will be


Highlights: Javier Milei is in Washington for the Conservative Political Action Conference. He will give a speech at 5 p.m. in Washington. He is accompanied by his sister and future US ambassador to the U.S., Gerardo Werthein. The conference will end on Sunday and Milei will return to Buenos Aires to deal with local problems, such as the cuts in the Argentine province of Chubut. The president is expected to meet with US President Donald Trump, who is also attending the conference.

The president will speak at 5 p.m. in Argentina at the American forum. He returns on Sunday.

In the midst of the turbulence with the governors,

President Javier Milei arrived in Washington this Saturday

to participate in a conservative megaconference where the main protagonist is Donald Trump.

Milei arrived this morning on a commercial flight for a few hours' visit to the US capital, where conservatives from across the United States and some representatives of the global right are meeting these days at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). English).

The president arrived after a stopover in Miami with a delegation made up of his sister and general secretary

Karina Milei

and the future ambassador to the United States,

Gerardo Werthein,

who obtained approval from the White House, but is still awaiting ratification of his designation. in the Argentine Senate.

He is also accompanied by

Santiago Oría,

who is in charge of recording all the president's steps and who posted several photos that Milei took with the crew and passengers of the plane.

They will join here with Security Minister

Patricia Bullrich

, who already spoke at this same forum on Wednesday, the day of the inauguration, and then visited with various officials from Joe Biden's government.

Milei will give his speech in an imposing hotel and convention center on the outskirts of Washington, on the final and most anticipated day of the conference because Trump will speak, who is a traditional speaker at the forum and today is again at the center of the scene because he seeks to return to the White House in the November elections.

The Argentine is one of the main international guests, along with the Salvadoran Nayib Bukele, the former British Prime Minister Liz Truss and the leader of Vox Santiago Abascal.

Milei will give her speech around 3 in the afternoon (5 p.m. in Argentina)

and will speak shortly after Trump and Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, the son of the former Brazilian president.

“Milei is focused on the fight against socialism and corruption in his nation.

We believe he has captured the spirit of those who see the betrayal of globalist elites.

The American patriots are rooting for him to be successful and we also like the chainsaw,” said Matt Schlapp, president of CPAC, when he confirmed the Argentine's attendance.

Beyond the praise,

the trip to this conference has been quite uncomfortable for Milei,

especially due to the possibility of a meeting with Trump, President Joe Biden's main rival for re-election.

In fact, several journalists asked Foreign Minister Antony Blinken in Buenos Aires on Friday if the Argentine's participation in the forum bothered the White House.

The official diplomatically said that “I cannot speak about his agenda and his future meetings.

That, of course, is entirely up to him.

All I can talk about is the meeting we just had, and I can tell you that it was, at least from my point of view, an incredibly positive, productive, detailed and wide-ranging discussion.”

Milei is looking forward to a meeting with Trump, whom she admires for the ideas of his MAGA (Make American Great Again) movement and also for his style.

Many in the US say that the libertarian is a "mini Trump", although in his economic ideas they differ quite a bit since the American tends to be more protectionist.

The tycoon has also focused his attention on Milei and has dedicated several praising tweets to him after his victory.

Milei's entourage knows that a photo with Trump could make the Biden government uncomfortable and they have sought to tone down a possible meeting by saying that she is not coming to see him specifically but rather that she is coming to participate in the conference and that any meeting would be rather “casual”.

Getting involved in the US elections, just when Milei needs support from the US before the IMF and to get out of the crisis, is not something that suits Argentina.

Beyond his international presentation, which will end tomorrow Sunday when he returns to Buenos Aires, Milei will be attentive to local problems, among them the fight with the governors, led by the governor of Chubut, on the warpath over cuts to the provinces.

Source: clarin

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