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In the midst of a war and the recruitment of reserves, Karai promotes erotic conversations for the ultra-Orthodox - voila! Barangay


Highlights: An amendment to the communications regulations published this weekend for public comment seeks to allow cellular companies to offer "premium services" Kosher cell phones are mostly common among the ultra-Orthodox and religious community. A kosher cell phone is a device that does not contain advanced features and is not connected to the Internet, which may expose its owner to inappropriate or offensive content. The new regulations are intended to replace regulation 67 of the general permit regulations concerning the "prohibition of providing a premium service"

In the midst of a war and the mobilization of reserves, the Likud promotes erotic conversations for the ultra-Orthodox

A man watches porn/ShutterStock

The Ministry of Communications is promoting an amendment to the law that will allow owners of a kosher phone to receive an erotic call service.

An amendment to the communications regulations published this weekend for public comment seeks to allow cellular companies to offer "premium services" that include access to erotic conversations, astrology services, and the like - even for those whose phones do not have Internet access.

Brief background:

the regulations of the law previously allowed content providers to use their account as a means of clearing (billing) for those "premium services" originating from other companies.

But the legal situation today does not allow this, and those who do not have access to the Internet - cannot receive these types of services for their phone. 

Amendment to the broadcasting law/screenshot, screenshot

Kosher cell phones are mostly common among the ultra-Orthodox and religious community.

A kosher cell phone is a device that does not contain advanced features and is not connected to the Internet, which may expose its owner to inappropriate or offensive content.

The kosher phone is designed to meet the needs of those who want to use a cell phone for communication, but without full access to the Internet, social media and other content that may be considered contrary to the law.

Now, as mentioned, the Ministry of Communications is requesting to change the regulations so that it will be possible to offer "premium" services, which are mainly known for erotic conversations, astrology, and more, even to those who have a phone without Internet, through an external provider for a fee that will be collected through the invoice for the phone line. 

According to the amendment published in the comments public, the new regulations are intended to replace regulation 67 of the general permit regulations concerning the "prohibition of providing a premium service" and to establish conditions under which an authorized provider may collect payment for a premium service provided by him or by another person.

The response of the Ministry of Communications has not yet been received.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Ministry of Communication

  • Shlomo Karai

  • Erotic conversations

Source: walla

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