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First day of school: ideas to help kids go back to school


Highlights: The rhythm and dynamics established at home strongly influence the classroom, says education specialist Laura Lewin. For children, adequate sleep, being able to access balanced nutrition, and having emotional and academic support are aspects that “play a critical role” in their school life and learning. Children should feel like protagonists of their learning process, Lewin says. “Involving children in the process helps them feel of the process and encourages their independence,” she says. The specialist advises that families should guide them, but also give them space.

Keys to accompany students in a new school year. What to say on their first day of school.


back to school

is one of the most exciting moments for adults and children.

Nerves, expectations and, for many, the reunion, mark that first day.

In the midst of these emotions, the participation of the family—especially adults—plays a fundamental role.

Both mothers and fathers often wonder how to help my child on his first day of school?

For this reason,


consulted the education specialist

Laura Lewin

, who highlighted the importance of preparing not only the logistical aspects (such as school supplies and uniform), but also his

physical and emotional preparation


In his opinion, the rhythm and dynamics established at home strongly influence the classroom.

It is not only the quality of teaching

that shapes students' performance, but also the various

practices and habits embedded in their family life

,” she specified.

For children, adequate sleep, being able to access balanced nutrition, and having emotional and academic support are aspects that “play a critical role” in their school life and learning.

Lewin, who is also a TEDx speaker and author of

Strong and Happy, the manual that was not given to you when you had children

, explained that we can divide various keys and strategies into two


pillars :

physical preparation


emotional preparation


Physical preparation: the undeniable value of establishing a healthy routine

Routines provide us with structure and organization in our daily lives. By creating and implementing them, we not only save time and energy, we can also

maintain a balance

against the demands and commitments of all family members.

Therefore, agreeing on and complying with

guidelines for bedtime

, nutrition and extracurricular activities contributes to the general well-being of children and their development.

Before returning to school, it is recommended to adjust bedtime for children.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

During the necessary vacation period, it is common for some daily activities to not follow certain rules.

Maybe the kids go to bed a little later, eat or have snacks at other times, or we allow them to play and have access to screens for longer.

Whether or not this is the case, many times it is difficult for children to resume sleeping and waking up times.

For Lewin, being able to

progressively adjust

the hours several days in advance is a good way for them to start that first day of school wide awake, attentive and in a good mood.

“It is advisable to do it gradually, advancing the time of going to bed and waking up by about 15 minutes each day until the desired time is reached,” he indicated.

Another fundamental aspect of the routine is



The first meal of the day provides the energy and nutrients necessary for your cognitive and physical performance.

However, not all kids have an appetite first thing in the morning.

Lewin suggested not forcing them, but preparing an option for them for mid-morning;

That way, they can break their fast whenever they need to.

“Ideally, they should eat something before lunchtime arrives,” he clarified.

It is crucial that children can eat properly before, during and after their school activity.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Finally, it is advisable that we consider encouraging them to practice


as part of the physical preparation of any boy or girl .

The specialist indicated that, beyond the popularity of screens and devices, outdoor games are crucial, they contribute to the physical and mental well-being of children and help them better manage stress and improve their sleep.

In that sense, Lewin indicated: “It is vital to balance study time with recreational activities and rest.”

Emotional preparation: strengthening emotional well-being and dialogue

Currently, it is known that a student's

academic performance

cannot only be measured by whether or not they have obtained a 10. There are multiple factors that intervene in the learning process and

the emotional state of the children

is one of the most important.

Let them be protagonists of their learning process

Making them feel like protagonists and

active participants

inside and outside the classroom is one of the best ways to motivate them and prepare them for adult life.

“Involving children in the

preparation of school materials

and in the organization of their study space helps them feel part of the process and encourages their independence and responsibility,” explained the expert.

As children grow they can make more decisions, families should guide them, but also give them space.

Lewin cited as examples that they can organize their study and recreation times;

that they choose the extracurricular activities in which they wish to participate, or that they select the topics to investigate in school projects or the way to present their work.

“Allowing them to make these decisions helps them develop critical thinking skills, time management and personal responsibility,” he said.

Children should feel like protagonists of their own learning.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

The specialist emphasized that


who go from one educational level to another

, such as from kindergarten to first grade or from primary to secondary, deserve

special attention .

“Talking about the changes they will face, visiting the school or new building early, and meeting future classmates or teachers can decrease anxiety and increase their confidence,” she explained.

"How was school?": the key question

Another way to accompany children is through dialogue, but many times we adults wonder

what to say on the first day of school


Encouraging them to discuss

their day

with family or friends “strengthens their emotional support network,” Lewin said.

However, sometimes children and teenagers

are reluctant to share details about their day

, when a simple “okay” ends the conversation.

Establishing an open and relaxed dialogue with the children is essential.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Lewin recommended

using open-ended, specific questions

that show a genuine interest in the details of their experiences.

For example:

  • Did you learn something new that you found interesting?

    Tell me?

  • What did you like most about today and why?

  • Was there anything that made you laugh?

  • Tell me about a challenge you had to face today.

    How did you solve it?

“These questions encourage reflection and offer children an opportunity to express themselves in a deeper way,” said Lewin, “this strengthens communication between fathers, mothers and children.”

Positive attitude: the fundamental factor

The attitude that we transmit to the children about school, homework and the entire educational environment is not minor either.

Lewin stated that a student with a positive attitude towards learning will go further and will overcome the difficulties that arise in a better way.

For this reason, he clarified that

families should encourage curiosity and a desire to learn


We should never underestimate the importance for children of recognizing their efforts,

applauding their achievements

, and offering support in the face of challenges.

Applauding and recognizing children's efforts is one of the best ways to motivate them and prepare them for life.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Some comments or warnings, although well-intentioned, can increase anxiety or demotivation in children.

Phrases like: "If you don't study, you're going to miss out on the subject" or "This year is going to be much more difficult than the last" can increase your stress because they don't take into account that valuable “I know you can do it” that we want. instill in them.

Lewin recommended replacing them with really encouraging phrases like:

  • I know this year presents new challenges;

    I'm excited to see how you're going to overcome them.

  • Mistakes are part of learning, son/daughter.

    The important thing is what we learn from them.

Other additional strategies that help children start the school year on the right foot are that they can

have a quiet and orderly place to study

and that adults

set limits on the use of electronic devices

, especially at night, to ensure a restful sleep.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-26

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