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“I am paid 1,800 euros net, fed and housed”: after their studies, they became seasonal workers for a change of scenery


Highlights: According to the National Association of Mayors of Mountain Resorts, each winter, resorts recruit 120,000 direct and 300,000 indirect jobs. Many young people who want to put money aside to then travel or escape the daily routine, thanks to short fixed-term contracts. “We enjoy life outdoors: there is always an activity to do! », enthuses Axelle, who works for Tignes Développement. Seasonal workers benefit from discounts on ski passes and reduced-rate lessons, provided during other seasons.

If some want to settle down quickly and find a permanent full-time job, others aspire to more freedom and launch themselves into sta

“I didn’t want to start a permanent contract again.

» For Georges*, being seasonal is a breath of fresh air.

“I wanted to take a break,” says the young man, receptionist in a hotel in Tignes, in Savoie, for the second consecutive season.

Like him, many seasonal workers intend to enjoy, without attachment.

According to the National Association of Mayors of Mountain Resorts, each winter, resorts recruit 120,000 direct and 300,000 indirect jobs.

Among them, many young people who want to put money aside to then travel or escape the daily routine, thanks to short fixed-term contracts.

At 27, Cloé joined the Chamrousse resort, in the Belledonne massif, in Isère, for a position in a high-altitude restaurant.

“When we have finished our studies, we are in a box,” explains the young woman with a physiotherapy diploma: “Being seasonal allows you to integrate different professional environments, to validate your orientation.

Although I had been attracted to catering for a long time, this experience allowed me to see that it really wasn't my thing!


“We enjoy life outdoors: there is always an activity to do!


Between preparing the room, washing it and checking it out, it was a very busy schedule.

Especially in February: not a day off during this tourist month where she works overtime.

With the difficulties of recruiting in resorts since Covid, employers have however been forced to adapt, to be more attractive.

This year, Cloé joined the tourist office and informs visitors every 35 hours, with two days off per week.

And rush times on Saturdays or during school holidays.

Also read: Parcel deliverer, salesman… the winter job season is open

She works with Marion, 24, who wanted to take a break from her job search.

“I couldn't find anything that interested me, related to my Master 2 in marketing, communication and CSR.

Seeking without finding was becoming difficult.

I told myself that a season at the resort could open doors for me and allow me to think about what is important.

I also enjoy this super pleasant setting, nature.

We have the impression that life is lighter,” adds the Grenobloise.

Seasonal workers benefit from discounts on ski passes and reduced-rate lessons, provided during other seasons.

“Hitchhiking works better than anywhere else”


“We enjoy life outdoors: there is always an activity to do!

», enthuses Axelle, who works for Tignes Développement and had never put on skis before.

After a first winter, last year, she decided to settle more permanently in Tignes, seduced by the atmosphere and "the relationship between the seasonal workers or with the residents, with a lot of mutual help: loan of shoes, babysitting dog, carpooling… explains Axelle.

The hitchhiking works better than anywhere else: I rarely waited more than 15 minutes!


“I am paid 1,800 euros net, fed and housed”

At the resort, the seasonal workers are on the same wavelength.

“Down there, I'm starting to have a lot of friends in relationships who want children.

Here, we are all in the same dynamic: we work, we ski.

It’s festive, but also sporting,” summarizes Georges, who has formed strong friendships with his colleagues.

Axelle shares this satisfaction.

The young woman, accustomed to the seasons on the coast, notices that in the resort, there is more than just partying.

“What I like is that the next day, at 8 a.m., we take a tent and sleeping bag to hike together.

We don’t share the same moments of life.”

Activities that facilitate integration - everyone is unanimous.

“There are all ages, all backgrounds,” notes Cloé.

Some have not studied, others have.

What's nice is that we erase our backgrounds, our origins.

We are all in the same boat.

This also produces more natural people, with a great open mind.


Also read: Order picker, receptionist, cashier... How to find a (good) student job

George also finds himself financially.

“I am paid 1,800 euros net, fed and housed,” explains the young man, who holds a Master 2 in social psychology.

Working in the hotel industry, he is one of the lucky ones who benefits from accommodation - basic, even dilapidated.

Finding a roof over your head is the big problem.

Although recruiters sometimes offer solutions, this is not always the case.

Some seasonal workers have to struggle to find a studio, with owners preferring to rent weekly to tourists.

Common alcohol and drugs

The other side of the story is also the break with his life before.

“During the season, we are in our own world,” explains Cloé.

At the end of the season, when we return to dry land, when we come down from our mountain, we take the opportunity to see families and friends again.”

A timeless bubble that doesn't only have advantages.

“What struck me was the healthy lifestyle,” continues the young physiotherapist.

The level is really not crazy: we don't take the time to cook good food, we don't sleep much.

As if we were becoming students again... Not to mention the trivialization of alcohol and drugs, with the argument 'it's the season, it's not serious, it only lasts 4 months...' but when we know the damage and the system of addiction…”, she breathes.

“We live in the anxiety of not knowing what will happen in the long term.

So we prefer to take advantage of what we have now”


“In my entourage, around one in two people use cocaine or ecstasy,” confirms Georges, who says he is just as shocked.

“I have nothing against occasional consumption, but there are people who take it every evening, even at work.


However, the young man wishes to continue the experience.

“I love not knowing what tomorrow will bring,” he explains.

“It’s certainly specific to our generation,” adds Marion.

We live in the anxiety of not knowing what will happen in the long term.

So we prefer to take advantage of what we have now.”

Some, like Cloé, begin to feel a need for stability, to stay longer in the same place.

To, why not, leave better afterwards.

(*first name has been changed)

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2024-02-27

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