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Neuilly - Asnières: a teenager rescued after drifting four kilometers into the Seine


Highlights: Teenager drifted for 45 minutes in the Seine before being taken out of the river in Asnières by the river brigade. She drifted for about four kilometers, under the watchful eye of the pilot of a boat who was unable to get close enough to rescue her himself. Did she fall into the water by accident? Did she attempt suicide? Was she pushed? At this stage, all avenues are being explored as part of the open investigation to understand what could have happened to this young girl.

A young girl drifted for 45 minutes in the Seine before being taken out of the river in Asnières by the river brigade. It was a sailor who

She drifted for about four kilometers, under the watchful eye of the pilot of a boat who was unable to get close enough to rescue her himself.

On Monday morning, near the Neuilly bridge, this boatman spotted a silhouette on the surface of the river.

That of a teenage girl whom he nevertheless has difficulty distinguishing.

The boatman sees her drifting and tries to approach her to rescue her.

But the current is strong, too strong to move towards her without putting her in danger.

The boat's pilot maneuvers to try to slow down its drift and makes sure not to take his eyes off her, while alerting the police, who dispatch the river brigade of the Paris police headquarters.

At the same time, a witness reported seeing the teenager struggling in the water.

Unconscious upon exiting the water

The body continued to drift, along the island of La Jatte, towards the Courbevoie bridge, then that of Levallois to the Asnières bridge, where the police officers from the river brigade managed to pull her out of the waves, alive but unconscious. .

After an exhausting journey in icy water of at least 45 minutes.


Supported by the Samu, who provided a cardiac massage, the victim was taken to the Georges-Pompidou hospital in a worrying condition.

His vital prognosis was then in jeopardy.

Did she fall into the water by accident?

Did she attempt suicide?

Was she pushed?

At this stage, all avenues are being explored as part of the open investigation to understand what could have happened to this young girl, whose approximate age would be 14 years old according to the police and whose identity was not known. still determined this Tuesday morning.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2024-02-27

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