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Regional, Todde rejoices: 'I am the first female president of Sardinia' - News


Highlights: Regional, Todde rejoices: 'I am the first female president of Sardinia' - News. Ansa. Conte and Schlein: 'The wind is changing'. The M5s leader: 'Other Regions? Forward with reliable companions' Based on data published on the Sardinian regional administration website, at 7 o'clock 1822 out of 1844 sections were scrutinized: Tod de in the lead with 45.3%, followed by the centre-right candidate Truzzu with 45% (ANSA)

Conte and Schlein: 'The wind is changing'. The M5s leader: 'Other Regions? Forward with reliable companions'. Based on data published on the Sardinian regional administration website, at 7 o'clock 1822 out of 1844 sections were scrutinized: Todde in the lead with 45.3%, followed by the centre-right candidate Truzzu with 45% (ANSA)

It is a challenge that ends in a photo finish

with the victory


Alessandra Todde

who the centre-left candidate announces during a short press conference:

"I am the first female president of Sardinia"


The center-left rejoices with

Giuseppe Conte


Elly Schlein, Stefano Bonaccini


"Sardinia has chosen our Alessandra Todde. She is the first regional president of the M5s, the first woman to lead Sardinia. It is an unforgettable day", says the leader of the 5 stars followed by the enthusiastic comment of the dem secretary: " the wind changes, there were those who didn't even bet on us getting this far."

"I am very excited because, as Alessandra says, what is looming, we are confidently awaiting the latest data, it is a victory for the Sardinians first and foremost."

The final figure is one step away and Todde is ahead of Paolo Truzzu with a small percentage: the counting proceeds with exasperating slowness and the final result, with decimals, does not arrive before the night.

But the trend of the last few hours, when even the data from the large cities finally flow into the Region's portal, confirms that the broad candidate led by the Pd-M5s is in the lead.

Avs leaders Angelo Bonelli and Nicola Fratoianni also speak of an "extraordinary victory". The Dem president Stefano Bonaccini congratulates him and the Dem secretary also applauds.

For further information ANSA Agency Alessandra Todde, an engineer devoted to politics - News - First female governor in Sardinia

The victory in Sardinia "is worth even more" because there was "Soru who with Action was fishing for votes in the progressive camp", Giuseppe Conte told


To those who ask him if the "right field" in Sardinia will be preparatory for agreements in other Italian regions for the vote, he replies: "We always work to build a solid project" with "other political and civic forces", with "reliable traveling companions We cannot make a commitment to citizens" if we have "unreliable companions", because this would lead to ungovernability and "we do not go into government to manage power but to bring about change". 

That the wind was not in any case unfavorable to Todde was clear from the morning, with the arrival of the first official data which gave her a clear advantage over her centre-right opponent.

Few sections, it's true, but an unexpected detachment which immediately provoked declarations from some members of the government majority to try to ward off the blow: "We're paying for the fact that perhaps in five years we haven't governed exactly brilliantly", he says immediately. the FdI deputy Salvatore Deidda, ready, however, shortly afterwards, to correct his aim: "New data is arriving which is modifying the first ones. We are winning in many sections of the Cagliari hinterland, in Sarrabus, in the Oristano area, in Gallura, in the Sassarese. We never thought it was a walk in the park or an obvious victory for us, instead a head-to-head is looming."

Caution at the beginning also in Alessandra Todde's headquarters, but the enthusiasm was palpable: "a Champions League final", defined it by Ettore Licheri, senator and regional coordinator of the M5s, specifying that it was still the first half and that the game would be long.

From mid-day onwards the count saw the two candidates in a swing, a head-to-head marked by the advantage or by the appeal of one of the two contenders, which convinced both Todde and Truzzu not to reach their respective electoral offices, open in Cagliari, while waiting for a more certain outcome.

The turning point that gave the signal to the wide field that Todde could do it came with the departure from Rome of both the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein and the president of the Five Star Movement Giuseppe Conte for Cagliari, where they landed in the evening.

"There weren't many who imagined such an open challenge in Sardinia - said the five-star leader before boarding the plane - We're going to a photo finish, the result is a close call and can be decided by a handful of votes. May we win or it is lost, however, it will still have been an extraordinary result and Alessandra Todde deserves the embrace of our entire community for the great work done".

Truzzu isn't speaking at the moment.

No one saw him in his headquarters, which had been deserted for a few hours now, when it became clear that there would be no exploit for the centre-right.

However, the person who immediately decided to recognize Todde's victory was Renato Soru, the former governor who broke with the centre-left, running alone, but ended up being rejected at the polls: due to the 10% barrier for the coalition he will remain outside the Regional Council.

"Best wishes to Alessandra Todde - says the owner of Tiscali upon his arrival at the electoral headquarters where he admitted defeat - and to all of Sardinia so that they can overcome the rather disastrous bad governance of the last five years and can really do well for our region". 

For further information Agenzia ANSA Sardinia: big cities in Todde, Truzzu holds centre-right forts - News - Soru defeated in coastal centers after controversy over the PPR (ANSA)

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Source: ansa

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