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The terrorists wanted to assassinate the senior officials of the Palestinian Authority - and by mistake they murdered a Palestinian woman in front of her - voila! news


Highlights: Terrorists wanted to assassinate senior officials of the Palestinian Authority - and by mistake they murdered a Palestinian woman in front of her. All the details of the murderous attack at the British police junction are revealed for the first time. The terrorists created a "checkpoint" on the road, spotted an Israeli car - and started shooting. The mother of the murdered woman ran to them and shouted "We are Arabs, we are Arabs". This did not prevent the terrorist from continuing to spray brutally to ensure a kill minute by minute.

All the details of the murderous attack at the British police junction are revealed for the first time. The terrorists created a "checkpoint" on the road, spotted an Israeli car - and started shooting. The mother of the murdered woman ran to them and shouted "We are Arabs, we are Arabs". This did not prevent the terrorist from continuing to spray brutally to ensure a kill minute by minute

On video: Suspected shooting attack in Benjamin: 30-year-old shot to death in a car/according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

At the end of a branched investigation by the Shin Bet and the IDF, a serious indictment was filed in recent days against the perpetrators of the murderous shooting attack at the British police intersection at the beginning of the year in which 30-year-old Amar Mansour from East Jerusalem and 42-year-old Lara Tanos from East Jerusalem were murdered.

The defendants, Isser Barghouti, Murid Dahadha and Khaled Harouf from Ramallah, are medical professionals.

In the indictment, they are accused of committing the crimes of causing death together, disrupting investigative processes, possessing and manufacturing weapons and trafficking in state equipment after they were arrested a few hours after the shooting attack in the Ramallah district in a joint operation by the IDF, Shin Bet and Israel Defense Forces.

The indictment shows that already in 2019, the terrorist Eiser Barghouti purchased a Kalashnikov type rifle and ammunition in the amount of NIS 30,000.

The purpose of equipping them with weapons at the time was completely different from the dire result that led to the death of two civilians, it turns out that Barghouti and Dhadha planned to assassinate various senior officials at the top of the Palestinian Authority, but abandoned this idea after a period of time.

Dr. Eyser Barghouti next to Murid Dahadha, two of the terrorists in the attack at the British police junction/documentation on social networks according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

With the outbreak of the Iron Swords War, Eiser Barghouti decided to carry out a shooting attack against Israelis in the Ramallah area and approached his friend Murid Dahadha and the third defendant in the case, Khaled Harouf, each separately and shared his plans with them.

Later, Barghouti and Dehadha agreed that they would purchase the weapon to carry out the attack with Barghouti's money, and after carrying out the attack, the weapon would be transferred to his possession.

During the planning of the attack, Dahadha suggested that a relative of Barghouti's be involved in carrying out the attack, but the latter objected as well as the proposal to involve another person in carrying out the attack.

In the meantime, Barghouti managed to raise NIS 80,000 and the two travel to Qalandia and purchase an M-4 type rifle, a scope and ammunition and the two move to planning the outline of the attack.

After examining various options, the two decide to carry out the attack in Wadi Harmia at the British police junction.

Among other things, due to an escape route close to the territories of the Palestinian Authority, which will allow them to escape easily after carrying out the attack.

They also concluded that the purpose of the attack was to harm armed soldiers and settlers.

A few days before the deadly attack, on January 1, the defendants arrived in Wadi Harmia and threw stones at the road vehicles in order to hit and jump military forces in order to shoot at them.

However, the attempts to damage the vehicles fortunately did not go well, among other things due to the sparse traffic on the road on the morning of the new civil year and the two returned to their home.

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The scene of the incident/MDA

They recognized that the vehicles were not stopping at the checkpoint - and began spraying with massive gunfire

About a week later, in the early morning hours of January 7, 2024, the three terrorists arrived at Wadi Harmia with the weapon and two vehicles.

While Murid Dahadha was hiding with the weapon on the outskirts of the road, the accused Eiser Barghouti and Khaled Harouf set fire to the other vehicle in the center of the road and caused it to be blocked in order to delay the traffic on the axis and maximize the damage to Israeli citizens and soldiers.

While they were waiting for military forces that were supposed to arrive at the scene, Murid Dahadha came out of the hiding place, armed with a rifle.

The three begin to interrogate drivers who arrived at the scene, in order to make sure that they are not Jewish.

After three vehicles that were approved to pass after it turned out that they were Palestinians, Dr. Lara Tanos, a resident of East Jerusalem, arrived at the scene in a Toyota type vehicle with an Israeli license plate.

Behind her was another vehicle with her relatives and another vehicle that was trailing behind was driven by Amar Mansour, also a resident of East Jerusalem.

At this point, the terrorist Issar Barghouti who is holding a rifle, recognizes Mansour's vehicle not stopping at the road "block" and fires two bullets at him, at which point Mansour was wounded and began to bleed.

Immediately after that, Barghouti approaches Dr. Tanos' car window, knocks on the window with the rifle and shoots her in the head.

Lara's mother, who is riding in the car in the back, quickly leaves the scene while shouting at Barghouti, "We are Arabs, we are Arabs", gets into her daughter's car and quickly drives towards a hospital in Ramallah as her daughter is in serious condition.

Later, Dr. Tanos was referred to Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, where after the doctors fought for her life - she died of her injuries two weeks later.

The person murdered in the attack at the British police intersection Dr. Lara Tanos/documentation on social networks according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

The person murdered in the attack at the British police intersection Amar Mansour/documentation on social networks according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

After shooting the woman, the terrorist Murid Dahadha believed that the second victim of the attack, Amar Mansour, was still alive.

He approached his car and began to spray it with massive fire until he realized that the deceased was lifeless.

After shooting the two victims, the terrorists waited for the security forces to jump to the scene in order to shoot at them as well, but they did not arrive at the scene and some time later the three left the scene with the getaway vehicle back to their home.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Benjamin

  • shooting attack

  • shooting

  • terrorists

  • the Palestinian Authority

  • Shin Bet

  • IDF

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-27

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