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My dog ​​urinates when he is happy: why?


Highlights: Some dogs, when they are very happy or very excited, make small pees. They do not urinate strictly speaking, but let out a small stream of urine. A dog that makes a “joy pee” (or excited pee) when you come home is not doing it out of lack of cleanliness or revenge. It is a completely involuntary reflex that we find in dogs who do not know how to regulate their emotions. Any intense emotion in the dog (joy, fear, anxiety, etc.) can lead him to pee with excitement.

It happens that some dogs, when they are very happy or very excited, make small pees. They do not urinate strictly speaking, but let out a small stream of urine. What is the cause ? How to cure it ?

Your dog urinates a little when he is happy, even though he is clean.

For what ?

What is this phenomenon?

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How to explain this behavior?

A dog that makes a “joy pee” (or excited pee) when you come home is not doing it out of lack of cleanliness or revenge.

It is a completely involuntary reflex that we find in dogs who do not know how to regulate their emotions: they are simply not able to control their sphincters.

This behavior occurs in both puppies and adult dogs.

Most often, your dog will do a “happy pee” when you get home, but this can also happen when you have guests over, go for a walk, or during less happy times, such as a visit to the dog's house. veterinarian.

Any intense emotion in the dog (joy, fear, anxiety, etc.) can lead him to pee with excitement.

How to react ?

First of all, if your dog makes a “happy pee” when you come home, don’t scold him, don’t poke his nose in it, or hit him.

That would be completely unnecessary, because he's not doing it on purpose.

If the peeing is occasional, make sure that it is not due to a lack of cleanliness or too long an absence on your part (an adult dog can hold it for a maximum of 8 hours).

Also take a quick trip to your veterinarian to make sure that it is not the consequence of a pathology such as a bladder problem or a urinary infection.

Once these leads have been ruled out, try to determine what is causing the “joy pee” in your dog.

Is this your return home?

The arrival of your guests?

The leash to go for a walk?

Does your dog pee when he is happy or when he is stressed?

Knowing the trigger will allow you to work on the appropriate response.

How to cure it ?

To stop your dog from peeing with excitement, you need to teach him to channel his emotions.

Let's say your dog leaks a pee when you get home from work: ignore it when you walk out the door.

Don't look at him, don't talk to him and wait for him to calm down (this may take a while, especially at first);

once your dog has calmed down, ask him to sit to ensure his concentration;

then, congratulate him and take care of him, but without too much effusiveness so as not to increase his excitement.

Repeat this exercise, which you can apply to all situations of excitement, for as long as necessary for your dog to regain control of his mind.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-28

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