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Alberto Fernández met at the Quinta de Olivos with the brokers of the insurance business


Highlights: Alberto Fernández met at the Quinta de Olivos with the brokers of the insurance business. Héctor Martínez Sosa is a key character in the plot of the negotiation with the insurance that the official organizations paid. The man, husband of Cantero, the President's longtime secretary, benefited from million-dollar contracts with public organizations. This Thursday, La Nación published a statement from Ferná secondez in which he seeks to disassociate himself from the scandal.

Héctor Martínez Sosa and other intermediaries appear in the income records of Quinta de Olivos from the first days of Alberto Fernández's management.

Héctor Martínez Sosa, the insurance broker who

benefited from numerous contracts with public organizations during the administration of Alberto Fernández

, participated in

a meeting with other insurance intermediaries in the presidential villa of Olivos

, a meeting held less than a month after the Fernández's assumption in his management.

According to official records,

Martínez Sosa entered Olivos on January 8, 2020

at 9:36 p.m. and left the next day at 1:20 a.m.

At those same times ,

Guillermo Alonso

, Martínez Sosa's second in the company, and also

María Guadalupe Cortés

, an insurance producer, were at the Quinta.

Fernando Salim

, another insurance producer who ended up selling his company to Martínez Sosa a year after that meeting at the presidential residence, was part of the meeting, according to the income sheets to Olivos shown by Twitter user @El30se_equivoco.

It was not Martínez Sosa's only entry into the place where political power resides in Argentina.

On the night of

May 11, 2020, he spent almost an hour at the

presidential residence, and there is also an admission three days later,

on May 14


That night, Martínez Sosa arrived at the meeting with Alberto Fernández accompanied by

María Cantero

, his wife and private secretary of the then President.

An important detail: on those dates, by decision of the President, the City of Buenos Aires and the Conurbano

were still in quarantine due to the COVID pandemic

, with which Martínez Sosa could not have entered the Fifth because he does not work in any of the professions. excepted for being considered essential personnel at that time.

As Clarín revealed, Martínez Sosa is a key character in the plot of the negotiation with the insurance that the official organizations paid during Fernández's administration.

The man, husband of Cantero, the President's longtime secretary,

benefited from million-dollar contracts

with public organizations.

These businesses exploded when, in December 2021, the President published a decree that ordered all State agencies to contract the insurance they needed with Banco Nación's insurance company, Nación Seguros.

What happened is that, although state agencies were obliged to hire the services of Nación Seguros, they still did so through an intermediary, who charged commissions that reached up to 17%.

One of the intermediaries who benefited the most from these intermediations was Martínez Sosa, the broker friend of the President, who obtained the million-dollar insurance business for those who took loans from Anses.

That business reached, as Ricardo Roa revealed on Sunday in


, about $20 billion.

Anses was not the only state organization that hired Martínez Sosa.

In March 2022 - just over two months after Fernández's enabling decree - the Health Insurance Superintendence appointed Martínez Sosa as intermediary for the contracting of Nación Seguros insurance, which was managed by Alberto Pagliano, a highly trusted man of Fernandez.

The SE Mint did the same 20 days later, and the National Gendarmerie, the Ministry of Security, the Chancellery and the Federal Penitentiary Service, among other organizations, also contracted with Martínez Sosa.

This Thursday, La Nación published a statement from Fernández in which he seeks to disassociate himself from the scandal, and also from the efforts of his secretary Cantero to

make Martínez Sosa a

hiring intermediary.

"I doubt that she would do something like that; if she did, I don't endorse it; no one is going to tell you that I asked for someone; I doubt it, but I can't guarantee that she hasn't done something like that; if so, she overstepped her bounds." "said the former president about his historical assistant and wife of the broker, who also appears as a creditor of the former president in one of the Affidavits he made as a public official.

This Wednesday, the Anti-Corruption Office appeared at the federal court of Julián Ercolini - a former student of Fernández - to take a look at the complaint filed earlier by lawyer Silvina Martínez and work on the presentation of that public agency to be accepted as a complainant in the cause.

Those denounced by Martínez are Alberto Fernández and Pagliano, the former head of Nación Seguros.

In addition to the role of Martínez Sosa, Clarín's investigation revealed that another of the most benefited brokers was

Pablo Torres García

, closely related to the former Minister of Economy,

Sergio Massa


Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-29

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