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The citizen who neutralized the terrorist in my husband: "You must not go back to the concept - long weapons should be scattered" - Voila! news


Highlights: The citizen who neutralized the terrorist in my husband: "You must not go back to the concept - long weapons should be scattered" - Voila! news. In an interview with Ron Koffman and Prof. Aryeh Eldad on 103fm, Aviad Gazbar recounted the moment he realized he had been caught in an attack. "The incident was no more than fifty seconds," he said. "I heard a shot at a vending machine, I shouted to the workers to fly back."

In an interview with Ron Koffman and Prof. Aryeh Eldad on 103fm, Aviad Gazbar, the reservist who neutralized the terrorist, recounted the moment he realized he had been caught in an attack. "The incident was no more than fifty seconds," he said. "I heard a shot at a vending machine, I shouted to the workers to fly back." Tonight, the IDF mapped the home of the terrorist Muhammad of Nazareth

Mapping the home of the terrorist who carried out the attack, Ali Muhammad Mantsara/IDF spokesman

IDF soldiers tonight (Friday) mapped the home of the terrorist Muhammad Manazara, who carried out the shooting attack last night at the Baali gas station. The terrorist killed two Israeli citizens: Oriya Hartom, 16.5 years old, a resident of the Dolev settlement, and Yitzhak Zeiger, 58 years old, a resident of Shevi Shomron. Another person was injured. Difficult. During the mapping, the forces located a gun in the terrorist's house.

The terrorist Muhammad Manassera was released in 2019 from Ofer prison where he was for crimes against humanity and before serving two prison terms.

According to security sources, the terrorist is identified with Fatah, and according to Palestinian sources - Manatsara worked as an officer in the Palestinian police. The terrorist was arrested by Aviad Gazbar, a civilian serving in the reserves, and was driving a vehicle with an Israeli identification plate. Manatsara was arrested by a civilian serving in the reserves. He was driving the vehicle with an Israeli identification plate, and fired an M-16 rifle.

In addition, the IDF forces arrested during the night in the village of Deir Abu Daif in the Menashe Division a wanted person suspected of involvement in terrorist activities.

There are no casualties to our forces.

The terrorist Muhammad of Nazareth, Yishuv Ali, Benjamin, February 29, 2024/TPS

Shooting attack at a gas station, Yishuv Ali, Benjamin, February 29, 2024/TPS

"It was clear to me that it was an attack, I shouted to all the workers to fly back"

Ron Koffman and Prof. Aryeh Eldad spoke this morning on 103fm with Aviad Gazbar, a reservist and one of the owners of 'Humous Eliyahu' at the gas station, who recreated the moments when he realized he was caught in an attack until he neutralized the terrorist.

"Obviously, the pattern of action would have been different if I had had the gun, as soon as I had the M16 it gave me an advantage in terms of operating the incident," Gasbar admitted and said: "The entire incident was no more than fifty seconds, and I'm exaggerating. I heard gunshots on an automatic, there was It's clear to me that it's an attack, I shouted to all the workers to fly back. I went outside to understand the situation, of course while stepping on the weapon, and I saw two people confronting each other or rather the terrorist shooting at point blank range at someone else, when the shooting actually took place I didn't understand who, what and why" .

Gazvar continued and described what happened: "I fired one shot to the left of them, so that the terrorist would make eye contact with me. I signaled to him with my hand, 'Hi, look at me,' and as soon as he locked onto me, I triggered the incident. Within three seconds, he was already on the floor, that was enough Three or four bullets to take him down. From there I continued to scan if there was another terrorist, I saw another Israeli coming with a gun, I told him 'force me.'"

Watch: The scene of the attack at the Baali gas station

On video: Bali attack: 2 killed in a shooting at a gas station 29.02.24/TPS

Aviad Gazbar, owner of hummus Eliyahu who killed the terrorist.

Next to the head of the Binyamin Israel Gantz Council, February 29, 2024/TPS, Nadav Goldstein

"I started to turn around to see that there was no other terrorist, I saw the worker at the gas station, Dekal, who was fine, I continued on. Some kind of force arrived five seconds later, I divided it right into two squads, another minute passed, the military force arrived and I told them, 'This is yours from here.'" , reproduced.

As I recall, 8 months ago there was a shooting attack in the same arena, in which four Israelis were murdered.

Gazvar shared: "In the previous attack, unfortunately, I was in the reserves, I saw the attack live from the cameras, a feeling of helplessness like no other. We all, including me, need to wake up, understand what kind of reality we live in, and then you are actually on the alert. Let's not go back to the concept, to what used to be As soon as you are alert and understand the situation, your whole thinking changes. You need to spread out long weapons, train people as much as possible."

In conclusion, the treasurer emphasized that "the problem is within us, we are all mixed up inside each other and to say that they don't want to kill us and destroy us is a joke, it's closing our eyes. We need to open our eyes and say 'this is the reality, come on - let's protect ourselves'. Now let's start solving step by step".

More on the attack on my husband:

  • "We will draw lessons from this incident to strengthen the defense": the chief of staff visited the scene of the attack in Bali

  • "It is easy for terrorists to murder Jews here": the address for my husband's attack was on the wall

  • "A pure and straight boy": Uria Hartom, 16.5 years old, from the settlement of Dolev, was murdered in an attack on my husband

  • Ben Gvir blames the "Conception Cabinet", Smotrich calls for "settlement development": the reactions to the attack on

  • He was released from the reserves only about a week ago: Yitzhak Zeiger, 58 years old from captivity in Samaria, was murdered in an attack on

  • Tens of thousands of Israelis are entitled to a Romanian passport - check your eligibility for free

"In the last month, the security has decreased, the terrorists were waiting for this moment"

The Chief of Staff, Lt. Col. Harzi Halevi, arrived last night at the scene of the attack at the Baali gas station and held a situation assessment to strengthen security in the area, together with the commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, the commander of the Benjamin Brigade, representatives of the Central Command, the Shin Bet and the police.

The Chief of Staff met Aviad Treasurer, a reserve officer in the Givati ​​Brigade, who eliminated the terrorist, and praised his brave action that prevented a greater disaster.

"This is a serious attack, in which two Israeli civilians were killed, and we mourn their deaths. With the professional action of a reserve officer who left fighting in Gaza, the incident ended and an even greater disaster was prevented. The countermeasures effort by the security forces at the Central Command continues all the time, and we will draw the lessons from this incident to strengthen the defense".

The murders in the attack on my husband, Uriah Hartom and Yitzhak Zeiger, February 29, 2024/Official website, Yishai Simansky/TPS, according to section

The Chief of Staff at the scene of the attack in Bali, February 29, 2024/IDF spokesman

Ariel Elmaleh, chairman of the Ali settlement committee near the scene of the attack, was angry at the security system which he claims abandoned the area. "They were waiting for the army to lower the alert level here.

We see it for sure.

The entire time that the stores were open, there were forces here, for three months they were here in the field, and not a single terrorist came near here." According to him, "In the last month, the guarding decreased, the force that was here was no longer what is called a foot on the ground, but moved from place to place and the terrorists waited for a moment Elmaleh

referred to

the security of the station, which is a crowded place, and claimed that an attack could be carried out in the area at any given moment, and quite easily. "You can leave the place without fighters who are here regularly," Elmaleh said. "As soon as the movement here is free, then a terrorist with the most improvised weapon available can easily get what he wants and kill Jews."

  • More on the same topic:

  • an attack

  • shooting attack

  • pestle

  • terrorism

  • Judea and Samaria

  • War of Iron Swords

  • Gaza war

  • IDF

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-03-01

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