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They loved their work here: Baker has to close shop after 62 years


Highlights: They loved their work here: Baker has to close shop after 62 years. As of: March 1, 2024, 2:52 p.m By: Peter Loder CommentsPressSplit They all loved working in the bakery: (from left) Karl-Heinz Hahn, Gabi Köpernik, Petra Niewolik, Anita Eider with granddaughter Magdalena, Maria Reibstirn and Petra Huber. The approximately 1,900 residents of Schöngeising still have the shop on Amperstrasse.

As of: March 1, 2024, 2:52 p.m

By: Peter Loder




They all loved working in the bakery: (from left) Karl-Heinz Hahn, Gabi Köpernik, Petra Niewolik, Sigi Eider with grandson Leonhard, Anita Eider with granddaughter Magdalena, Maria Reibstirn and Petra Huber.

© Rubbrow

After 62 years, an era ends on Holy Saturday: Sigi Eider closes his bakery in Schöngeising and retires.

It is still unclear how the 60 square meter store on Amperstrasse will be used in the future.

Schöngeising – He didn’t make the decision easy for himself, says Sigi Eider.

But for health reasons he had to pull the emergency brake and therefore close his bakery.

The pretzel maestro tied his quitting to two dates: first he celebrates his 64th birthday on March 3rd, then his last working day is on March 30th.

In January 1962, parents Hildegard and Josef Eider, who died in 2013 and 2008, founded the bakery.

The bakery directly behind the shop was also Sigi Eider's nursery.

Even as a child he looked over his father's shoulder at work, and at the age of five he made his first pretzel bows.

It was already clear back then: the offspring would become a baker and take over the shop.

Tears well up in the boss's eyes

Since then, time seems to have stood still in the bakery.

Sigi Eider uses the same recipes as his father, uses the same equipment, has the same professional philosophy: “I am an emotional baker, maintain traditions and sell honestly produced goods.” That's why the bakery stays as it is - no matter what happens What happens in the store is who leases it and what industry moves in there.

As soon as this topic is broached, tears well up in Sigi Eider's eyes.

It is difficult for him to come to terms with his life's work and purpose.

Which is why he wants to continue to open the historic facility from time to time in order to make the pretzel works of art in private in the baking museum, for which customers from all over the district have traveled to Schöngeising.

Pretzels according to my father's recipe

The recipe passed down from his father isn't such a big secret.

The pretzels are not put into the oven on the tray, but simply on the stone plate.

This will make them crispy, but not hard.

“My father said: You can change everything, but not the pretzels.”

Both sons have flour dust allergies

However, the spice recipe for home bread created 56 years ago (one of 17 other varieties) is top secret.

Only journeyman Karl-Heinz Hahn, who has been working in the bakery for 16 years and “has never been sick for a single day,” is inaugurated.

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Whether this secret will be passed on to relatives working in the bakery industry in Jesenwang, Geltendorf and Puchheim after the business is closed must be discussed in the family council with the younger twin sisters Erika and Claudia (she takes care of the business accounting).

Somehow the family also includes four loyal saleswomen, about whom Eider says they are “the best thing a boss could wish for”.

Marble cake is named after the granddaughter

One thing is certain: the building on Amperstrasse remains in the family because one of the two sons lives on the first floor.

Actually, they should have continued the bakery tradition.

But both Markus (34) and Daniel (31) suffer from flour dust allergies.

Granddaughter Magdalena (3) visits her grandfather in the bakery every day and has already given a product a name: Because she distracted her grandfather, he poured too much cocoa into the marble cake.

The customers still liked it.

Therefore, the result of this recipe is now sold as “Cake Magdalena”.

Fishing on the Amper, bird breeding in the garden

This cake will soon no longer be available for purchase either.

The approximately 1,900 residents of Schöngeising still have the village shop and Michi Hofmuth's bakery on Senserweg, which is open on Thursday and Friday afternoons and all day on weekends.

Sigi Eider will be found fishing on the Amper in the future.

Or at home in the garden, where he breeds forest birds such as bullfinches and goldfinches in nine aviaries.

Rest and less stress – that’s what the doctor recommended to him a few years ago.

The bakery followed the advice and has since then only been open from Wednesday to Saturday.

Now that's too much, the osteoarthritis leaves him no choice.

Holy Saturday, March 30th, will initially be a working day like any other for Sigi Eider: at 1 a.m. he goes to the bakery, produces his goods and opens the shop door to customers at 6 a.m.

But at 12 p.m. it's over: the emotional baker closes his shop forever.

You can find even more current news from the Fürstenfeldbruck district atürstenfeldbruck.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-03-01

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