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Why study astrology: 10 reasons to understand the language of the sky


Highlights: Astrologers, consultants and fans alike all see the astral map as a path to self-knowledge. Astrologer Beatriz Leveratto says that “the future cannot be predicted” In reality, it helps us recognize life climates and understand risks and opportunities according to the planetary transits of each moment. By approaching astrology with numerology or tarot, we can awaken a sense of restorative and empowering for ourselves and others, says Leveratto. The astrologer advised, which will begin a new academic period on Monday, March 4, 2024.

Astrologers, consultants and fans see the astral map as a path to self-knowledge. Astrologer Beatriz Leveratto says that “there are more and more people studying astrology because it helps to better recognize the cycles and learning of life.”



that ancient knowledge that studies the impact of the Moon, the Sun and the planets on humans, is also a language of symbols.

The discipline that, as the Kybalión says, reminds us that “as above, so below and as outside, so inside.”

Astrologers, consultants and fans alike all see the astral map as a path to self-knowledge.


Beatriz Leveratto

, astrologer, tarot reader and director of Escuela Consideral, “there are more and more people studying astrology because they discover that this language of the sky - far from 'predicting' what is going to happen to us - helps us better recognize cycles and learning. that we go through in our lives.”

In Leveratto's opinion, there are numerous advantages and opportunities to studying astrology.

The archetypes of the planets, signs and their combinations in

a person's renowned birth chart

allow those with the concern to find tools to know themselves better.

10 reasons to study astrology

Maybe you heard of someone you know who made their birth chart and finds synchronicities around them, maybe you don't know too much but you have seen astrological memes on the networks that refer to Piscean sensitivity or Virginian perfectionism, you may even know someone who performs rituals during the nights of the full moon.

In any case, astrology is more than the horoscope that became so popular in the 20th century.

Leveratto offered his 10 reasons why he recommends studying astrology if these symbolic languages ​​have caught your attention:

1. Astrology gives us a

description of ourselves

that differs from the


that we build to go out into the world and, at the same time, it calms us because it returns us to that personal essence that we always suspect ourselves to be.

2. Understanding our own birth chart helps us understand that our life has many more


than we thought it had.

The interpretation of the birth chart helps detect our potential, says Leveratto.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

3. Astrology invites us to perceive that




are part of the same thing: destiny (everything that has happened to us) is not alien to what we deeply are.

4. The purpose of meeting others

becomes evident

: all the relationships we have, even if they seem to be found by chance, are, in truth, appointments to discover ourselves.

5. Studying astrology helps us understand that

“the future cannot be predicted”


In reality, it helps us recognize life climates and understand risks and opportunities according to the planetary transits of each moment.

If we know how to interpret the chart we can understand how a planetary transit or lunation can affect us. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

6. This discipline makes us see that

each age brings

treasures, risks



to our existence


It even marks the life cycles we go through, as we see in transits such as Saturn returns.

7. It enables us to


the meaning of what we classify as “

successes or failures

” because we discover that when the plans we desired are frustrated, unexpected gifts usually arise for the soul.

8. It allows us to see that

our natal chart does not exist in isolation

, but is part of a large constellation along with other charts (those of our family and friends).

This implies that understanding ourselves is also understanding others.

Leveratto indicates that astrology also helps us understand the energetic configuration of those around us.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

9. With this knowledge, astrology

can make us more considerate

and empathetic with our processes and those that other people go through.

10. This knowledge, supported especially by ancient archetypes,

far from ridiculing myths

or symbols, can bring relief to our concerns.

By approaching astrology, as happens for many with numerology or tarot, we can awaken a restorative and empowering sense for ourselves and others.

The astrologer, tarot reader and director of Consideral Escuela Beatriz Leveratto (on Instagram @bealeveratto) advised, which will begin a new academic period on Monday, March 4, 2024.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-03-01

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