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“Conan is from Cordoba”, the tweeters' box, the deputy who listened to the entire speech with his back turned and what was not seen from Milei's speech in Congress


Highlights: The President summoned governors to Córdoba on May 25 for "a new founding pact for the Argentine Republic" The camera focused several times on a box where many of the collaborators who deal with Government communication were present. In many videos and photos spread on social networks, Mario "Paco" Manrique is seen with his back to the President, with the chair turned around, looking at nothing. Among the "anti-caste" laws that Milei announced there are some that directly target unions. "There is a deputy who turns his back on 14 million Argentines," criticizes Juan Doe.

The opening of sessions in Congress left many pearls. For example, the President's Office tweeted with a spelling error, which it later corrected.

The "May Pact" and the "anti-caste" package of laws were the most brilliant announcements of

Javier Milei's speech at the opening of the ordinary sessions

, which also included criticism of politicians, allusions to "the forces of heaven" and other pearls that did not go unnoticed.

Among them can be counted the numerous applauses that the President received, especially from the

box in which the Government's communication team was present

, many of them former tweeters.

In addition, a deputy could be seen who, on the contrary, did not even look directly at Milei.

The president also contributed his share: among his reasons to justify calling the governors and former presidents to meet in Córdoba,

he alluded to his dog Conan


“Conan is from Cordoba”: Javier Milei's unusual explanation

The President

summoned governors to Córdoba on May 25

for "a new founding pact for the Argentine Republic" that contains, among other reforms, the change of the Federal Co-participation Law, the reduction of Public Spending up to 25% of the Product Domestic Gross, and a pension and labor reform.

Why did you choose Córdoba for the May Pact?

“Because it is the foundational place in terms of knowledge in Argentina, that is why it is La Docta.

In particular,

do not forget something very important: that Conan is from Cordoba

,” justified Milei, who did not forget his beloved dog even at the opening of ordinary sessions.

The tweeters' box

During the transmission, the camera focused several times on a box where

many of the collaborators who deal with Government communication were present.

The vast majority are renowned tweeters who have been posting in favor of Milei for years.

Among them were

Agustín Romo

, today a provincial deputy for La LIbertad Avanza, the tweeter "Gordo Dan" and

Juan Pablo Carreira, better known as Juan Doe in X,

who is now general director of Digital Communication of the Executive Branch.

In fact, the latter tweeted the image of the team.

The Communication Box.


— Juan Doe (@jdoedoe101101) March 1, 2024

A deputy with his back to Javier Milei

All eyes in Congress were, for one hour and ten minutes, on Javier Milei.

All, except those of

Mario "Paco" Manrique

, deputy secretary of the Union of Mechanics and Related Automotive Transport (SMATA) and National Deputy of Unión por la Patria (UxP).


The legislator from Unión por la Patria decided not to look at the President during the opening of sessions in Congress.

In many videos and photos spread on social networks,

Manrique is seen with his back to the President

, with the chair turned around, looking at nothing.

Among the "anti-caste" laws that Milei announced there are some that directly target unions.

Doe himself criticized it online: "There is a deputy who turns his back on 14 million Argentines."

Call with spelling error

In the document on the call for governors that the official account of the President's Office published on social networks

there is a spelling error.

It is in point 5, which

calls for the "rediscussion" instead of the "rediscussion"

of federal tax sharing.

Almost an hour later, they corrected the post.

The call to the May 25 Pact came with a spelling error.

News in development

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-03-02

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