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Hallyday, fireworks and Ave Maria: Les Sables d'Olonne have always celebrated the heroes of the Vendée Globe


LE SCAN SPORT - The city of Vendée is preparing to welcome the winner of the 2020-2021 edition this Wednesday without an audience and in silence. An atmosphere that contrasts with the exceptional popular fervor of past years.

1989-1990: no ascent of the channel for Lamazou

Titouan Lamazou, winner of the first edition in 1990.

First Vendée Globe winner in 109 days 08 hours 47 minutes and 55 seconds ahead of Loïck Peyron (Lada Poch) relegated to more than sixteen hours behind, Titouan Lamazou (Ecureuil d'Aquitaine II) crossed the finish line just after midnight under the howling sirens.

This March 15, the tide does not allow the winner to use the channel.

The navigator is therefore transhipped onto a motor boat to reach the pontoon where he is greeted as a hero by a huge crowd.


Lamazou, who took the time to shave to present himself in front of the cameras, finds his wife and children for a warm hug before getting into a police car ... towards the casino for a press conference .

"I thought it would be more discreet to arrive at night, it's completely missed," he jokes, impressed by the crowd coming to commune with him.

The spotlights will wait a little longer before going out.

He and Peyron had the right to a new walkabout and the descent of the Champs-Elysées three days later. 

1992-1993: hundreds of boats at sea for Alain Gautier

Alain Gautier, winner of the 1992-1993 edition.

Alain Gautier (Bagages Superior) killed all suspense by winning with more than six days ahead of Jean-Luc Van Den Heede (Sofap-Helvim Group).

Fresh as a roach in his red oilskin, the winner crosses the line under the sun, in the middle of the afternoon, escorted by a swarm of boats.

A happy mess.

Unlike Lamazou, he has the privilege of walking up the channel with the cheers of the crowd.

He falls into the arms of his companion Cendrine then goes to answer journalists' questions in a room in the town hall.

The excitement over, he made a point of making a passage to the port to get back on board his boat.

It's hard to break ties with this faithful companion with whom he spent 110 days at sea. 

1996-1997: Auguin and the tribute to his friend Gerry Roufs, who disappeared at sea

Christophe Auguin, winner of the 1996-1997 edition.

At the helm of Geodis, Christophe Auguin did even stronger than Gautier by winning with more than seven days ahead of Marc Thiercelin (Crédit Immobilier de France) in 110 d 02 h 22 min 35 s.

Le Normand crosses the line at 9:33 am and climbs up the triumphal channel.

He didn't have time to shave.

A large beard hides a very thin face, worn and marked by strain.

Carried away by the media whirlwind, he answers journalists' questions at length, evokes the intoxication that happiness brings but cannot help but evoke the sadness of the disappearance of his friend Gerry Roufs, at sea, during this tragic edition. also marked by the rescues of Raphaël Dinelli, Thierry Dubois and Tony Bullimore.

In the process, he needed to isolate himself with his wife, Véronique, in the cabin, away from the din, before celebrating his triumph with his team and his friends. 

2000-2001: Fireworks, flower crown for rock star Desjoyeaux

Michel Desjoyeaux, winner of the 2000-2001 edition.

After seeing Ellen McArthur come back on her heels (only 15 miles away) in the last few days, Michel Desjoyeaux (PRB) signs a night return to Les Sables d'Olonne worthy of a rock star.

The rain, the cold and the mist did not discourage the tens of thousands of spectators who came to witness the return of the hero, author of a new record, in the early evening (93 j 03 h 57 min).

Wreath of flowers around his neck as if he were landing on a Tahitian islet, smoke in his hands, fireworks (organized by his sponsor) and a giant screen to broadcast his press conference.

Just like this welcome which definitely leaves no room for improvisation in the first editions, the Vendée Globe is entering a new media dimension.

Magic of the world tour, Ellen MacArthur will also have, twenty-four hours later, the right to a reception worthy of the greatest from the French public.

The fireworks in less but with the cameras of the BBC came to broadcast live its arrival on the French coasts. 

2004-2005: a rain of parachute rockets for Riou, Le Cam dances on Johnny Hallyday

A sea of ​​oil illuminated in red by hundreds of rockets and fireworks fired from the end of the jetty: the welcome given to Vincent Riou (PRB) is magnificent in Vendée.

A well-deserved triumph, at the height of its express world tour with the same boat as Desjoyeaux (87 days 10 hours 47 minutes and 55 seconds)!

A feat achieved from his first participation.

Clean shaven for his return to Vendée, the sober Riou came to meet his runner-up Jean Le Cam, who arrived in the early hours of the morning.

The two men who have gone blow for blow in the rise of the Atlantic, savor their arm wrestling with a glass of champagne in the hand.

The image is beautiful.

The press conference of "King Jean" which will follow remained in the memories of journalists covering the ocean race: inexhaustible on all the questions interspersed with a small swig of a good Bordeaux, the Quimpérois ended with a frenzied dance on a table to the sound of songs by Johnny Hallyday.  

2008-2009: 100,000 spectators to welcome Professor Michel Desjoyeaux

Michel Desjoyeaux, winner of the 2008-2009 equition.

Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) entered the legend of the event by winning for the second time in Les Sables d'Olonne thanks to a legendary comeback.

The Forerstois crosses the finish line under a generous ray of sunshine which makes his return a little more magical to the 100,000 spectators who came to party despite a beggarly cold.

An attendance record to celebrate a new benchmark: 84 days 03 hours 09 minutes and 08 seconds.

Armel Le Cléach (Brit Air) is postponed to nearly five days.

The end of the course of the young sea wolf (31 years old) is an ordeal with winds up to 60 knots faced with a diminished physique.

Forced to ration himself since passing Cape Horn, Le Cleac'h ended up on his knees and was reduced by 8 kilos. 

2012-2013: François Gabart, “the Little Prince of the oceans” awaited with Ave Maria de Gounod

François Gabart, winner of the 2012-2013 edition.

Three hours and seventeen minutes separate François Gabart (Macif, winner in 78 d 02 h 16 min 40 s) from Armel Le Cléac'h (Banque Populaire) his runner-up.

The two men signed a final of madness which the blond thirty-something will finally emerge victorious.

Henriette, the companion of the "Little Prince of the oceans" is on the verge of falling into the sea by joining her darling with misty eyes on the deck of the boat.

Michel Desjoyeaux, his mentor, also invites himself on board to take his foal in his arms.

On the ground, thousands of balloons distributed in the colors of Gabart's sponsor stir, making the arrival wonderfully festive.

The emotion reaches its climax when a singer sings Gounod's Ave Maria in the port.

A short but precious moment of grace.

The crowd remained in place to welcome a few hours later the inevitably disappointed favorite, Armel Le Cléac'h, who was entitled to a sumptuous fireworks display as a consolation.  

2016-2017: Le Cléac'h, tears and the loss of voices

Armel Le Cleac'h winner of the 2016-2017 edition.

Four years after his second place, the "Jackal"

Armel Le Cléac'h (Banque Populaire VIII) holds his revenge by winning in 74 days 03 hours 35 minutes and 46 seconds, with 16 hours ahead of Alex Thomson (Hugo Boss).

A polar cold awaits the winner slipped into his yellow overalls, mittens in his hands.

The Finistérien can not prevent the tears from falling in front of the cameras.

Mentally, the end of the race was extremely trying with a Welshman who never released the pressure.

It wasn't until he was on the ground that his body let go.

After a (very) drenched night, the new Vendée Globe master caught a cold snap.

It was with a stubborn loss of voice that he toured the TV sets in Paris.

Read also

  • The mayor of Sables d'Olonne calls out to Macron and asks for "a little humanity when the sailors return"

Source: lefigaro

All sports articles on 2021-01-26

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