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Worth holding a whistle: how much does a referee earn in the NBA? | Israel today


Highlights: The salary of NBA referees ranges from $180,000 to $550,000. A starting judge can reach a salary of about a quarter of a million dollars. Senior umpires receive $3,500 per game in the regular season. The highest paid umpire in 2023 is James Capers who reportedly earned $ 550,000 for the year, including about $9,000 per playoff game, according to U.S. data. We would appreciate it if you found an error in the article and shared it with us.

Travel expenses, healthcare, retirement plans and an annual salary ranging from $180,000 to $550,000 • And how much did the highest paid judge receive in 2023?

Last week we published the salary of basketball referees in Israel, and this week we are checking how much a referee earns in the NBA, the best basketball league in the world.

All comparisons are the sole responsibility of the readers.

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According to the data published in the United States, in the last year the salary of the NBA referees ranged from 180 thousand dollars to 550 thousand dollars.

A starting judge can reach a salary of about a quarter of a million dollars.

On average, it is about 600 dollars per game in the regular season.

Senior umpires receive $3,500 per game in the regular season.

In the playoffs, the judges' salary ranges from 800 to 5,000 dollars per game.

Beyond the salary for each game, NBA referees enjoy a variety of benefits that include health care, retirement plans and travel expenses that can reach tens of thousands of dollars a year due to the many flights.

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The highest paid umpire in 2023 is James Capers who reportedly earned $550,000 for the year, including about $9,000 per playoff game.

Kuipers has been on the basketball courts in the USA for 28 seasons and has officiated over 1,500 games, some of them in his early days as a high school basketball referee. 

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Source: israelhayom

All sports articles on 2024-01-31

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