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“I no longer recognize her”: the heartfelt cry of Naïma, mother of a player attacked after a football match


Highlights: Sasha, 16, was attacked by a player manager of AS Beauvais Oise (ASBO) during an anonymous Hauts-de-France Regional 1 match on January 27. The player was taken to hospital with head trauma. The two co-presidents of the ASBO, Guillaume Godin and Sylvain Reghem, resigned on Tuesday. The Picardy club had also filed a complaint for defamation against Jean-Baptiste Gallen, the president of the Roubais club.

Sasha was attacked on January 27 after a match between the under-18s of Roubaix and Beauvais. Her mother, Naïma, came out of

She was very afraid for her daughter.

Her mother's heart broke when she saw Sasha, 16, on the ground after a football match.

Attacked by a player manager of AS Beauvais Oise (ASBO) during an anonymous Hauts-de-France Regional 1 match between the under-18s of RC Roubaix-Wervicq and the Picard club on January 27, the player was taken to hospital with head trauma.

If Naïma (52 years old) decided to testify, it was to avoid reliving such a nightmare on a football field.

While awaiting the sporting and criminal consequences, events came to a head this Tuesday with the surprise resignation of the two co-presidents of the ASBO, Guillaume Godin and Sylvain Reghem.

The Picardy club had also filed a complaint for defamation against Jean-Baptiste Gallen, the president of the Roubais club, after a video posted the day after the attack on its player.

In it, the Roubais president affirmed that Sasha had been attacked by an adult from the ASBO.

A fact that the Picard club firmly contests, stating that the leader in question was a minor.

“It’s serious to say that an adult from Beauvais hit a 16-year-old girl,” explained Sylvain Reghem.

People are trying to say that ASBO is a thug club.

Fortunately we have videos to prove our good faith.

These are two 16-year-old players who fought.

Of course, this is regrettable.

I don't want to minimize the facts.

But there is nothing at all.


The resignation of the two Beauvais presidents on Tuesday therefore caused Jean-Baptiste Gallen to react.

“We file a complaint and then resign, it’s quite curious,” underlines the northern boss.

As if ghosts had attacked me…” Naïma has no opinion on this resignation.

“The only thing that matters to me is my daughter, the rest…”

How is your daughter, Sasha?


Physically, things are better.

She has still been taking painkillers for ten days.

Her head still hurts.

My neck is still painful but it's mainly mentally that I'm worried.

The doctor also diagnosed acute post-traumatic stress.

The noise frightens him.

She returned to classes smoothly.

We put her under cover for a bit to allow her to recover.

Can you describe Sasha and his relationship to football?

This is where it’s complicated for her.

We have touched her passion since she was very little.

She started playing football at 4 years old.

His big brother, Noé, also did it to follow their father who was a football fan.

As much as it didn't work with Noé, Sasha was immediately hooked.

What type of teenager is your daughter?

He's a discreet person.

She doesn't like to put herself forward too much.

So obviously, at the moment, she is the center of attention of many people, of the club, of her teammates.

She's not used to this and it makes her uncomfortable.

Can you tell us what happened on this famous Saturday January 27 at the Vélodrome stadium in Roubaix?

With other parents, I was in the stands, like at every match, to see my daughter.

I attended a rather violent match.

We had the impression that the girls from Beauvais were there to strike.

We won 3-0 but we really weren't calm.

After the meeting, we felt that the kids were looking for each other.

So, I went down to the field to tell my daughter not to hang around and to quickly go into the locker room.

There was a crowd and when I arrived, I saw my daughter on the ground.

“There, the leader of Beauvais kicked him several times in the head.


Did you see your daughter being attacked?

Personally, no.

But moms and Sasha told me afterwards.

And that sends shivers down your spine.

Sasha told me that two girls were arguing.

She tried to separate them.

But she was pushed and found herself on the ground.

There, the leader of Beauvais kicked him several times in the head.

How did you react ?

I was terrified.

My first reaction was to find the manager of Beauvais.

I wanted to know exactly what happened.

But I was prevented from doing so.

We were afraid she would attack me too.

Then my daughter started feeling nauseous and started vomiting.

And she had a very bad headache.

So, his father, who was a match delegate and I, took him to the emergency room at the CHR in Lille.

What diagnosis was made?

Head trauma and neck pain.

The next day, we were filed a complaint for assault.

Then we were directed to the forensic unit, still at the Lille CHR.

A total incapacity for work (ITT) of six days was issued.

Which is huge.

Was she able to resume classes?

She resumed this Monday after a week of absence.

Sasha is in her first year in a sports-study high school in the football section.

His sports teacher, who is also his coach in Roubaix, as well as the teaching staff did everything to facilitate his recovery.

But the problem is that she is in boarding school.

She was happy to be there with her friends.

But since his attack, this is no longer possible.

For what ?

During the day when her mind is busy, it's pretty much okay.

But in the evening, it's complicated.

She can't stay in boarding school any longer.

She sleeps at home.

Or at least she tries because she has a lot of nightmares.

She relives the last moments of her attack over and over again.

Particularly when the leader of Beauvais gained momentum to deliver a final kick to his head.

Luckily, we were able to stop her before she gave it to him.

I don't know what would have happened if she had received it.

How does she express her discomfort?

Fortunately, she verbalizes a lot.

She doesn't understand how an adult could hit her on the ground.

For her, adults are models and are examples for teenagers.

All these benchmarks are turned upside down.

I no longer recognize my daughter.

Like all teenagers, she gets up at midday when she doesn't have classes.

However, since her attack, she has been up at 7:30 a.m.

“It could have been even worse.

Somewhere, my daughter had a star above her head”

The Beauvais club assures that the manager was a minor...

All the mothers assured me that my daughter's attacker was not a teenager but an adult.

But ultimately, that doesn't make much difference to the violence of the attack my daughter suffered.

How did she experience Saturday's match against Amiens?

It was an emotional moment for her.

Her teammates paid tribute to her and dedicated their goal to her.

We were a little afraid to see how Sasha would react when she returned to the scene of her attack.

Finally, she was able to overcome her apprehension.

She also resumed a training session this Monday.

We were afraid she would have a phobia about football.

Why did you agree to testify?

So that there are no more Sashas.

It could have been even worse.

Somewhere, my daughter had a star above her head.

After this traumatic event, we received unwavering support from the club, from the parents of the other players, from Jean-Baptiste Gallen, the president, and from David Devogel, his coach.

Talking about family is not overused in this situation.

This kindness feels good and we don't feel alone and I thank them very much.

Ironically, this Saturday, Roubaix must play at… Beauvais.

Are you planning to go there?

Obviously we won't travel.

There is no question of crossing their path again...

Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2024-02-07

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